Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 58 The Next Dark Lord Is Born?

Under the huge net bag hood, Voldemort, who was behind Quirrell's head, watched helplessly as he was caught in the net bag like an insect. This made the proud Voldemort instantly furious.

However, the next second Voldemort was frightened because he found that he could not move, and the same was true for Quirrell who had already taken the Sorcerer's Stone in his hand, and he could clearly feel that the magical power in Quirrell's body was imprisoned and he could not move at all. move.

Ye Feng: ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙

"Look! I caught another wild Voldemort!"


(Why can pictures make sounds? (o゚▽゚)o )

Almost instantly, when they heard Ye Feng's words, Harry and Dumbledore who were hiding behind couldn't help but slap their foreheads at the same time, because this scene was so familiar, and they could never have imagined that. The terrifying being whose name was enough to stop a child from crying at night actually fell into the hands of the same person two (three) times, and in the same way both times.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly feel that this Dark Lord is a bit pitiful. Is it my... illusion?" Quirrell Dumbledore suddenly felt like he was lying on the ground with Ye Feng holding him in a net bag, pupating like maggots. mercy.

"Ahhhh...who are you!!!"

Voldemort yelled angrily after trying every means to break free, but to no avail. He had always regarded half-blood wizards as insects, but he never expected that one day he would be caught with a net like an insect. This was very important to him. It was undoubtedly a huge shame, so Voldemort wanted to know who had captured him.

Don't say that Ye Feng is just an ordinary new wizard admitted to Hogwarts.

Which wizard could easily catch him in a net as soon as he entered school, a being who could dominate the entire magical world and whose name alone could stop children from crying at night? Therefore, Voldemort simply did not believe that Ye Feng was just a newly admitted first-year wizard.

Facing Voldemort's roar and questioning Ye Feng, he did not answer him, but took out his wand.

Although the wand is dispensable in his hand, he is still a student of Hogwarts after all, so he still has to respect it a little bit compared to the wand that cost him a "huge sum" of seven gold galleons, so Ye Feng still He took out his wand and thought about it.


! ! ! (((゚Д゚)))

"Or the Soul Stripping Technique?"


"Or...take away the soul?"


Every time Ye Feng said the word 'terrible', the expressions on Dumbledore's and the others' faces changed. Voldemort, who was covered in a net bag, was petrified and began to doubt life, because he seemed to know only half of what Ye Feng said. Never even heard of it.

"You...are not...the next Dark Lord?" With deep doubts, Voldemort asked the most pressing question in his heart. This was also the question that Hermione and the others wanted to know.

Ye Feng: ( ̄┏Д┓ ̄°*)

"Are you... so devoid of humor? I'm just scaring him."

Voldemort: Why do I feel like you're not joking and you really mean it?

When Voldemort was thinking wildly, Ye Feng's wand directly touched Voldemort's big face, which was parasitic on the back of Quirrell's head. As Ye Feng's wand clicked, Voldemort's face froze instantly, and Quirrell couldn't help it. Trembling, Ye Feng did not stay long after clicking the wand, and raised the wand only two seconds later.

As Ye Feng raised the wand, Quirrell changed from trembling to twitching, and the twitching became larger and larger, and the movements became more and more intense, because when Ye Feng raised the wand, the top of his wand connected There is a dark 'mist'.

When he saw the black energy, Dumbledore's pupils shrank suddenly. He didn't even bother to hide, and he rushed out and kicked Quirrell away, who was still covered by the net bag. While kicking Quirrell away He waved the wand in his hand and hit Ye Feng's wand with a bang.

Ye Feng:  ̄へ ̄

Ye Feng, who was interrupted from casting a spell, couldn't help but frown, but when he saw that the person coming was Dumbledore, he could only curl his lips helplessly because he saw the anxious look in Dumbledore's eyes.

"Ye Feng, where did you learn this magic?" After interrupting Ye Feng's spell casting, Dumbledore looked at Ye Feng solemnly and asked.

Seeing that half of Voldemort's soul was slowly dissipating in the air, Ye Feng sighed helplessly in his heart and said: "I saw it in the forbidden book area. I thought maybe Voldemort's soul could be extracted from Professor Quirrell's body." When he comes out, he may be able to return to normal.”

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Dumbledore's expression softened instantly. Quirrell, who was lying on the ground, heard Ye Feng's words and shouted loudly: "Don't even think about it! Don't even think about separating me from my master!"

"Did you see that, Xiaoye Feng? Your idea is good, but Quirrell's soul has been merged with Voldemort's soul. He was too deeply influenced by Voldemort. Even I can't separate them. He...has died. saved…"

After saying this, Dumbledore sighed.

In fact, he knew that Voldemort would let people lurk to Hogwarts, otherwise he would not have let Hagrid go get the Sorcerer's Stone and come back to fish, but he never expected that Voldemort would actually parasitize Quirrell and come here in person. If he knew this , he will definitely take action as soon as possible, so maybe Quirrell can be saved.

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Harry and the others all lowered their heads in despair, because in their eyes, Dumbledore was almost omnipotent. Now even Dumbledore said there was nothing he could do, so maybe there really was nothing he could do.

"Professor Quirrell..."

"Since there's no way to save it, let's just kill it."

As soon as Harry and the others' sadness spread, Ye Feng killed it with one sentence. This made Harry and the others look at Ye Feng in disbelief.

Ye Feng: [・ヘ・?]

"Why are you looking at me like this? Since Professor Quirrell has been severely affected by Voldemort and is hopeless, keeping him here will be a huge hidden danger. And is Professor Quirrell who is fused with Voldemort's soul still Professor Quirrell? "

"I think the real Professor Quirrell died the moment he was parasitized by Voldemort. Now he is just an empty shell. So I think Professor Quirrell's spirit in heaven would also want us to do this and kill Voldemort. He took revenge and freed his body, right?"

After Ye Feng finished speaking, Dumbledore and Ronald's eyes instantly changed when they looked at Quirrell. Feeling the change in Dumbledore's eyes, Quirrell, who was lying on the ground, instantly started struggling crazily with his hair standing on end.

"No, Dumbledore, you don't really believe what this little brat says, do you? I am Quirrell, and I have never changed! Dumbledore, you can't kill me! I should accept the punishment of the magic world's laws instead of being killed by you, You can’t...wu~wuwuwu!”

"Shut up. Don't let the dead lie around anymore. Why don't you just rest in peace?" As he spoke, Ye Feng grabbed Harry's hand and pressed it directly on Quirrell's head. After being held down by Harry's hand, Ye Feng Quirrell suddenly stopped moving, and almost instantly a large number of cracks appeared on his body, and in just a few seconds, it turned directly into plaster.

"What a pity. I originally wanted to catch a wild Voldemort and study it. After all, he is also the Dark Lord. Although he is disabled, he should still have some research value. Maybe I can get a few bonuses for publishing a few papers, such as "On ▪The difference between the Dark Lord’s body structure and that of ordinary people.”

Dumbledore: Give me back the emotion I just felt! I suddenly felt that what Voldemort just said was somewhat reasonable. You really have the potential to become the Dark Lord.

Ye Feng: I'm not, I don't have you, don't talk nonsense! The Dark Lord is so weak!

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