Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 33 Fainted Physical Version


With a loud creaking sound, the door of the restaurant was pushed open from the outside, and then a man with his head tightly wrapped in a scarf and dressed very similar to Ah San rushed in with a shout.

"There is a troll in the underground classroom!" っ゚Д゚)っfrightened

"There is a troll in the underground classroom!" 0ДQ was afraid with a hint of crying.

"There's a troll in the basement."

"I think I should come and inform you."_(¦3 ∠)_

After saying this, Quirrell fell to the ground and lay prone on the aisle.


Seeing Quirrell fainted on the ground, and what he said before fainting, the whole restaurant screamed instantly. Ye Feng, who had seen Quirrell's expression without any acting skills from beginning to end, was expressionless at the moment, but otherwise When everyone stood up and was at a loss, he also stood up.

Of course, unlike the others, who were at a loss and didn't know what to do, Ye Feng had a clear purpose, so two seconds later, a long leg that was not big but relatively slender among his peers stopped at next to Quirrell's head.

Voldemort: [・ヘ・?]

Ye Feng: Lift your feet

Voldemort: (キ`゚Д゚´)!!

Ye Feng: The raised foot fell down

Voldemort: Don't come here! ! ! 0ДQ

Although Voldemort, who was parasitic on the back of Quirrell's head, was extremely angry, he could only watch helplessly as the small but firm and powerful foot landed on his face for the sake of his next plan.

Even though there was a hood between them, Voldemort could still feel the grooves in the soles of that small shoe. Especially the feeling that the grooves in the soles were deeply imprinted on his face was extremely clear, and he didn't know if it was him. It was an illusion that the foot seemed to have crushed him when it left his face.

"Why is that thing so painful?"

Voldemort: (艹艹艹) Don't let me know who you are! ! !

When the foot moved away from his face, Voldemort vaguely heard these words that made him furious. Unfortunately, the owner of the foot left quickly, and he happened to be stepped on in the eye just now, so by the time he recovered, the man had already gone away, and more importantly, Dumbledore on the stage spoke.

Dumbledore on the stage saw the mess of the little wizards below and shouted loudly, asking these little wizards to stop.


"Please don't panic."

"Now, please prefects, please lead the students from each house back to their respective dormitories. The teachers will go to the underground classroom with me."

Dumbledore was still very prestigious. Almost instantly, the little wizards who were in chaos and full of panic calmed down and walked to the lounge in an orderly manner under the leadership of the prefects.

In the original play, the reason why Harry and the others left was because Ronald's words hurt Hermione and made her hide in the toilet and cry all afternoon. Therefore, after hearing the news about the troll, Harry and Ronald left the team to find Hermione.

But now, Ronald didn't say anything to hurt Hermione at all, so Hermione was quietly following Ye Feng back to the dormitory with her Gryffindor classmates, so Ye Feng was wondering if Harry and the others would leave the team.

It turns out that Ye Feng underestimated the inertia of the plot.

Halfway through, Ronald suddenly held his stomach and started shouting that he needed to go to the toilet. Judging from the expression on his face, it was not just an act. He was really hungry. At this time, Ye Feng thought The Weasley twins gave him a pumpkin lollipop during the meal before getting up, but he didn't like it very much so he handed it to Ronald instead.

"Did those two guys add ingredients to that lollipop?" Ye Feng had a headache when he thought of the Weasley twins, Ronald's two twin brothers, because these two guys couldn't put Ye Feng into it. After joining the gang, he tried to trick him every day, but unfortunately he never fell into the trap.

This time it was probably the same as before. Unfortunately, Ye Feng instinctively sensed something was wrong and handed the lollipop to their dear brother. The result was now obvious.

"Let's go, I hope you can hurry up, and I hope the troll didn't come out and stay in the underground classroom." Although the blame ultimately fell on Ronald's two brothers, he was the one who handed the candy to Ronald after all, so Ye Feng felt that he still couldn't leave him alone and went back to the dormitory first.

More importantly, Ye Feng really wanted to see what this so-called troll was. It could actually scare a professor of Defense Against Dark Arts at Hogwarts to such an extent that the other teachers did not suspect that it was a scam.

Maybe it was because the Weasley twins were powerful enough, or maybe because he was afraid of encountering a giant monster. In short, Ronald's steps were quite fast, but it was a pity that his luck was not very good.

I don’t know if it was some wafting smell or the sound coming from here that attracted the troll. In short, less than three minutes after Ronald entered, there was a monster about five meters tall, covered in green skin and holding a huge wooden stick in his hand. The humanoid monster slowly walked toward them.

"Is this the giant monster? It feels a bit ruo. It's not as powerful as the three-headed dog before. Besides, I just remembered that today is Halloween." Ye Feng remembered it when he saw the pumpkin lantern at the foot of the giant monster. Today is Halloween.

"Speaking of which, for Halloween, do you have to dress up as a ghost or something to ask for candy? How about putting on some light makeup?"

When Ye Feng was distracted by his thoughts, the troll was less than ten meters away from the toilet door, and Hermione behind him was desperately pulling him back. At the same time, the slender white hand was also He covered Ye Feng's mouth to prevent any shocking words from coming out of his mouth and attracting the troll.

As for Harry, he was reminding Ronald in a low voice that the troll was coming this way, asking him to start moving and move faster. After all, the troll was not locked up this time.

When the troll was less than two meters away from the toilet, Hermione pulled Ye Feng and hid in one of the toilets. Harry and Ronald also hid and tried not to make any noise, trying to hide and wait for the troll to leave on its own.

However, someone had deliberately let the troll in, so the next second a huge head poked over Harry and the others from above the toilet.


This was the second time Ye Feng heard such a loud scream today, and the second Hermione heard Harry's screams, she pushed open the toilet door and rushed out and took out her wand.

However, it is a pity that although Hermione is very talented in magic and is very diligent after class and has learned many more spells than others, she is still only a first-year student after all. She has not learned any offense or defense at all. The magic of sex.

Therefore, when the troll raised the wooden stick in his hand and was about to swing it down with all his strength, her mind went blank. However, Hermione was worthy of Harry Potter's IQ ceiling. In just a moment, she thought of a solution.

"Wingardium, Leviosa"

Although she has not learned 'Expelliarmus', the floating spell can also get rid of the enemy's weapons if used properly. However, even without the wooden stick, the troll is still a troll after all, so when the troll turns around and looks over , Hermione's little face turned a little white.

As Hermione was desperately trying to think of a way to escape safely, a hand grabbed her and pulled her behind her.



With a loud noise, the troll fell down, and Hermione looked at the giant monster that was knocked unconscious on the ground with a wooden stick and the questions in its head were filled with questions.

"Is this...fainting?"

Perhaps seeing Hermione's confusion, Ye Feng withdrew the wand that controlled the troll stick and explained: "There are actually two types of fainting. One is the more common magic version, which directly makes the person who is cursed fall into coma. This is the physical version, and I need to use external force to make the target fall into coma."

"Of course, this strength requires relatively in-depth experience to be able to control it correctly, otherwise it will easily become a wild goose chase."

Seeing the serious Ye Feng talking nonsense, Hermione, who had been tense all the time, burst into laughter. At this time, Harry and Ronald opened the toilet door and walked out.

"The troll...is solved?"

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