Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 22 The Idea Of ​​Controlling People

On the podium, a short and bald figure stood on top of stacks of books. He was Ye Feng's teacher of today's Charms class, Filius Flivi, the dean of Ravenclaw.

Although Filius Flivi is short in stature, as the headmaster of Ravenclaw, a gathering place for top students, there is absolutely no doubt about his level of magic. And if Harry was not in Gryffindor and he needed to contact Hagrid, he would definitely Go to Ravenclaw.

But it's not bad now. After all, Filius Flivi will not hide his secrets just because you are not a Ravenclaw, and you can find them in many spell books.

Of course, there is a big gap between self-study from books and being taught by others, because many of Hogwarts’ spells need to resonate with your voice, that is, you need to recite the spells, and you can’t pronounce them wrong to make yourself happy. The magic works according to the resonance.

Therefore, when Filius Flivi began to lecture, no one in the audience dared to miss out, because as long as you mishear a note and pronounce it slightly wrong, you will not be able to release the curse.

As for Ye Feng, he paid full attention to all the details of Filius Flivi during his demonstration, including hand movements, tone of voice, pauses, etc. Of course, the most important thing is the fluctuation and movement of magic power, which he directly observes with his spiritual consciousness.

"Wingardium, Leviosa"

After Professor Filius Flivi finished speaking, Ye Feng's voice also sounded. As Ye Feng finished speaking, he gently raised his wand, and the feather on the table floated gently, and Ye Feng saw the feather After floating up, his eyes suddenly lit up because he thought of something.

Since the floating spell can make objects fly and can control the direction of movement of floating objects, wouldn't it be possible to control these objects to kill enemies by increasing the magic power applied to floating objects?

"Damn it! Isn't this a royal animal?"

Ye Feng, who suddenly thought of this, screamed in his heart, so he increased the output of his magic power.

It's a pity that modifying the magic spell is not that simple. Otherwise, after so many years of development in the magic world, smart people will always think of this possibility. However, until now, the magic world has not had a magic spell that can directly control objects and attack. This is enough to explain. Problem.

So without any warning, when the magic power Ye Feng applied to the floating feathers increased to a certain level, the feathers ignited with a golden flame, burning them out almost instantly.

Although the feathers were burned by the sudden flames, Ye Feng was not discouraged because he found that his idea was right, but it was a pity that the feathers could not carry the magic power he input, so they spontaneously combusted.

"This is the right direction, but if you want to create a magic item that can withstand a large amount of magic and have enough lethality, it is better to just learn a good magic spell. Maybe this is because there has been no magic item to control objects and kill enemies for so many years. It’s one of the reasons why it appeared.”

Thinking of this, Ye Feng had no intention of continuing to explore, because he knew how to control things, so there was no need for him to bother studying a 'skill' that he already knew and used with great proficiency.

Although Ye Feng's feathers were burned off, there was no doubt that his floating spell was successfully cast, and Hermione was worthy of being a top student who could lead her teammates even in a two-on-one situation. She just One step slower than Ye Feng, she also cast the floating spell without burning her feathers.

Seeing that both Ye Feng and Hermione succeeded, others were also stimulated, especially Malfoy. However, the more anxious you are about curses, the harder it is to pronounce them correctly. Therefore, Malfoy failed to succeed until the end of class. This made Ronald, who succeeded after practicing for most of the class, laugh at him.

Ye Feng didn't know what was going on. These two guys seemed to be a pair of natural enemies. Even though Ye Feng attracted most of Malfoy's firepower without paying attention, they still faced each other, and they did so every three days. Will get into a fight.

"What's so great about just a floating spell? I just let it go on purpose. Now I'm going to let you see the results of one session of practice!"

"Yingardim, Leviosa" After saying this, Malfoy pointed his wand directly at Ronald. To everyone's surprise, when Malfoy pointed his wand at Ronald, a white light flew out of his wand instantly. It fell on Ronald.

Seeing Malfoy attacking Ronald directly, everyone was frightened. Ronald even turned around in fear to see if he was okay. When he found that there was no change in his body, and no one appeared. The blood hole and all the rest suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, only Ye Feng's eyes burst out with a dazzling light.

"I thought about it. Since ordinary objects can't withstand the magic power I apply, then I can completely change the object of the magic power. For example, it would be great to change it to a 'man-controlling technique' or something like that."

Of course, it is not that simple to study the 'human control skill'. After all, there is a big difference between dead objects and living people. So now Ye Feng just has this idea. How to operate it specifically needs to be done after he goes back. Think slowly.

When Ye Feng was thinking about the feasibility of the 'Man Control Technique', Ronald, who was looking at him, suddenly felt a chill on his back, which made him shiver and rub his arms, while Filius Foley Wei dismissed the class after making sure Ronald was fine, and warned Malfoy not to use magic on his classmates at will, especially attack magic.

The courses at Hogwarts are still very relaxed, not as demanding as in China. There are only two classes in the morning, and there is a short break at noon. However, they do not have a lunch break, or the college does not require students to take a lunch break at noon.

Therefore, after the morning class and lunch, the students went to do what they liked to do. As for Ye Feng, he did not go to the library to study or disturb Zhang Qiu, but left the college. Quietly ran to the edge of the black lake.

In order to avoid Dumbledore's sight as much as possible, it took Ye Feng two full noons to find a fishing position with a good view, a decent water depth, shade from trees, and even a place where lounge chairs, small tables, etc. could be placed.

"Very good, the fishing position has been cleared. Don't worry about the big squid. I will catch you right away. I also brought you cumin, iron plate, chili powder and many other ingredients... ahem, it's delicious."

With Ye Feng's murmur, Ye Feng skillfully set up a yellow fishing rod, and then skillfully pulled the fishing line in front of him. After getting the fishhook, he skillfully baited the fishhook, and then skillfully followed the bait with it. Throw the line to the appropriate distance.

While Ye Feng was concentrating on fishing, Dumbledore, who was holding a telescope in the distance, couldn't help but sigh.

"Minerva, go and bring that little guy back."

"Dumbledore, I kind of understand now why you brought him back to the academy. His talent is the highest I have seen in so many years, but..."

Minerva didn't finish her words, but Dumbledore knew exactly what she was going to say, because he was thinking the same thing at the moment.

Ye Feng's talent was indeed the highest they had seen in so many years, even higher than Voldemort's back then, so high that he even wanted to change his training target to Ye Feng.

But at the same time, this guy's ability to cause trouble was so high that it gave him a headache.

"Minerva, I can only take the trouble to pay more attention to him. Maybe there is more than one choice for the future. I see another hope that is slowly lighting up..."

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