Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 54 Ye Feng: You Didn’T Even Ask.

"It's not necessary anymore, just let it rest in peace."

Seeing Hagrid's rejection, Ye Feng's eyes flashed with disappointment. He also wanted to try the 'healing' effect of the passion honey dew pills that he had refined using 7749 Chinese herbal medicines two days ago. This was his An updated version of the goodies you fed to a certain fat, round-faced chicken that had ascended to heaven before coming to Hogwarts.

A certain fat chicken with a round face: You are amazing and noble!

Although it is a bit of a pity, his harvest tonight is quite good, because the materials in the Forbidden Forest are indeed very rich, and there are many things that neither the magical creatures nor the wizards in the Forbidden Forest know how to use, which is cheap. Ye Feng has collected a lot of good things even in the periphery of the Forbidden Forest, at least in Ye Feng's opinion now, they are good things.

Therefore, when Hagrid buried the unicorn and asked to go back, Ye Feng did not object. However, what Ye Feng did not expect was that when they returned to the common room, Harry mentioned Snape's intention to steal the Sorcerer's Stone. thing.

"I think that what Ye Feng caught just now in the Forbidden Forest is very likely to be Voldemort, because at that time the scar on my forehead was burning like fire. I think it was an early warning."

"But, if that was really Voldemort, how could Ye Feng catch him so easily? And... he used an ordinary net bag."

Ye Feng: ( ̄▽ ̄)ノRaise your hand~

"Excuse me for a moment, that is not an ordinary net bag. In order to prevent the net bag from being broken, I added some mithril and a 'tougher' alloy to the materials for refining and weaving the net bag. In theory, it can make an elephant I can't break free, and I added some magic spells and runes that prohibit evil during the refining process..."




"Voldemort, died unjustly..."

Ye Feng's words interrupted Harry's thoughts of refuting Hermione. He thought about it for a long time before he remembered what he wanted to say, and said, "That's right."

"Voldemort was so weak that he needed to drink the blood of unicorns to stay alive, so it was reasonable to be caught in the net bag pointed by Ye Feng. And the reason why Snape wanted to steal the magic stone was to make the elixir of life to help Voldemort recover. , so that he can make a comeback."

"But, if that is really Voldemort, then he should be dead, right in front of us."

Everyone fell silent as soon as Ronald said this, because he revealed a fact that all of them had ignored, that is, Voldemort died in the Forbidden Forest, and he died in front of all of them. This directly turned into black smoke and dissipated.

This time Harry didn't remain silent for long, and in just three or four seconds he said firmly: "No, I have a hunch that Voldemort is not dead, he must still be alive. Although I don't know what means he used to survive, but I I'm sure he is still alive and somewhere not far from Hogwarts."

Even Ye Feng had to sigh, Harry was indeed the destined enemy chosen by Voldemort. Even if he saw Voldemort dissipate into black mist in front of him, even if he didn't know that there was such a thing as a Horcrux, he relied on his intuition to do it. Being able to tell that Voldemort is still alive.

Perhaps infected by Harry's attitude, Ronald and Hermione also chose to believe Harry's words, but they still didn't believe that Snape would steal the Philosopher's Stone. Compared with Harry's anxiety and worries, Hermione and Ronald were not worried about Voldemort. It would hurt them because they believed Dumbledore could protect them.

Moreover, even if Dumbledore is not in school, they still have Ye Feng. If Ye Feng can catch Voldemort once, he can catch Voldemort a second time. Harry slowly calmed down with the comfort of Ye Feng and the others. More importantly, the final exam It's coming, and they have no more time to think about other things.

Things like final exams are completely stress-free for top academics like Ye Feng and Hermione. As for Harry, he is quite talented in magic, so although he often hangs out with Ronald at night, he is even more powerful than Ronald. But there's nothing wrong with taking the test.

As for Ronald, Ye Feng could only say that he had tried his best to help him. After all, he had carved peach wood for him such as the Concentration Talisman and other talismans that would help him study. If he failed in the exam again, there would be nothing he could do.

It turns out that Ronald's mind is quite smart. With the help of Ye Feng's talismans, he unexpectedly did well in this exam.

However, judging from the smiles on the faces of other students, they did quite well in the exam. After all, although the use of talismans is extremely limited, who would not like a good thing like the Pure Heart Talisman that can 'save lives' at critical moments? How many more should I prepare?

It's a pity that Hogwarts exam results are calculated based on scores. If this were drawn proportionally, Ronald and the others would definitely be sucked to death even with the help of Ye Feng's talisman. After all, there is a saying The saying goes like this, if everyone has it, it means nothing. If others don’t have it but I have it, then it means I have it.

"How about recommending this 'excellent' examination system to Dumbledore?" Ye Feng feels that the learning atmosphere at Hogwarts, except for Ravenclaw, is a bit too "unorganized". They need a little bit of motivation. Unfortunately, Dumbledore received a letter from the Ministry of Magic and left, which prevented Ye Feng from recommending him in time.

Other students at Hogwarts: Just be a human being! ! ! Let us go, let yourself go, wouldn't you?

Just when Ye Feng was thinking about whether to go back and write to Dumbledore, Harry saw Hagrid sitting at the door of the hut preparing dinner for the dragon he had quietly raised, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

"Wait, don't you think it's strange? Hagrid wants a dragon wholeheartedly, but by chance he meets a stranger with a dragon?"

"Think about it, who would walk around with a dragon egg in their arms all day long?"

"What's so surprising? The method of trying to get information from someone you want has been used for a long time, but no matter how bad the method is, some people will still fall for it. It's normal for Hagrid to fall for it."

Harry, Hermione, Ronald: (O_o)??

"You...have seen it a long time ago?" Harry looked at Ye Feng with disbelief in his eyes.

"Yeah, this kind of routine is so low-level that I wouldn't even bother to use it."

"If it were me, I wouldn't have to give him the dragon egg. After all, Hagrid is not strict with his words. As long as I drink two glasses of wine with him and chat with him about magical animals, I won't have to talk to him. I can tell it all myself.”

( ̄□ ̄;)

As soon as Ye Feng said these words, Harry and the others opened their mouths in astonishment. Then after they came back to their senses, they all moved half a step back in unison, looking at Ye Feng as if they were looking at a monster.

"You know, why didn't you tell us?" Harry looked at Ye Feng with disbelief.

Ye Feng replied matter-of-factly: "You didn't ask me. I thought you all could see it. After all, this method is too low-level."

Harry: I always feel like you are scolding me, but I have no proof.

Feeling insulted, the three of them decided to drop the topic, so they walked quickly towards Hagrid's hut in a tacit understanding. Ye Feng smiled when he saw this.

He did not remind Harry and the others on purpose. After all, he was not Harry's nanny. He might ensure their safety in times of danger, but if they wanted to 'pass the level', they still needed to work hard on their own.

Of course, in order to avoid being bored, Ye Feng would also find some fun for himself, such as almost scaring Voldemort to death (Halloween night) and scaring Voldemort to death (Forbidden Forest) and so on.

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