Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 25 Professor Snape, You Don’T Want Your Exercise To Be Revealed, Do You?

"One two three four, five six seven eight, two two three four five six seven eight..."

The cheerful beat sounded from Hogwarts, and under the rising sun, a delicate and cute eleven-year-old boy led a group of people to clumsily do morning exercises with a serious look on his face.

Ye Feng was not lying to Dumbledore when he said that Harry made an appointment with him to teach him morning exercises. Instead, he was probably curious about this and made Dumbledore quickly change the 'morning exercises' that he had set the school rules the day before. The Weasley twins and Harry shouted, and now there were ten students standing behind Ye Feng doing exercises with him.

At the beginning, Harry and the others felt that this set of movements was useless, and they even didn't want to do it because of some inexplicable shame. However, after they followed Ye Feng and did it halfway, they suddenly found that their bodies felt a lot more relaxed, and There was a warm feeling in the whole body, which made their eyes widen in an instant.

Although Ye Feng did not modify this set of broadcast gymnastics, this world has supernatural power like magic, so when they followed Ye Feng to do this set of broadcast gymnastics that can mobilize all the muscles and bones of the body, the energy in their bodies Magical power begins to flow and nourish their bodies.

Although this kind of nourishment will not make them become immortal cultivators, there is absolutely no problem in becoming better, younger and healthier than other wizards over time.

He discovered this as early as the first day when the Weasley twins did morning exercises with him, but this enhancement was nothing to the current Ye Feng, so he didn't care at all.

However, Ye Feng didn't care that Dumbledore, who was quietly following him, was extremely shocked when he found out, because although the daily improvement in strength of the current dance is pitifully weak, it is still a considerable improvement in the long run.

More importantly, Dumbledore also discovered that while doing this set of actions, the magic power on Harry and the others was slowly increasing at the same time.

"Is this why this little guy is more powerful than others? He is such a mysterious and cute little guy. He can teach you such a precious thing without any secrets."

While sighing, Dumbledore also quietly swayed to the beat of Ye Feng. When he felt the warmth rising in his body, he was still a little unable to let go, but his slightly squirmed figure instantly let go. Once opened, the movements have become much more standard.

But how do you say something?

You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are watching you upstairs.

While Dumbledore was hiding upstairs watching Ye Feng and the others doing exercises and following along, Snape was looking at him in shock in the corridor a little further away from Dumbledore.

Snape was shocked and in disbelief when he first saw the respected Dumbledore doing these actions, but in addition to being an excellent magician, he was also an excellent potions professor. He was very aware of the fluctuations in magic power. Perception is also quite strong.

Therefore, he soon discovered the undulating magic power on Dumbledore, and when he tried to follow Dumbledore's movements, he was immediately shocked, because this set of movements could not only enhance his physical fitness, but also Increase the amount of magic stored in his body.

"As expected of Principal Dumbledore, it's a pity that I only learned a little bit of this set of tail moves. If I could learn them all..."

With this idea in mind, Snape came to yesterday's location very early the next day. With yesterday's experience, Snape was not as shocked today as he was yesterday, which also gave him more time to observe other things. , and then he discovered that Dumbledore was actually following others in doing this set of actions.

"Is it Ye Feng's morning exercise? No wonder Professor Dumbledore tolerates him so much. If it were me, maybe..." Snape didn't finish what he said, let alone spread it, but like Dumbledore, he also had another habit, but He got up by himself, while Dumbledore got up after enjoying Ye Feng's wake-up call service.

However, there is a saying that goes well, if you often walk by the river, your shoes will not get wet. The more times you go there, you will be bumped into by a student one day, not to mention more and more students are coming to do exercises with Ye Feng.

So, one day, a student who happened to pass by was shocked to find that Professor Snape, who was so unsmiling that many students secretly guessed that he might not smile at all, was actually secretly following Ye Feng and the others to do their morning exercises! Judging from the opponent's proficiency in movements, this time is not short.

Of course, these are all things for later, and it was precisely because of that incident that the matter of morning exercises was spread throughout the school. So under the leadership of Dumbledore, it was natural that there would be one more student in Hogwarts College. Xiang is different from the tradition of other magic colleges and even schools, doing morning exercises.

Ye Feng didn't know what happened next. At this moment, he was looking forward to the open space in the middle of the academy that was specially used for learning to fly broomsticks.

Why I say touching instead of walking is naturally because he is a bit too famous now. In addition, the people who did exercises with him in the morning went back to publicize the effects of doing exercises with him, so now it is not just Those beautiful ladies and seniors also joined in blocking him.

So that afternoon, when all the first-grade wizards stood neatly in two rows in the middle of the broomstick training ground, the rather embarrassed Ye Feng finally came like the wind, and when Ye Feng saw them When there was a broom in front of me with almost no broom branches, my expectations turned into disappointment in an instant.

You must know that he went around several times in order to attend this class, battled wits with a group of people, tried to lure a snake out of its hole, and finally escaped from the "encirclement" and came here.

However, although this thing's 'quality' was a little off, it was still a broomstick after all, and it was only for practice. They could buy new ones later, so Ye Feng took a quick look and found a place where no one was standing before leaving. past.

To be honest, although he also felt that using this kind of broomstick with a small half of the broomstick broken off for students to practice was a bit cheap, it was still acceptable, but when he saw that the broomstick in front of him had been coated with pulp, and the branches at the tail When almost all the flying broomsticks were dropped, Ye Feng still broke through.

This kind of school is specially used for the training of newly admitted young wizards. It is acceptable for Ye Feng to have worn-out items passed down from generation to generation, but you must at least keep one 'whole corpse'! But what about the broomstick in front of him? The thing in front of him now is not so much a flying broomstick as it is a flying stick!

"Although it is said that broomsticks are for flying and not for sweeping the floor, but this is too-a sense of the times (low EQ: shabby), right?"

As soon as Ye Feng said this, everyone looked at him, and when they saw the 'flying broomstick' in front of Ye Feng, they laughed out loud at the same time. Even the teacher who taught them the broomstick class couldn't bear it. Zhu turned his head away.

"Ahem, classmate Ye Feng, there are only so many usable broomsticks left in our college. Even though the broomstick in front of you is almost (crossed out), it can still be used normally. "

Ye Feng: ( ̄ー ̄)

"Professor Hooch, could you look me in the eyes and say what you just said again?"

Although he complained in his heart, Ye Feng could only endure it. After all, who made him come the last?

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