Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 391: Teaching Assistant

It was raining heavily outside the castle, and the dull sound of falling rain that lasted for a day tormented people's nerves, but in the foyer separated by a door, it fell into an eerie silence.

Neville's current movements were like what Harry had seen on TV, the pitcher of the baseball team, he kept the motion of throwing the water polo motionless, and Neville's round face, which had been much thinner, was still He was dazed, as if he hadn't even realized what he had just done.

"Oh, damn it, so handsome!"

Ginny, who had witnessed the cause and effect, had little stars in her eyes. She looked at Neville below with great interest, and whispered to herself.

Harry, who was right beside him, couldn't help showing a strange expression. Ron's little sister has always admired him very much, which is almost known to everyone, but today, she actually praised another boy in front of her today. Of course, Harry must admit that just now Neville The instant reaction is really cool, but,

That's Neville!

After three years of Snape's spare no effort to publicize, Neville's clumsiness is well known even in the other grades of the other three colleges, but what happened to the neat, handsome, and one-stop movement of catching and throwing the ball just now? ?

"Neville brat!"

Others were still surprised by Neville's astonishing performance, but Peeves reacted first, it took Neville's throw just now as a provocation, and started to get angry!

Peeves took off his hat with the bell on it. The space in this hat was like the classroom where they had a physical education class. It had an unusual space. Peeves' hands were left with afterimages, and it took out water polos from its hat incessantly, and there was a crackling sound like the explosion of a firecracker in the hall.

"Oh, help!"

Now Neville's reaction was much more normal. He looked panicked, like other little wizards who were still in the hall and couldn't escape in time, dodging Peeves' water polo in a panic.


Seeing Neville who was handsome for no more than three seconds, the little stars in Ginny's eyes disappeared. She shrugged her shoulders, and the corners of her mouth moved,

"This is the Neville I know."


The stone railing on the second floor became Hermione's expression was still dignified, she stared at Neville with shining eyes, and reminded in a low voice, "I don't know if you have noticed--"


Harry answered in the affirmative.

The water-soaked marble floor tiles were as smooth as ice, and the others couldn't dodge effectively in this environment. In fact, they couldn't even stand up. Although Neville staggered and couldn't move Handsome, but never fell down once from the beginning to the end.

After all, the water-soaked marble floor tiles are as wet and slippery as the mucus of a big dung egg. In order to avoid close contact with the stinking fecal egg mucus on the face and the ground, every little wizard in the physical education class tried his best to avoid falling down.

"It's working a bit, isn't it?"

They were watching Neville intently, but the sudden voice behind them startled the three of them.

"Oh, Professor Blaine, sorry, I didn't notice you!"

Hermione said apologetically.

Harry, on the other hand, tensed up nervously, with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

During this period of time, Harry has been blaming Professor Dumbledore and Professor Bryan because of the broken dream of moving out of the Dursleys, and even full of resentment towards Sirius who broke his promise.

"I'm here for dinner—" Professor Blaine said with a smile, "How about you?"

"We--" Hermione pointed to the rain curtain at the door with her eyes, "We used to finish today's running exercises before dinner, but Peeves blocked the door."

Professor Brian nodded slightly. He shook his sleeves, held the slipped wand and waved it lightly. The water polo that Peeves had just shot ignited a golden flame with a bang, and was scorched by the flames. Black smoke rose from the orange bow tie on Peeky's nose.

"who is it!"

Peeves shrieked, looking around quickly with fierce eyes.

"Who interrupted Lord Peeves to punish the disobedient little wizard!"

When he saw Professor Brian on the platform on the second floor, whose arm hadn't fallen yet, Peeves' expression changed in the blink of an eye, from unscrupulous to polite,

"It's the venerable Professor Brian!" Peeves stood upright with his funny, short and fat body, "What are your orders?"

Peeves' amused look overwhelmed Harry, and he started giggling.

As we all know, the only thing Peeves fears in Hogwarts is the ghost of Slytherin, the Bloody Baron. On weekdays, Peeves has always been domineering, and even Professor Dumbledore doesn't respect him very much. However, since Professor Brian wiped out Greyback's pack of werewolves, there is one more person who keeps his word.

