"Have you learned? This is how you eat Chinese food. Knives and forks don't work in Chinese food. You have to use chopsticks. However, today I forgot to get two more pairs of chopsticks, so I just used a wand to make do. Anyway, it's pretty much the same."

Seeing Ye Feng using his wand as so-called chopsticks, he skillfully picked up a piece of braised pork ribs and put it into his mouth. Hermione, who was originally in a daze, widened her eyes and her cute little mouth opened slightly involuntarily. .


Ye Feng, who was chewing the ribs in his mouth, saw Hermione's small mouth slightly open and thought she wanted to eat it too, so he hummed in confusion, and naturally picked up another piece that was slightly smaller, but with more meat and more meat. The pieces of pork ribs that were easy to fall off the bones were stuffed directly into her mouth.

Hermione: (゚ロ゚ノ)ノ [・ヘ・?] (ㅍ_ㅍ)

"Hmm~hmmmm, good time!"

The expression on Hermione's face kept changing after the ribs entered her mouth. When she instinctively bit the ribs in her mouth and tasted the deliciousness of the ribs, only a happy and satisfied smile remained on her face.

Ronald, who had been greedy for a long time next to him, almost drooled when he saw this. He also followed Ye Feng's example and took out his own wand, but unfortunately he only had one wand, so...

Ronald, Harry:→ _→ ← _←

The next second, the two voices sounded at the same time.

Ronald: "Harry, let me borrow your wand and let me use it."

Harry Potter: "Don't even think about it!"

"Don't be so stingy. The worst is, one person will be pinched once."

"No, the wand is for performing magic, not for picking up food! Besides, you can borrow it from someone else!"

Ronald, who was about to snatch Harry's wand, his eyes lit up when he heard Harry's words.

"Yeah, if Harry's doesn't work, I can ask someone else to borrow it. And who said you have to use a wand? Just two small sticks of suitable length and thickness!" Ronald ran out after thinking of this.

About two or three minutes later, Ronald ran back with a straight branch as thick as chopsticks. When Ye Feng saw the branch that Ronald had brought back, he remembered that his space ring also contained a pair of chopsticks that were used to mix seasonings, so he took it out. He cleaned it up and handed it to Hermione.

Hermione should have been very happy when she got the chopsticks, but for some reason she felt a little bit disappointed in her heart. However, this disappointment was quickly dispelled by the smell of the large pile of delicious food in front of her.

After nearly an hour, Ronald reluctantly put down the 'chopsticks' in his hands after picking out the last piece of spicy chicken nuggets from the chili. Ye Feng also cleaned up the wand, which was stained with a lot of oil, and gave it back to Hermione.

Although Ye Feng cooked a lot of dishes, sharing is also a virtue, so all the dishes that were enough for six adults were eaten, but Ronald was more greedy but couldn't use chopsticks well, so he ate until now, resulting in By the time they finished eating, everyone else had already left.

"Ah! I'm so full, Ye Feng, I...I can't seem to get up, please give me a hand."

Ye Feng: (;¬_¬)

Although he had a look of disgust on his face, Ye Feng still stretched out his hand to pull Ronald up, who was slumped on the chair and unable to get up. When Ye Feng pulled Ronald up, our Miss Granger reached out her little hand and grabbed Ye Feng without leaving a trace. Feng's robe took advantage of the force and stood up.

Harry was not so shameless. He ate less and stood up after holding on to the table. As for Neville, his temper was too cowardly, so when Ye Feng and the others were halfway through eating, he Went back first.

When leaving the restaurant, Harry and Hermione felt that Ronald was too full and decided not to rest in the lounge for now, but to take a walk outside to eat, and then... they walked until dark.

Although Hogwarts does not have late study hall, they do not allow students to leave the lounge and wander around the campus at night. Especially after nightfall, there will be people patrolling to catch and punish little wizards who wander at night, and this person is called Fei Erqi, and he has a cat that does not catch mice but only catches students who wander at night.

Because of this cat, many students who went out at night could not escape his pursuit. Although Harry and the others were brave enough, they did not want to be caught, so they quickened their pace on the way back.

However, sometimes the more hasty you are, the more likely it is that problems will arise. Just when they stepped onto the stairs leading to the lounge, the maze-like stairs that stretched in all directions began to move, which forced Ye Feng and the others to speed up their pace.

However, when they walked out of the stairs while they paused as the stairs changed positions, they discovered that they had unknowingly arrived at the third floor, which Dumbledore had warned students that they were never allowed to go.

Seeing that this was actually the third floor, Harry and the others were a little anxious, but Ye Feng looked thoughtful at the ever-changing stairs, because he realized that no matter how they walked, they would end up here, because just now The purpose of changing the stairs was to take them to the third floor, which was the door of the room in front of them.

"Are we about to start? Did you do it, Principal Dumbledore? Although it's not a threat, it's not a bad idea to go over and have a look. It's better than going back to sleep."

As Harry and Hermione were debating whether to open the door and go in, a soft meow sounded from beneath their feet.

"Oops! It's Mrs. Norris!"

Seeing Harry squatting on the ground and looking at their cute furry kitten, their expressions changed drastically. Without thinking, they pushed open the door that they had just avoided like snakes and scorpions, rushed in, and kept running forward.

Not knowing how far he ran, Ronald stopped panting and gasped, "Ha... Harry, we... should get rid of Mrs. Norris, right?"



Hearing the cat meowing very close to them, Harry and Ronald ran away without looking back. But what made Harry and the others despair was that no matter how fast or how far they ran, Mrs. Norris's voice always sounded. It sounded like a shadow less than one meter behind them.

"Harry, why...why are we all running...after running for so long, and Mrs. Norris's scream...scream...is still behind us?"

"I...I don't know. Maybe cats run faster."

"Ah? Are you talking about Mrs. Loris?" As he spoke, Ye Feng reached out and touched Mrs. Loris in his arms.

Mrs. Norris: "~o( =∩ω∩= )mmeow~"

Harry, Ronald, Hermione:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

"Ye Feng!!!"×3

Finally, amid the condemnation of Hermione and the others, Ye Feng reluctantly put down Mrs. Loris, whose hair was fluffy and soft and felt so good. Mrs. Loris also reluctantly meowed at Ye Feng, because the hot boy had It smells really great! ! ! Unlike Filch, who always smells musty.

After Ye Feng put Mrs. Loris down, they quickly got rid of her, but now they encountered a very serious problem, they were...lost.

Ye Feng naturally remembered how to go back, but Dumbledore controlled the stairs to send them here just to let them enter the secret room, so Ye Feng did not give directions, but asked Harry to lead the way, and as expected, they came to a locked door. In front of the door.


Just when Harry and the others were hesitating to find another way out, Mrs. Norris's voice and Filch's excited muttering to themselves came from behind them.

"Get out of the way, Alajo Open!" Seeing that Mrs. Norris was about to bring Filch over, Hermione couldn't care less. She directly opened the lock with Alajo Open, opened the door and walked in.

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