Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

320 Lao Fu: I Would Rather Teach Me To Bear...

The attacks all over the sky completely covered up Voldemort and the two Death Eaters he brought with him. Although this was not the first time, Fleur and Krum were still shocked when they saw this scene.

The person involved in the scene, that is, Voldemort, who was once again covered up by the attacks from the sky, his heart was already calm at this moment, because he had slowly started to get used to it.

Because of his habit, Voldemort dealt with it quite calmly.

When the attacks from the sky came down, Voldemort responded calmly. As we all know, there is a law called the law of smoke without harm.

At this moment, Voldemort and his two Death Eaters were buried in the sky. The smoke and light and shadow caused by the large number of attacks completely obscured Mr. Chang's situation. This made Harry and the others unable to see what was happening at the center of the attack. .

At this moment, in the center of the sky-wide attack, Voldemort looked indifferently at the two people guarding him.

"Mysterious Art: Double-Sided Human Shield Technique!"

Although Voldemort didn't shout out the 'mystery' he was using at this moment, that's what he did.

They saw that the field was covered by a large number of attacks, and when the shield they had worked so hard to hold up was about to break, Voldemort grabbed a Death Eater with one hand and lifted them up directly.

The Death Eaters who were suddenly lifted up were so frightened that their faces turned pale. When they discovered that they were being lifted up by Voldemort, their panic instantly turned into determination.

"Master, just rush forward. Even if you die, our bodies will be your strong shield."

The Death Eater originally said this just to show his loyalty before dying, but he didn't expect that these words soon became a prophecy.

Of course, they are still Voldemort's strongest living shields.

Under the constant supply of Voldemort's magic power, the three of them frantically replenished their shields for free. In addition, the two of them still had some talismans on their bodies, which actually allowed them to hold on and rush out of the center of the attack.

However, although they rushed out of the center of the attack, they also paid a heavy price.

As the two "main tanks" that mainly bear damage, two Death Eaters are miserable.

Even with Voldemort providing magic power, the two of them were already close to running out of gas. At this moment, their originally round and fleshy faces had become so thin that they were completely out of shape. It could be said that only the skin was left attached to the bones.

In addition, the clothes on both of them were in tatters, and blood was oozing from their orifices. It looked like they would not live long.

As for Voldemort, who was being protected by the two men, except for his pale face and a somewhat sloppy step, he had no injuries on his body, and even the clothes on his body did not have any damage.

And after paying such a huge price, they only managed to get out of the center of the attack, and were still quite far away from completely getting out of the attack range.

"Fake, according to the current situation, it is impossible for me to rush out before the attack is over."

Yes, Voldemort didn't just want to rush out of the attack range. What he wanted was to rush out before the attack was over and the smoke, dust and light of the attack dissipated, because he knew very well that only in this way could he completely get rid of those people in the dark. sneak attack.

He has discovered that the talismans on the people who secretly attacked him are as if they are free, and they are endless. Whenever you think that their talismans are about to be used up, they can take out a large stack for you again. Come.

If it had been before, Voldemort would have gambled that their talismans had been used up and rushed out with the two remaining Death Eaters who came with him.

But it's different now, because he has obtained Harry's blood. Now as long as he takes this blood back, he can be fully resurrected and truly rule the world.

Although he was heartbroken to lose two loyal Death Eaters, as long as he brought this blood back with him, how many Death Eaters would he need when he came to rule the world?

Voldemort knew very well which one to choose between the two, so he decisively abandoned the two Death Eaters and asked them to serve as shields for him. He rushed out before the attack was over, so that he could get rid of those people in the dark. personal vision.

If they reappear in their field of vision after the attack is over, who knows if they will take out a large stack of talismans again?

So Voldemort didn't dare to gamble, and he didn't want to gamble anymore. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to rush out in one fell swoop, completely get rid of the eyes of those people in the dark, and take the opportunity to grab the trophy that turned into a portkey, leave Hogwarts, and take Harry's Bring the blood back.

As long as he can return successfully, he will not only be able to use Harry's blood to completely resurrect, and he will no longer have to be afraid of Harry's magic in the future, but he will also be able to avenge the several Death Eaters he brought.

He hated those "rats" hiding in the dark, because it was them who made him feel aggrieved like never before.

"You all just wait for me. When I go back and be truly resurrected and my strength reaches its true peak, I will definitely repay you twice as much for what you did today!"

"Oh, by the way, there is also this broken maze. Sooner or later I will burn it all for you!"

With a low voice, Voldemort rushed out frantically while holding up his two subordinates who had already taken in too much air and had little outflow.

Far away from the attack center, the density and power of various attacks were indeed weakened a lot, but Voldemort also lacked two ruthless shield machines.

Seeing that the shields that helped him withstand attacks were being reduced one by one but could not be replenished, and the two people in his hands were no longer able to shield him apart from adding to the burden on him, Voldemort wanted to throw them away.

As long as the two people are thrown away, he will be a little faster without the drag of the two people, but his chance of being attacked will also increase a lot.

However, even if they don't lose the two people, without the shield, the two of them can't bear it for a few times relying on their pure bodies.

If you lose the two people, your speed will be faster, but the probability of being attacked will be greatly increased. Once attacked, you may be held back and ultimately unable to escape in time.

If he didn't lose the two people, although his speed would be slower, his chances of being attacked would be greatly reduced. However, they wouldn't be able to trap them for a few times, so he might not be able to rush out before they were completely useless.

Faced with a dilemma, Voldemort only thought for a moment and then made a very cool move.

His two subordinates can no longer release magic, and can only be used as pure human shields if they are not lost, so it is no longer important whether they can release magic or whether they can move.

Since it is simply used as a physical shield, the stronger it is, the better, so that it can block more hits.

A body of flesh and blood will definitely not be able to block a few attacks, but what if it is not a body of pure flesh and blood? then…

"All petrified!"

In the flash of lightning, Voldemort made the best choice for him now. He used all petrification methods to petrify his two subordinates who were not completely cold.

Although the total petrification does not really turn people into stone, it at least has some effect on it, which is better than blocking it directly. So, Voldemort held up the two shocked-looking Death Eaters as shields and used the fastest speed to He rushed toward the trophy directly in front of him at a fast speed.

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