Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 45 The Style Of Painting Has Changed

"Hey, have you heard? That coward from Gryffindor got a diamond talisman from Ye Feng. Guess what?"

"Come on! I hate the Riddler who speaks half words and leaves half words behind."

"That's right, the Riddler gets out of Hogwarts!"

"I heard, I just heard."

"It is said that there is a person in Hufflepuff who likes to talk half-talk and leave the other half. One day, as usual, he half-talked and teased one of his classmates for a day, and then when he got up the next day, he walked around with his buttocks between his legs all day. It is said that when he saw a male classmate, he was still She would cover her buttocks like a frightened bird and never turn her back to her male classmates.”


The person who wanted to tell the truth opened his eyes wide when he heard this, and he felt a cold air rising from his buttocks, because he was Hufflepuff! ! !

"I said it! I said it right away!!!"

"It's like this. You should all know that Malfoy from the Snake Court likes to play tricks on the forgetful boy from the Lion Court, and just this morning Malfoy still teased the forgetful boy as usual."

"Guess what?"

"That forgetful boy happened to be carrying a diamond talisman in his arms, and then the scene that followed, tsk tsk, was so cruel!"

"Have you ever seen a scene where a speeding carriage knocks people away? The scene at that time should be similar to that."

"I saw with my own eyes the school doctor carrying them back. The scene was so tragic. As for Malfoy, the black robe on his body was covered in blood when he was carried back. What was even worse was that there was blood in his mouth when he was carried back. He's vomiting blood."

"You know, my father is a surgeon, so I know a little bit about that."

"Judging from Malfoy's slightly sunken chest, he has at least three broken ribs, and the broken ribs should have been inserted into his internal organs. In a Muggle world without potions, injuries like this might not be possible before they can be sent to hospital. People were already dead when they arrived at the hospital."

"You mean, they...were all hit by that forgetful Longbottom?"

"Yes, and I went to see the scene afterwards. It should have only been one collision."


As soon as these words came out, everyone listening around them took a breath of cold air, because if this was true, then the effect of the diamond talisman would be a bit too terrifying.

"If this Diamond Talisman is added to the Speed ​​Talisman used by Gryffindor's Quidditch player George..."


As soon as these words came out, everyone around them couldn't help but swallow their saliva, and then they all looked at each other and said in unison: "I suddenly remembered that I have something to do!"

A few minutes later, outside Ye Feng's classroom...

"Anthony, why are you here?"

"I also want to ask you, wait, do you think that is Wood? Is what he is holding in his hand the rumored talisman?"

"Holy shit, this guy is actually faster than us! This is absolutely intolerable!"

A few minutes later, Ye Feng sighed helplessly after sending several senior students away.

Thanks to the Weasley twins, his talisman was completely spread in Hogwarts in just two or three days. Moreover, Ye Feng's effect was good and the price was affordable. As the number of new users continued to increase, a lot of them repurchased it.

The number of gold galleons in Ye Feng's pocket increased rapidly as more people bought, but it was a bit too annoying to come to him one by one to buy. Moreover, he was not short of gold galleons, but when he saw his classmates and senior sisters, He couldn't help but feel soft at the expectant gaze.

"Otherwise, let Ronald and the others sell it for me. Not only will I be clean, but if Dumbledore pursues the case, I'll have someone to back me up."

Of course, the reason why Ye Feng considered asking Ronald and his brothers to help was not just because they themselves liked getting into trouble and could take the blame for him. Another reason was that Ronald's family's economy was not very good. Let them earn some money to support their families.

When Ye Feng approached Ronald and told him this idea, Ronald was not very willing, because he thought it was unkind to resell his good friend's things, especially since Ye Feng asked him to directly increase the price by 10%. When I was twenty and going for takeout.

Ye Feng didn't expect Ronald to refuse for this reason, but he was actually quite happy. Then he turned around and went to find...their third brother, Percy Weasley.

Originally, Ye Feng wanted to find Gemini, but thinking about Gemini's character, he suddenly hesitated, because he felt that if his talismans were given to these two guys, they would probably use them up before the next day, and they wouldn't even take turns. Don't sell it to others.

After all, Percy Weasley is a little older, more mature and stable, and has more considerations than Ronald and the others, so after listening to Ye Feng's suggestion, he looked at Ye Feng with a complicated expression, but in the end he agreed. .

"Thank you. Weasley will never forget your friendship."

When Ye Feng heard this, he knew that Percy had seen his other thoughts, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, this was something that happened easily, but the next development was a bit beyond Ye Feng's expectations. Yes, because the style of Hogwarts is completely distorted.

No, it’s not crooked anymore, the style of painting has changed.

There is a saying called star effect, and the Weasley family is quite famous in Hogwarts or the entire wizarding world, so when Percy Weasley, the overly 'honest' alien of the Weasley family, sold Ye Feng's talisman There was a rush of looting immediately, and Ye Feng had to work overtime for three consecutive days to draw the talismans before he could barely keep up with the supply.

The result of a large supply of talismans soon appeared.

Now when Ye Feng is walking on the school road, he can suddenly see someone's figure disappearing in a flash, but occasionally he can hear a scream of pain coming from an unknown corner. There is a high probability that he is using the magic talisman. When a person is not good at turning, it is easy to get into trouble.

Of course, thanks to his 'good classmate', Ye Feng was called to the office three times in the past two days. The reason was that Filch was teased by Gryffindor students who used invisibility charms every night until dawn, and because these people not only bought They bought the invisibility charm and the wall penetration charm, so Filch couldn't catch them at all.

But the worst thing is not Filch. The worst thing is actually the ghosts in the academy. They are now so scared by the guys who use invisibility charms and other talismans to pretend to be ghosts that they dare not come out at night, even during the day. I don’t dare to go to darker places anymore.

Snape was actually quite angry, because in the past two days, there were always students putting charms on themselves during the Potions class, and then the bad students who didn't understand could understand what he said, but this was not the case. What made him angry.

What really made him angry was that after these students put up the stickers, they could answer everything you asked them in class, but after taking them off after class, they started to get stuck, and basically only remembered a third of them.

And when the Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin started two days later, Ye Feng himself was stunned, because you have seen a group of people affixing diamond talismans on themselves, and then affixing magic talismans on broomsticks and running around like missiles. A Quidditch game where you don't care about the ball and just want to knock the opponent off the field?

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