Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 427 421 Durmstrang Magic School

Chapter 427 421. Durmstrang Magic School

After hearing the news that Dudley and the others planned to come to Durmstrang for a few months for exchange and study, Viktor immediately dropped everything he was doing and came over. By the way, he was already a seventh-grade student and would be graduating this year. To graduate.

As for the job after graduation, naturally he will be a professional Quidditch player for the Bulgarian team.

With the arrival of Viktor, Karkaroff was the one who led Dudley and the others to visit and explain, and Karkaroff arranged dormitories for them.

From the big lake in the mountains to the castle of Durmstrang (the castle is warmer than outside because of the magic spell), I introduced them while walking and showed them the locations of the classrooms of various subjects. Along the way, Durmstrang The Trung students looked at Dudley and the others curiously, especially involuntarily focusing on Dudley, Neville and Harry.

In addition to being good at black magic, Durmstrang is also good at various forms of martial arts and magic. Therefore, the strength of the students here is directly proportional to their body size. The bigger the body, the stronger the strength. Unfortunately, there is really no one in the same grade. Not even Harry or Neville could compare to Dudley's size.

Viktor is already considered the strongest of the group, still slightly inferior to Harry and Neville.

"Your bodies have become much stronger."

Viktor looked at Neville's pecs with envy.

‘If I were to play Quidditch with this physique, I would definitely be able to play any position. ’

"If you don't mind, Krum, you can join us for morning exercises starting tomorrow." Dudley invited Viktor: "As a wizard, you must have a good body."

Viktor was overjoyed when he heard this, and naturally he happily agreed without noticing the strange expressions of Harry and others next to him. The poor child didn't know what kind of training he was about to face.

Several classmates who came with Viktor were full of envy. They also wanted to join. After all, the rule here is that strong equals power. Unfortunately, it was the first time they met and they didn’t know how to speak. They had better look at the power first. I'll find a way to join in after Kedor's training.

Harry and others silently hoped that Viktor could hold on longer, so that with one more person to share the firepower, they would feel more relaxed.

It wasn't even time for the dinner yet, so Viktor simply took everyone around the school.

While visiting, Dudley and Hermione briefly observed the overall level of magic among the students at Durmstrang School, and concluded that it was not as good as Hogwarts, and that the fifth-year students at Hogwarts were absolutely over the top. I won’t make comparisons for the first time, but it is not as good as other grades.

The overall level is slightly lower than Hogwarts.

I heard that during Karkaroff's administration, because he encouraged the prevalence of a culture of fear and intimidation, Durmstrang's teaching standards plummeted, causing many parents to take their children away and send them to other schools (official establishments).

I don’t know if it’s because of this that the outstanding students have gone to other schools, and the overall level of the remaining students is not very good.

Having just one Viktor is already a lucky move, but it would be too difficult to improve the overall level at the same time.

"The Dark Arts course is not that good either."

Several people visited a dark magic class, and not long after they came out, Ron started to complain in a low voice.

"It's not as detailed as the explanation of dark magic in Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Although Mr. Ronald is at the bottom of the six-person group, it depends on who he is at the bottom with. There is no one in the discipline team whose level is lower than that of an adult wizard.

It is true that Durmstrang does not prohibit the study of dark magic, and it is true that he takes the initiative to offer dark magic courses as electives. However, it is also true that the content of the teaching is not deep. Of course, this is from the perspective of Harry and others, and they do not think about their dark magic. Who are the professors of Magical Defense?

"I don't know what I can learn here, the black magic lessons are just a gimmick,"

Draco also shook his head and complained. According to Lucius's original opinion, he planned to send him to this school, but Narcissa preferred that Draco go to Hogwarts. That's why she wanted to come to her mother now. The choice was truly a wise one.

“I just don’t know if the library has what we need.”

What Hermione misses the most is the library. This is the 128th time she has said this while walking around.

For Hermione, knowledge is the greatest wealth.

"I want to take a look at Durmstrang's greenhouse. I heard Professor Sprout say that there are ice rock flowers here that are only found in extremely cold areas."

Neville also echoed: "I want to transplant it to Hogwarts. The freezing potion made from ice rock flowers is of the highest quality, and can reach the level of ten adult wizards releasing the freezing spell together."

"I heard that there are a lot of sneezeweed, scurvy, and sleepy beans here."

As soon as the mention of herbs made Neville excited, he would talk endlessly.

The sleepy bean is a shriveled, pearly-white bean that is the fruit of the sleepy plant and looks like an enlarged version of a mistletoe berry. It has many magical properties and is an ingredient in magic potions. Taking the silver juice squeezed directly from the sleepy bean will remove a person's memory.

Sneezeweed is a poisonous plant that can easily cause encephalitis and make people irritable and reckless. It is often used in confusion and confusion drugs. Its dried leaves are used to make sneezing powder.

As for scurvy, it is an herb found in the magical world. It is prone to "causing encephalitis" and making people irritable and reckless. It is often used to make confusion drugs and confusion drugs.

Herbology is a compulsory course for potions. Neville is completely unlike the submissive character in the original book. He is full of confidence, sunshine, and worships muscles. Among the six people, his potion level is only lower than Dudley and Hermione. Let me make a digression, ha. Leigh's potion science is in a serious state of partiality. He is best at making poisons, which is better than Hermione's. He is not good at other potions, but he is better than Ron.

"I heard that there are treasures hidden on those ghost ships on the beach of the big lake in the mountains. I asked Bill and Charlie about it before I came here. Do we want to go exploring?"

Ron also put forward his own suggestions. Although he was not short of money now, his eyes would light up whenever he mentioned treasure.

Seeing the lack of interest among the others, he turned to his friend Harry and said, "Shall we do it after dinner? Huh?"

"You can consider it." Harry wasn't very interested in this, but he didn't have anything else to do, so he didn't mind.

Draco was more Buddhist: "You are free to do as you like. I just want to see our dormitory. If not, we will have to live in a tent."

In short, the six members of the disciplinary team have already made their own arrangements.

As for Dudley? Of course I went to the library, why should I ask?

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