"I don't have any orders, Peeves--" Professor Blaine smiled gently, "I just want to ask you not to make trouble?"


Peeves made a strange salute, then slipped through the ceiling and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Okay, problem solved." Professor Bryan said happily, "I'm going down to have dinner, please go ahead—oh, seriously, I'm really hungry, and some things are taking up my energy , I seem to have forgotten today's lunch."

After saying that, Professor Brain walked down the stairs on his own, but when he got to the middle of the stairs, Professor Brain stopped suddenly. He turned his head and looked at Hermione. After thinking for a while, he pointed at Hermione raised his chin,

"There is no class tonight, Miss Granger. If the time is convenient, I would like to ask you to come to my office before eight o'clock."

Hermione opened her mouth, and before she could find the reason why Professor Brian summoned her, Professor Brian said the same thing to Neville in the hall,

"And you, Mr. Longbottom, I hope you will be here then."

"It's not special training, is it?"

Neville, who was drenched in water, turned pale. He looked at Hermione who was walking downstairs, and said anxiously.

"Don't be stupid, Neville." Ginny said dryly, "If you need special training, none of us can escape."

The torrential rain has not stopped, and the water surface of the Black Lake has jumped over the embankment and rushed onto the lawn. The rumbling roar of the turbulent water waves hitting the cliff bank is like thunder, which makes the little wizards in the castle feel blocked.

When the time came to 7:50, Hermione and Neville appeared on the third floor where Professor Bryan's office was located, and the two of them ran into another person here——Luna Lovegood.

Luna was a little wizard in the second grade, one grade lower than them, but because of the physical education class taught by Brian, she was already acquainted with several people from Gryffindor College.

"Good evening--"

Luna was wearing a necklace made of beer bottle caps, she was the first to spot Hermione and Neville coming from the other side of the corridor, and raised her hand to greet him.

"Good evening, Luna--" Hermione's eyes flicked over Luna's weird necklace, and her delicate brows were slightly frowned.

Hermione didn't know how Professor Flitwick would allow Luna to dress up like this all the time. If she were in Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall would definitely have something to say.

The most important thing between friends is proportion. Hermione didn't express any opinion on Luna's decoration, but her eyes were slightly confused.

"Professor Brian asked you to come, didn't he, did he tell you the purpose of calling us?"

"He didn't say—"

Luna's silver eyes were full of bewilderment, but her tone was very sincere,

"I guess he's trying to teach us the magic of repelling the harassing gadfly."

Hermione and Neville looked at each other, tacitly keeping silent.

"But I think he's wasting his time—" Pushing open the door of the office, Luna made another movement like chasing moths, "There is no trick to deal with this creature, we just have to get used to it."

The sudden torrential rain caused the temperature to drop sharply, and the fireplace in the office was burning with red charcoal.

Professor Blaine sat behind his desk, propped his cheeks with his hands, and looked at the pile of parchment on the table with a painful expression.

Hermione was so familiar with this expression, whenever Harry and Ron couldn't make their history of magic papers reach the required length, or faced the prophecy of their own fate requested by Professor Trelawney, he The two also have this expression.

"sit down--"

Professor Blaine threw the quill into the inkwell and gestured an invitation to the three of them.

As she approached the office, Hermione quickly glanced at the messy documents on Professor Brian's desk, and found that a huge piece of parchment seemed to be a bird's-eye view of the school, and the top part of another stack of parchment In the upper right corner of Zhang, there is a small piece that seems to be Madam Pomfrey's photo?

"You must be wondering why I came here for you, so I'll make a long story short--"

Professor Brian waved his wand, and three cups of steaming pumpkin juice were placed in front of them.

Amosta rubbed the sore brows, and said to the three little guys,

"Because of some things, I'm about to leave Hogwarts for a period of time. I don't know when I'll be back, but when I'm away, I need to ensure that the physical education class can go on smoothly, so—"

Amosta spread his hands,

"I want you to serve as teaching assistants for physical education. What do you think?"

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