Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 665 The End

Amosta left Harry, the three of them and the three house elves behind, and wandered under the blue stone wall. Thousands of years later, this stone wall was still blowing out cold wind, turning this terrifying and gloomy road. The temperature in the corridor is controlled at an extremely low level.

No need to think too much about who left the magic on the wall. Although it is claimed that 'love' can awaken the yearning for freedom and self in the soul of a house elf, the reality is definitely not that simple.

Otherwise, the benevolent Helga Hufflepuff would not only save the house elf named Kiki, but turn a blind eye to other individuals of this group living in Hogwarts, and based on the house elf's The tradition of elves left this corridor.

Amosta's fingertips brushed against the wall, and from time to time he tapped the wall lightly. His penetrating gaze seemed to penetrate the barrier of the wall and see the scene behind it.

Harry looked at Professor Braine who was exploring something with awe. He had never seen the wizard exploring like this. He only used his eyes to see and not used his hands, instead of waving his wand and casting a few spells. . However, Harry had known for a long time that what made the bells ring and the smoke rise were usually the characteristics of lower-level people, rather than the style of experts.

"Behind this wall--"

The depressing environment and Professor Blaine's previous warning in the illusion prevented Hermione from asking questions loudly. She spoke carefully and looked at Professor Blaine, who seemed to have understood the research and was standing in front of the wall, meditating.

"Do you think the office we saw earlier belonged to Ms. Hufflepuff?"

"Yes, it's still behind this wall."

"Are you going to open it again!"

Ron looked forward to it. Although this bizarre adventure was amazing, it was not dangerous. If the office of the founder of Hufflepuff House was revealed again, it would probably cause an uproar!

"Can you do it?"

Ron continued to ask.

Under the gaze of several people, Professor Blaine pondered for a moment, and then, unexpectedly, he shook his head,

"It's not difficult to open this wall, Ron, but I don't want to do it if it's not necessary-" Amosta took a few steps back, stared at the wall, and said before Harry and the other two asked. Got the reason,

"This will destroy the magic in the wall. Of course, this is not the most important thing. Ms. Hufflepuff has revealed to us what she thinks is the most valuable information. No matter what the reason is, since she has blocked her work and living space, out of respect for the founder of Hogwarts, I think it’s better not to open it, come to think of it.”

Suddenly thinking of something, Amosta turned his head and looked at Harry and the others.

"Ruijia told me that the moment you touched this wall, you were attracted to it. Can you tell me more details? What was the situation at that time?"

specific sitiuation?

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other. Although they didn't quite understand what Professor Blaine was looking for, Harry still said truthfully,

"It's me, Professor—"

Harry gasped a few times, and his green eyes flashed with heart palpitations under the fluorescent light.

"We came to the end of this corridor and found this wall. Well, I thought something was wrong. Maybe there was something hidden behind this wall, so we approached the wall to check-"

Harry swallowed and recalled carefully,

"When I touched this wall, the wall suddenly became soft, and then I felt a hand inside the wall pulling me in."

"Half of Harry's body is embedded in the wall -"

Hermione also said with lingering fear,

"So I quickly grabbed his hand. Ron rushed up and grabbed my robe, but it was useless. There was a strong force that attracted the three of us in. Dom and Dobby wanted to save us. Then they were also controlled, and I asked Ruijia to find you before entering the wall."

Amosta nodded thoughtfully. It was the same feeling as when he touched the wall. A strong force imprisoned him and dragged him in.

"That is to say--"

Amosta narrowed his eyes and looked at Harry.

"Other than Harry, you didn't really touch the wall?"

After a few seconds of silence, Harry, who was shrouded in Professor Blaine's gaze, nodded uneasily.

His eyes glanced at the gold watch on Harry's wrist that he had given him, and Amosta, who had some guesses in his mind, nodded slowly.

