Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 47 Ye Feng: Harem? I Lied To You!

Ye Feng knew about the magic stone, and he also knew how to get the magic stone, but he was not interested in the magic stone, because regardless of the magic stone's ability to turn other substances into pure gold, it could be refined The power of the elixir was of no use to him.

Gold represents money, and as long as Ye Feng thinks about money, he can cause looting in the magic world by just putting in the things he gets from signing in in the system. Muggle coins are even simpler, just exchange some money and go Just invest.

Although he doesn't know if the two horses are still around in this world, and whether they will create those huge business empires, he knows the history of their fortune, or the foundation of their fortune.

Knowing what will rise strongly in the future and having money in his hands, he can just invest some money in advance and he won't have to worry about money for the rest of his life, so money is really not attractive to Ye Feng.

The huge wealth represented by the magic stone is not attractive to Ye Feng, and the ability to live forever is even less attractive, because he is a cultivator of immortality, and cultivating immortality...

As we all know, cultivating immortals is a process of seeking immortality and a process of continuous evolution and strengthening of life levels. However, the road is long and difficult, so it takes a long time. If you want to gain something, you will definitely spend a lot of time. Therefore, those who cultivate immortals only need to The life span increased by embarking on the path of cultivating immortals starts at least three hundred.

In other words, if there are no accidents, with Ye Feng's current cultivation level, as long as he doesn't commit suicide, he can live until the day he doesn't want to live, and there is no need for any elixir at all.

What's more, immortal cultivators can also make elixirs, and many elixirs have the effect of increasing longevity. Some elixirs can not only make you live as long as the sky, but also give you the powerful power to turn over rivers and seas, catch stars and chase the moon. .

So although Ye Feng knew where the Sorcerer's Stone was and how to get it, he did not tell Hermione about the Sorcerer's Stone, but asked them to go find it directly.

Of course, he would also follow along to help find it, because this matter involved Hagrid, so if they wanted to know more information, they had to go to Hagrid, and Ye Feng had been coveting Hagrid's room of information for a long time.

Of course, Hagrid knew him because he had given gifts before and he had a good relationship with Harry, but it was just an acquaintance. If he wanted him to send or trade so many materials with him, he still had to go through Harry. Just fine.

So, when Harry put on his invisibility cloak and went to the restricted section of the library to look for books about the Sorcerer's Stone, Ye Feng also went on a rare night walk. However, unlike Harry who had to carefully avoid Filch, Ye Feng didn't do it at all. He needs to hide because Mrs. Norris is quite familiar with him.

In addition to listening to the noise and watching the lights, the most important thing Filch needs to catch students wandering at night is to ask Mrs. Norris to help him, but Filch may not even know that Mrs. Norris’ favorite food is the one from the Black Lake. They are small whitebait the size of your thumb, and you can eat five of them in one sitting.

"Snort, snore, snore..."

Gently stroking Mrs. Loris in her arms who was full and snoring happily, Ye Feng walked quickly towards the third floor because he also wanted to see if the Mirror of Erised could really see. to his deepest desires.

While Ye Feng was petting the cat beautifully and looking for the Mirror of Erised, Harry on the other side was running around competing with Filch in a battle of wits.

Because of the invisibility talisman provided by Ye Feng, there were many more students on night tours. It can be said that before there was no forbidden talisman, there were basically two to three students on night tours every night. This provided Filch with a lot of information on how to find invisibility night tours. student experience.

Unfortunately, Harry was too confident in his invisibility cloak, so he bumped into Filch's head as soon as he went out. As a result, even Mrs. Norris quickly smelled the smell and ran to Ye Feng. , but Harry is still being chased like a dog by Filch.

In fact, Harry should be lucky that the oil lamps in Hogwarts did not have voice control function, otherwise it would be so bright everywhere he went that he would not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

"By the way, should I suggest Dumbledore get one? It would save the school a lot of money on lamp oil and candles."

Other Gryffindor students: Thank you...

In the end, Ye Feng gave up the idea. After all, he was not a devil. He should give the other Gryffindors a way to survive.

"Oh? Is this the Mirror of Erised?" While thinking, a full-length mirror as tall as a person suddenly appeared in front of Ye Feng.

This mirror really appeared suddenly, and Ye Feng was sure that this thing was definitely not here before, because this was a corridor, and you could see it just by walking a little further inside.

"Do you want to see what I long for most? I happen to be curious too, so let's take a look."

Ye Feng knew that Dumbledore must have put this here, but he didn't care. After all, his purpose of coming out this time was to find the Mirror of Erised.

Ye Feng, who was holding Mrs. Loris, stood in front of the empty Mirror of Erised and scratched his head. He put Mrs. Loris on the ground and murmured, "Do you need some awakening spell?"

"Ahem, mirror, mirror, tell me who is in the world, bah, I'm sorry for being a slanderer, let's do it again."

After Ye Feng's words, Ye Feng's appearance quietly appeared on the empty Mirror of Erised. However, what surprised Ye Feng was that it was not him now, but a grown-up man who was about fifteen or sixteen years old. His.

"What do you mean? The biggest desire in my heart is to grow up? Is this thing broken? How about asking Dumbledore to fix it?"

Just as Ye Feng's murmur fell, the scene in the Mirror of Erised quietly increased a lot. This time, a delicate little face that looked both angry and happy appeared.

"This girl looks so familiar, I always feel like I'll see her there..."


Before Ye Feng finished speaking, several girls quickly appeared in the Mirror of Erised, surrounding him. Although these girls each had their own unique features and beautiful looks, they all had one thing in common, that is, they all looked at him. Full of love.

"Tsk, is this the deepest desire in my heart? But it seems so. Since I don't know if I can go back, I might as well enjoy life. What's more, the road to immortality is long, and I have to find some companions and Taoist companions. It’s really a good choice.”

Of course, I think so, but it’s still unclear whether he will actually do this. After all, he is only eleven years old. Even if foreign countries are more open and the phenomenon of puppy love is more common, there are still a few years left. Let’s take a look first. Bar.

While Ye Feng lowered his head and pondered, Dumbledore, who was hiding behind, had a look of astonishment on his face.

"I never thought that what this little guy desires most is this..."


Dumbledore was startled before he could finish the murmur in his heart, because the picture in the Mirror of Erised was changing rapidly at this moment.

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