Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 12 The Ears Are The True Nature Of The Cat Girl

The night breeze blew gently, and as the small wooden boat moved forward, the light mist on the lake and mountains slowly blew away, and the brightly lit main building of Hogwarts College appeared in front of Ye Feng and the others on the lakeshore in the distance.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the brightly lit spire 'castle group', even Ye Feng felt a slight sense of shock, while the little wizards on other ships were even more shocked and opened their mouths wide.

"Perhaps this is why Hogwarts has always retained the tradition of letting newly admitted little wizards cross the Black Lake in a small canoe. This scene of suddenly seeing the brightly lit main building of Hogwarts in the dark is really shocking. People’s hearts.”

Ye Feng didn't know whether the scene in front of him left a deep impression on these young wizards, but it did leave a deep impression on him. Perhaps many years later, the memory of Hogwarts will slowly fade away. But this scene will still remain fresh in his memory even after many years.

Amid the shock of all the new life, the boat slowly docked, and when the wooden boat docked, the little wizards became lively again.

This was not because I was excited about arriving at my destination, but because after disembarking from the boat, the small pier was pitch black without any lights, and there was only a winding path leading to the college.

If it were during the day, it might be nothing, but this was night, so even if it wasn't raining, it would still be difficult to walk on such a grassy path with an oil lamp that could only illuminate one or two meters in front of you.

"By the way, is Hogwarts House so poor? Why can't we build a better road leading to the school? Besides, even if we don't have money to build a road, we can always afford to install a few more lights, right?" Ye Feng boarded the shore. Hermione stretched out her hand to support her as she jumped down, her foot slipped and she almost fell into the water. She couldn't help but complain.


Hermione, who was in shock as Ye Feng supported her, thanked her and then said: "I have read the history of Hogwarts. It is said that this is to allow the newly admitted little wizards to experience the four founders of Hogwarts. It’s so difficult, so every student is asked to walk through the same path they took when they enter school.”

"Although I don't know how hard it was for them back then, I do feel how difficult it was." While Hermione was complaining, Neville also successfully got off the boat and landed.

Although Ye Feng and the others were following behind, they were still relatively behind, so by the time they got off the boat, the others were already waiting on the shore. So Hagrid took a quick look and saw that no one was left behind, then he held an oil lamp and loudly alerted the shore. little wizard.

"If the shore is slippery, be careful to keep up. Don't fall behind." After saying that, Hagrid turned around and walked forward along the path without caring about anyone.

Although the little wizards were a little panicked when they saw this, they all hurried to follow. However, only a small number of them held oil lamps in their hands, so many of them couldn't see clearly where they stood.

If it was just like this, then it would be okay to follow the lead and walk slowly, but the person leading the way was Hagrid.

The newly admitted little wizards are generally eleven years old. Even those who are relatively well-developed at this age are usually only 1.34 meters tall. But what about Hagrid? He is quite tall among adults.

So, when Hagrid strode forward, even Harry who was following him had to jog occasionally to keep up, which made the already panicked little wizard even more panicked.


Suddenly, there was a miserable scream in the team. When Ye Feng followed the scream and looked over, he immediately became happy, because in the dark crowd, a golden man with a big back was lying on the ground, and looking at the wizard robe on his body. Judging from the footprints, the reason why he screamed was not simply because he fell.

And when Ye Feng saw Ronald speeding up to catch up with Harry in the darkness, a glimmer of understanding emerged in his heart.

"According to Ronald's character, it's not enough to secretly push Malfoy down, but it's still very possible to take a stab at seeing him fall, and maybe..."

While thinking, Ye Feng glanced at Harry, whose heartbeat was a little fast and his breathing was a little rapid. It was obvious that he had just done something exciting.

For example, when you pass by someone because it's too dark and you can't see clearly, and you don't have a good impression of that person, you don't "have time" to help him, but you "accidentally" touch him or something.

Ye Feng had night vision, so he was not frightened and instead ate the melon happily. However, this sudden change also shocked Hermione who could not see next to him. In addition, she had just She almost fell into the water and was still a little scared, so she was so frightened that she instinctively grabbed Ye Feng's robe.

Feeling that his clothes were being grabbed, Ye Feng turned around and saw that it was Hermione. Ye Feng knew that she must have been frightened, so he took out his wand.


Following the magic spell from Ye Feng's mouth, a bright light lit up from the top of the wand in Ye Feng's hand, illuminating the road several meters in front of them. This scene not only made Hermione, who was holding Ye Feng's wizard robe afraid of falling, As soon as their eyes lit up, the other little wizards nearby couldn't help but exclaimed, and after nodding their thanks to Ye Feng, they quickened their pace and chased after Hagrid's back.

"Actually, I also 'previewed' our courses for this year carefully before school started, so I know a few little magic spells, which makes sense."

"It makes sense." Although she was surprised, Hermione was relieved when she thought that she had also learned several small magic tricks. However, at the same time she was relieved, she also had an idea of ​​not admitting defeat. She felt that she had not worked hard enough.

But now is not the time to think about this, they have to quickly follow the team.

With Ye Feng's fluorescent light illuminating the road ahead, Ye Feng and the others were much faster. Even though they were at the back of the team at the beginning, they quickly caught up with Hagrid.

Even though the road was really hard to walk, Ye Feng's fluorescent lighting made them go much faster, so it didn't take long for them to follow Hagrid out of the winding path and enter the brightly lit college.

All the little wizards were very excited looking at this brightly lit building. Ye Feng was also very excited, because soon he would see the famous Sorting Hat and the ghosts wandering around the academy.

"I don't know if the Sorting Hat can really peek into a person's thoughts and identify a person's character."

"Speaking of which, should I let go of the defense of Consciousness Sea a little later? Otherwise, the Sorting Hat won't be able to detect anything, and will it think I'm a Death Eater sneaking in?" In Ye Feng's thinking, they We came to a door at the end of the stairs, and in the middle of the door stood an old woman wearing a pointed wizard hat.

The moment Ye Feng saw this old lady, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Cat... ahem, transformation is indeed magical, but I don't know if it can only transform into half. After all, cat ears are the cat girl's true form. If it can..." Ye Feng glanced at Hermione next to him while thinking to himself.

"It's a pity that it's not golden, but the brown-haired kitten girl doesn't seem to be..."

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