"Let's go--"

After breathing a sigh of relief, Amosta said to the three Harrys who were implicated,

"The adventure is over. Everyone, there is no reason for us to stay here and endure the cold. Let's go out first, and then I have something to tell you--"

It must be said that the sense of security brought by Professor Brain's presence is indescribable. The three Harrys followed Professor Blaine. As long as they looked at the thin but upright back, they passed by the elf heads with terrifying expressions on the stone walls on both sides of the corridor again. There was almost no fear in their hearts, but more of a lack of understanding of this behavior and pity for the house elves.

When Amosta led a group of people to emerge from the cold stove, late at night, the already quiet kitchen suddenly became noisy again.

These house elves seem to have special abilities. Not to mention the elves who were left to look after the stove, the elves sleeping on the floor and next to the stove seemed to immediately sense the presence of wizards nearby, and one by one they woke up from their sleep. He woke up in a panic and rushed to Amosta, bowed and humbly asked if he needed service.

Under such circumstances, Amosta could not explain anything to them. After waving away these elves, Amosta led them out of the kitchen.

Returning to the warm corridor outside the kitchen filled with delicious food paintings, Harry and the others felt as if they were in another world. Maybe they had only been in the kitchen for two hours, but the strange experience they had just experienced had exhausted their energy. mind.

Amosta also saw the fatigue of several people. He looked around to make sure there were no students, and then he said simply,

"Let me just say it straight, everyone, I think you all realize that what you just saw in Ms. Hufflepuff's office is very important."

Ron opened his mouth and shrank his head a little guilty.

To be honest, the experience just now was indeed very wonderful. It can be ranked among all the incredible events they encountered in the three and a half years they entered Hogwarts. They witnessed an amazing history, but it was important. After all, it was a thousand years ago, wasn't it? In Ron's opinion, no matter what crisis the Big Four had encountered, it should have been resolved. Whether it's the dementors or the scary door or the coordinates or the sacred artifacts, in terms of excitement, it's not as exciting as Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw and Godric Gryffindor having a child!

"Whether it's the three of you or you--" Amosta glanced at the three Harrys, and then looked seriously at the three elves, "I don't want you to mention to others what you saw during this experience. everything of."


Ron said a little disappointed,

"No one can tell?"


Harry and the other three thought that Professor Blaine would sternly emphasize his request again. However, they did not particularly understand the significance of Professor Blaine's request for confidentiality. At least from Harry's point of view, if people knew about evil dementors, The reason why creatures obey the orders of the Ministry of Magic is due to Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw, then Hogwarts will definitely become famous!

But I didn’t expect that after Professor Blaine pondered for a moment,

"If one day, Principal Dumbledore takes the initiative to ask about it, it's not impossible to say."

Professor Dumbledore took the initiative to ask, but he didn't know, didn't he? Professor Brain clearly prohibited them from talking about this matter with others unless he told Professor Dumbledore first?

Hermione's eyes flickered, many thoughts swirling in her mind.

"Besides, I don't think you have forgotten the instructions I gave you in Ms. Hufflepuff's office before, right?"

Professor Brain asked solemnly.

Harry was confused for a moment, and then he immediately remembered the name.

Seeing the three little guys agreeing one after another, Amosta nodded with satisfaction. He looked at the three elves, hesitated, and decided to give up his plan to do anything to them.

These house elves belonging to Hogwarts must follow his orders, and some of Dumbledore's warnings on the way back from the centaur elder Horne still make sense.

"Then go back quickly"

Amosta rubbed his brows, looking slightly tired. For him, tonight's harvest was too great, and he also needed to rest and think carefully.


Hermione blinked in surprise and hesitated to speak, while Harry and Ron, who knew her well, winked at her desperately.

"What's wrong?"

Amosta asked strangely.

"Punishment." Hermione took a deep breath, her face flushed, and hesitantly said, "I - we violated school rules, Professor -"

"Oh, this matter-"

Amosta patted his forehead and glanced at the dejected Harry and Ron with a smile. After thinking about it,

"Then go clean the classroom. You three will be responsible for the cleanliness of the physical education classroom after each class before the Christmas vacation. No magic is allowed--"

"Does it have to be this way?"

Looking at Professor Blaine who was flying away, Harry looked at Hermione and said sadly.

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