Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 324 Dumbledore: It Seems Acceptable

"No, you guys are working so damn hard. If I don't show my skills, it will look like I'm a bit stupid."

"But, I don't want to touch that broken trophy!"

Looking at the people who were trying their best to get the trophy, Ye Feng couldn't help but cry in his heart, because the broken trophy in his mouth was not derogatory, but really broken! And he broke it with his own hands and feet.

Although he didn't want to, seeing other people working so hard, he couldn't really remain indifferent, otherwise it would be too easy to be seen as something fishy.

Therefore, even though he didn't want to, Ye Feng had to sigh and turn the throttle.

As Ye Feng turned the throttle, his heavy-duty broomstick shot out and caught up with Harry and the others in the blink of an eye.

But just when he was about to catch up and overtake them, Ye Feng quietly eased off the accelerator, causing his broomstick to slow down slightly, creating a feeling of powerlessness.

Several other people were also startled by his sudden outburst, because Ye Feng's outburst was really scary.

You must know that they are all in the midst of an explosion now, and their speed is simply not comparable to before, but just like this, Ye Feng actually caught up directly.

In other words, if they didn't burst into acceleration under normal circumstances, it would only take an instant for Ye Feng to surpass them and win the championship.

"Fortunately, fortunately, we all still have trump cards to break out in advance, otherwise the championship this time would have been gone."

“Now, it’s still unclear who the champion is!”

Thinking of this, Harry's eyes flashed, and their broomsticks flew a little faster. Ye Feng, as if he was really powerless, was slowly pulled away.

"Come on!" Seeing that he was pulled further apart again, Ye Feng immediately became anxious. He shouted with red eyes and kept taking out various things to try to speed up the broomstick.

But it was a pity that those things were useless, and some of them not only failed to accelerate him but also slowed him down a lot, which caused him to be quickly left behind.

However, they were not very far away from the trophy. Normally, it would only take them five or six seconds to fly there on a broomstick. Now, even if they trip each other up, it would only take more than ten seconds to get there.

Therefore, when Ye Feng was pulled three positions away again, the fastest person and the trophy were already within reach.

But now there is a problem, that is, they are not all rushing towards the trophy in the same direction. In other words, if they do not slow down now, they will directly collide with each other in the next second.

Under normal circumstances, they would definitely brake or avoid it, but right in front of them now is the Triwizard Trophy that they long for. As long as they get the trophy, they can win the Triwizard Trophy.

In this case, it is impossible for them to stop, even if they will hit a "car crash" in the next second, so...


A huge impact sounded, and with the impact, a huge fire flashed and expanded, swallowing up several people.

The fire engulfed everyone, and before the fire engulfed them all and the roar of the impact, there was actually a smaller cracking sound.

Ye Feng: ( ̄▽ ̄)/

Seeing several people collide with each other, to be precise, Harry and Cedric, who were the fastest, collided with each other, giving the trophy a double blow. Ye Feng's face burst into a bright smile.

Of course, this bright smile was put away by him only for a moment. ,

"Box, box, box, Dumbledore can't blame me now. Cedric and Harry broke this trophy together because they refused to give in. It's because the trophy itself isn't strong enough. It wasn't me who broke it."

As his thoughts surged, Ye Feng, with a smile on his face, allowed his heavy machine to carry him into the fireball and became a part of the fireball.

The next second Ye Feng joined, the fireball became even bigger and hotter. Dumbledore, who was outside the field, felt his heart skip a beat when he looked at the big fireball burning in the air.

"Can't this guy calm down for a while?"

Although he had already foreseen that something would happen, Dumbledore still felt his liver hurt when he saw this scene. After all, even if he knew it was inevitable, as long as it didn't happen, he still hoped it wouldn't happen.

Unfortunately, things went against his wishes, and it happened in the end, and he vaguely saw something like a trophy flying out in the firelight.

"It should...not be what I thought. It certainly won't be what I thought. Their destructive power...has not yet reached that level."

There is a saying that if an accident does not happen, an accident will happen.

Only two or three minutes later, Ye Feng and the others walked out of the maze, and Dumbledore was stunned when he saw the expressions on Harry and the others.

Others didn't notice the 'small details' from before, so when they saw Ye Feng and the others coming out, they immediately started to revel, because this meant that the Triwizard Tournament was officially over.

Although there is only one winner in the Triwizard Tournament in the end, the students from the three schools have been studying together for nearly a year. Even if they were not in the same school before, they have become good friends now.

Therefore, although they are still a little biased in their hearts, they no longer value the school's final championship as much as they did at first, so no matter who wins the championship in the end, they will cheer for it.

But soon they also discovered that something was wrong, because although Ye Feng and the others all came out, none of them had a trophy representing the championship in their hands.

"What's going on? Where's the trophy?"

"Yeah, yeah, who won the championship? They didn't even show the trophy. We were so anxious."

"Is there any need to guess? It must be Ye Feng, and besides Ye Feng, who else would have such a bad taste."

Ye Feng:  ̄へ ̄

"Slytherin, right? You actually programmed me, don't let me catch the chance, otherwise you will suffer a lot."

A certain Slytherin ‘leader’: [・_・?]

"Hey, I suddenly feel a bit cold on my back. Isn't it the spring cold?" As he spoke, Malfoy shrank his neck and tightened his tight clothes.

"Children, what happened inside? Can you tell us?" Just when Ye Feng was thinking about preparing fruits for Slytherin classmates, Dumbledore's gentle and kind voice broke Ye Feng out of his daze. Pulled back.


Hearing Dumbledore's words, Harry, who had always trusted Dumbledore, suddenly became hesitant.

But Harry was still Harry after all. Under Dumbledore's encouraging gaze, Harry finally told what happened in the maze.

After hearing that Voldemort was not only resurrected but also appeared in the maze before, almost everyone's expressions changed slightly.

But for some reason, Dumbledore didn't ask Harry to stop this time, but allowed him to continue, not wanting to hide the news about Voldemort.

Facts have proved that Dumbledore's choice is very correct, because when Harry said that they used a middle-aged talisman and strategies to work together to play Voldemort and his Death Eaters in circles, and eliminated them one by one, everyone's eyes flashed. A little bit of light.

"Perhaps... a Goblet of Fire is not unacceptable." Seeing the fear on everyone's faces fade away and turn into confidence and excitement, the corners of Dumbledore's mouth also raised slightly.

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