Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 50 Ye Feng: This Is Going To Happen


"Headmaster Dumbledore?"

"Headmaster Dumbledore!"

"Huh? Oh"

"I'm sorry, I was a little distracted just now. I have nothing to say now." After hearing Dumbledore's words, the other people withdrew their gazes. At this time, Dumbledore suddenly said something that almost made Professor McGonagall almost If choked.

"Minerva, how about adding some Chinese dishes to our menu? Balanced nutrition is healthier. Children can't always eat these fried things."

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Professor McGonagall looked at him blankly for a while, and opened her mouth several times. In the end, she didn't say anything, and nodded in agreement with Dumbledore's words. Then the students at Hogwarts discovered that the dining table There are new dishes appearing every day.

"Oh, it's so boring. Why did Principal Dumbledore take away the Mirror of Erised? There is nothing to look at now, and I always feel empty inside." It was just dark in the evening, and Ronald, who had returned to the lounge, looked at the original The location of the Mirror of Erised begins to grumble.

Ye Feng, who was reading a book and pondering the art of transformation, glanced up at him when he heard this and said, "Have you found any records about the magic stone?"


As soon as Ye Feng said these words, not only Ronald, but also Harry and Hermione stood up suddenly.

"Ahhh! We were so focused on looking at the Mirror of Erised that we forgot to ask Hagrid about the Philosopher's Stone."

After receiving Ye Feng's reminder, Harry and the others finally remembered that they still had things to do. However, it was already dark by this time, and as soon as it got completely dark, Filch would wander outside and target students who did not return to the lounge as required. Catch them, so...what does this have to do with them?

They are Gryffindor's students, and if Gryffindor's students don't go out at night, are they still called Gryffindor? So they ran out without thinking, but halfway through the run, Harry and Hermione seemed to have thought of something and suddenly ran back, leaving Ronald standing alone and messy in the wind.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing Ronald's call, Harry shouted without looking back: "Get the invisibility cloak!"

Hermione was much more straightforward. He rushed to Ye Feng's side, snatched the book from Ye Feng's hand and put it on the table next to him, then grabbed Ye Feng's hand and pulled him up.

"Haven't you been collecting various magic items? Hagrid is a keeper of magical animals. I think you will like his place."

Ye Feng didn't expect that Hermione would turn around to drag him along, and she actually noticed that she had been collecting various magic items. This made Ye Feng's heart warm. He was indeed not wrong about Hermione. She is indeed a kind and kind girl.

Night travel is something that Ye Feng and the others are already familiar with, not to mention that Ye Feng is already familiar with Mrs. Loris. In addition, they also have invisibility cloaks and invisibility talismans, so they sneak out of the castle to deal with them. It doesn't matter at all.

Hagrid is the keeper of magical animals at Hogwarts, and magical animals usually live in the Forbidden Forest, so he lives on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. However, animals in the Forbidden Forest generally do not come out. So there won't be any danger or anything like that.

As for Ye Feng, his eyes were full of excitement when he looked at the small house, because this short and simple house contained huge wealth.

In the magical world, unicorn hair is basically sold by Lunke. It can be said that a ball of unicorn hair as big as a finger costs at least one gold Galleons. In the outside world, this kind of hair can be said to be expensive. It was something that was not available in the market, so Hagrid just used it to weave carpets.

Suddenly, Ye Feng understood a little bit why Hogwarts could continue to operate even though it did not charge student fees or anything, and the food for the students was so good. With a treasure trove like the Forbidden Forest in hand, they would indeed not be short of money.

"Dong dong dong dong dong..."

While Ye Feng was thinking, Harry, who was running at the front, had already knocked on Hagrid's door. But what surprised Ye Feng and Harry was that Hagrid, who was supposed to welcome them, did not step aside to let them open the door. Go in.

"I'm sorry, don't blame me for being rude, I don't have time to play with you today."

Hearing Hagrid's words, an idea flashed in Ye Feng's mind.

"Isn't it possible that the dragon egg Hagrid got hasn't hatched yet?"

No wonder Ye Feng thought this way, after all, because of his cunning move of moving the Mirror of Erised back to the Gryffindor common room as a television, Harry and the others came to find Hagrid much later than in the show, at least a week late.

While Ye Feng was thinking about this, Hagrid immediately closed the door after finishing speaking. Upon seeing this, Harry said loudly: "We know about the Sorcerer's Stone."

Hearing Harry's words, Hagrid exclaimed, opened the door, turned around and walked inside. Harry followed closely and said, "We think Snape wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone."

Although due to Ye Feng, the scene where Snape, who was clearly saving Harry, was mistaken for harming Harry during the Quidditch match, was no longer there, but because Snape had been targeting Gryffindor, Harry, and Ye Feng, Harry and the others were still the first For a moment, the person who wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone was placed on Snape.

Harry and the others didn't know, but as the person who retrieved the Philosopher's Stone from Gringotts, Hagrid knew it quite well, so he directly denied Harry's guess and told Harry directly that Snape was one of the teachers who guarded the Philosopher's Stone.

After hearing this news, Harry's outlook was a little shattered. He never expected that Snape, who had been targeting them and had been suspected by them for a long time, was not the one who stole the Philosopher's Stone, but the one who protected it.

"Harry, I suddenly had an idea. Do you think Snape was targeting you because it was known that you wanted to break into the secret room guarded by the three-headed dog?"

"Oh my God! Have you had contact with Lu Wei? Little Harry, are you not hurt? Although Lu Wei is cute, he is really a bit too dangerous for ordinary wizards." Hagrid grabbed Harry's hand while speaking. She turned him over with her shoulder and checked to see if there were any injuries on his body.

Seeing that there were no injuries on Harry's body, Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Hey, listen, don't go looking for Lu Wei again. No one knows how to do it except Dumbledore and me."

As soon as Hagrid said this, Harry and the other three instantly turned to look at Ye Feng, and they remembered the 'extremely exciting' scene that day.

At this moment, the metal bucket placed on the fireplace flame made a clanging sound. Hearing the sound, Hagrid, wearing heat-proof gloves, walked over and took out a gray egg and placed it on the table.

At this time, Ye Feng turned his head and glanced at the window.

"Mr. Malfoy, do Slytherins also have a tradition of night walks?"

Ye Feng's words startled Harry and all of them, and when they heard the footsteps walking away quickly, their hearts suddenly rose, because if Malfoy told what happened here, then they might There will be big trouble.

As if seeing their worries, Ye Feng said with a smile: "Don't worry, Malfoy was yelled at by me just as he walked to the window. He didn't see or hear anything."

When he said this, Ye Feng also glanced at the oval object on the table that kept making knocking sounds from the inside. When Hagrid heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Ye Feng with gratitude.

"Thank you Ye Feng, I, Hagrid, will repay you."

Ye Feng smiled when he heard Hagrid's words. Wasn't this the reason why he followed Harry and the others out?

"Hahaha, tremble. With the materials Hagrid has here, I, Ye Feng, will finally stand up!"

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