Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 360 The Death of Peter

Barty Crouch's eloquent words left many people overwhelmed, including Cornelius Fudge.

In the previous negotiations, Barty Crouch's exclusion from the Wizengamot Tribunal was something that had been discussed long ago. However, that would have to wait until the trial of Pettigrew Peter was over and all the dust had settled. The Ministry will push public opinion to let Barty Crouch bear the consequences of the wrongful trial of Sirius.

This kind of exclusion is of a punitive nature, and it is an explanation given by the Ministry to the residents of the magic world, but now, old Batty actually announced directly in the trial court that he would quit the Wizengamot. Repulsion in general!

what a smart man--

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Amosta would have applauded old Batty.

Some of Barty Crouch's words and actions today can't fool the truly smart people, but he has kept the hearts of the people and the approval rate in the Ministry and the magic world, and this is his confidence to come back.

At this moment, even Amosta was thinking about whether a Minister of Magic with this personality would be more inspiring if the war started, but he immediately denied his judgment.

Barty Crouch is indeed tough and intelligent, but judging from various performances, he is too arbitrary, such a person will not be easily disturbed by him, and Amelia Bones, in comparison, It will be easier to value his opinion.

Barty Crouch strode out of the courtroom in full view, leaving the members of the Wizengamot silently looking at each other.

"Hey, don't go, Crouch!"

Sirius thought that old Batty was just targeting him, he jumped up from the stool and shouted angrily at Crouch's back,

"I didn't lie, and I didn't commit any evil crimes. I just wanted to forgive James and Lily's death!"


Neither Dumbledore nor Amostar wanted to get involved in the fierce political struggle within the Ministry of Magic, but they certainly couldn't just sit back and watch Sirius being sent to Azkaban by the Wizengamot.

On this occasion, Dumbledore obviously had the right to speak. When he stood up, everyone knew that he was here to make the final decision.

Dumbledore ordered Sirius to shut up, then, turning to face the trial seat,

"With regard to Mr. Barty Crouch's final allegations, as far as I know, after Sirius was detained by the Ministry of Magic, he was interrogated by the Auror Office for three weeks. The interrogation process did not reveal Sirius' past. There are egregious criminal facts--"

said Dumbledore calmly, looking at Ms. Burns.

Amelia knew that she needed to speak for herself now, and she also turned to face the jury,

"Albus is right. The experienced Aurors in the Auror Office of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement used a variety of interrogation methods other than Veritaserum and memory extraction to confirm that Sirius Black did not break the law. Illegal The facts of the crime outside of the Animagus."


Dumbledore nodded politely at Ms. Bones, and continued,

"I don't think Sirius Black is legally responsible in the matter of the Potters. Of course, we agree that he is an illegal Animagus not licensed by the Ministry of Magic. Has the Ministry decided to target that? Sue, Connelly?"

"What. Oh, Animagus, I - we decided not to prosecute, Albus. But, well, we'll fine you."

Connelly was still annoyed by Batty's performance, when he suddenly heard Dumbledore calling his name, and stammered.


Dumbledore suddenly raised his voice, and he consulted in a loud voice,

"Now a show of hands--Sirius Black is not guilty and free from any charges please raise your hands!"

Dumbledore himself immediately raised his hand, and people like Amostar, Amelia, and Fudge also raised their hands afterward.

There was a wave of waves on the trial seat, the wizards from the first row to the last row stood up one after another, raising their hands one by one, Sirius swallowed, he stood watching from the stage, every time His heart beats hard when someone raises his hand.

When he first came out of Azkaban, he didn't care at all whether he would be avenged or freed, but during this time, the days he spent with Remus and Amosta gradually made him ignite. Enthusiasm for life. Especially, he has to take responsibility, doesn't he, James and Lily's child—Little Harry, is still waiting for him to take care of!

"Forty-two seats in favor, three seats abstained!"

Eric Munch, who was transferred because of Amostar, announced the result with a slightly trembling voice.

"Very good!"

Dumbledore said cheerfully, he looked at Sirius who was excited and blushed in the audience,

"Acquitted of all charges, you were acquitted by the Wizengamot, Sirius—"

"Oh, thank you!"

Sirius grinned almost to the size of his doggy form, and he clenched his fist and shook it hard.

At the moment when Dumbledore announced Sirius' innocence, the atmosphere in the heavy and solemn trial court suddenly became active, and the eyes of many members looking at Sirius returned to the curiosity they had at the beginning. It is not that no one wants to go down and Chat with Sirius. After all, he is the only direct descendant of the Black family and a natural nobleman. However, Amosta Bryan has already walked in front of Sirius Black first.

"Congratulations on your freedom, Sirius—"

Amosta patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Thanks to you, Amosta!"

Sirius pursed his lips and said gratefully, "If it weren't for you, I mean, you found me in the Shrieking Shack, I don't know what would have happened!"

"I hope you can act more rationally in the future-"

Amosta said, and at this time, Dumbledore also finished his greetings with Fudge, he strode over, smiling gently,

"I went to St. Mungo's before coming here. Remus cares about you very much. I think you can meet him later and tell him the happy result yourself."

"I will, Dumbledore,"

Sirius took a breath, with excitement in his tone,

"I have to say, it feels good not to have to hide the head and the tail. This result is indeed gratifying. Of course, Peter is still alive."


The trial was over, and after exchanging greetings with familiar people, the members of the Wizengamot were about to leave, but at this moment, the closed iron door of the trial court was pushed open from the outside with a bang.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Dawlish, who had just escorted Pettigrew Peter away, broke in. He was wearing a tattered robe, his face was muddy, blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth, and he looked terrified.

Amosta's eyelids moved slightly, and the corners of his mouth moved imperceptibly.

"Peter Pettigrew is dead!"

Dawlish's words were like a boulder thrown into the water, causing an uproar.

Many people asked what was going on at the same time, and Fudge even jumped off the high platform, ran to Dawlish and grabbed him by the collar, shaking him crazily.

"Calm down, Connelly!"

Dumbledore left the absent-minded Sirius, strode up to Dawlish, and said in a calm voice,

"Please tell me what happened, Dawlish. Could it be that the dementors in Azkaban are out of control?"

"No—no—not Azkaban—"

Dawlish said in a daze,

"We just escorted Peter to the room containing the Portkey in the Department of Mysteries, and we are going to escort him to Azkaban. Someone tampered with the Portkey. The other end is not Azkaban, but a barren mountain. ridge."

Having said this, Dawlish widened his eyes in horror,

"We realized something was wrong and prepared to Apparate away, but, but—a giant skeleton as tall as a mountain appeared, and it slapped it down, and we all avoided, and... Pettigrew Peter. "

Dawlish reached into his pocket tremblingly, and took out a bloody finger,

"This is the last of him"

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