Listening to the familiar dog barking, Ye Feng walked towards his home with a bright smile. Zhang Qiu, who was following him, looked at the dog barking getting farther and farther and felt something was wrong, but when she Seeing that the villagers who passed by and saw Ye Feng smiled brightly at them and greeted them warmly, they put aside these doubts.

"Hey, what a pretty little girl. Xiaoye, where did you kidnap her from?"

"Uncle Third, this is my classmate. She came to my house to play. I didn't kidnap her. Kidnapping is illegal. If she is caught, she will be beaten to death."

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the third uncle, who was stooped despite working in the fields all year round, nodded seriously and said: "It seems so. Last month, a group of photographers from the next village came into the village to take pictures. The person was discovered, but by the time the officials arrived, only one of them was still breathing."

"No, I heard that the one who was still breathing kicked his legs on the way to the hospital."

There are basically no entertainment activities in the village, so many people like to gather under the shade of the trees to chat during farm breaks or having lunch in the evening. Now that the topic was discussed, many people gathered here within a few minutes.

"Let me tell you, that group of patters deserved it. They didn't ask any questions when they came to attack. The village next door is a big village where even the public is not willing to enter the village during leisure time. This group of patters actually dared to enter their village to film people. Isn't that a proper way to light a lamp in the toilet - looking for shit (to die)."

In just a few minutes, one person and one sentence were rarely seen after the 1920s, but in the 1980s and 1990s, things that were very common in rural areas, especially in some remote and backward places, were described. Zhang Qiu, who was behind Ye Feng, was dumbfounded.

Ye Feng couldn't help but smile when he saw Zhang Qiu's cute little mouth open slightly. However, seeing that the topics these people were chatting about became more and more unbroadcast, Ye Feng quickly said goodbye and pulled Zhang Qiu away. They left, and not long after Ye Feng and the others left, as the smoke slowly dissipated, the crowd also quickly dispersed.

In rural areas, it is normal to sit at sunrise and rest at sunset. Now that the sun has risen, villagers have to eat breakfast and do farm work before the sun rises and the sunlight is not so poisonous.

As for Ye Feng, they walked forward smelling the not rich and complicated food aroma in the village and soon stopped in front of a small villa.

Ye Feng also contributed a little bit to this small villa. After all, it is very difficult for two-income people to build a small villa in this era, even in the countryside.

However, something embarrassing happened to Ye Feng. He forgot that today was not the weekend. In other words, his parents were still at school and not at home at all.

"Oh, it seems I have to break the school rules."

"Open Sesame"

Zhang Qiu: [・_・?]

Looking at the door that slowly opened following Ye Feng's words, Zhang Qiu's little face was full of doubts.

"Isn't it...the Alajo hole is open?"

Hearing Zhang Qiu's words, Ye Feng walked in and explained (nonsense): "The spell to open the Alajo Cave opens the door of a foreign country, but this is the country of China. It is obvious that the door of the country of China uses a foreign opening spell. It doesn’t work, so in China, Open Sesame is the real door-opening spell.”

Looking at Ye Feng's serious face, Zhang Qiu always felt that there was something wrong with Ye Feng's explanation, but she felt that it made sense, so she nodded with a blank expression and followed Ye Feng inside.

In the evening, Father Ye and Mother Ye came home and were shocked when they saw the open door.

"Dad, isn't there a burglar in our house?"

"Intruder? No way? Our relationship with the folks in the village is pretty good. If they see it, they will definitely stop it. Could it be that you didn't close the door when you came out?"

"It's impossible. I remember very clearly that I closed the door when I came out."

"Could it be your parents here? I remember they seem to have the key to our house."


"How about you go back and buy two kilograms of meat? If our parents are really here, we can't let them eat our leftovers from last night, right?"

"Okay, you go back first, I'll go back to town and buy two kilograms of meat." As he spoke, Dad Ye put one foot on the ground, grabbed the handlebars of the bicycle with both hands and suddenly lifted it hard, and Kara turned the bicycle around with a sound. Riding back, Ye Ma walked towards the house with a curious face, and then she saw a head sticking out from the corner.

( ̄▽ ̄)~*

"Mom, you are back. Do you miss me, your dear son?"

Ye Ma: ( ̄ー ̄)

Ye's mother turned around: "The child's father! No need to buy it! It's not our parents who are here, it's Xiaoye who is back!"

Dad Ye, who had already turned around and rode some distance away, stopped his bike when he heard Ma Ye's voice, turned around and shouted, "What?" Are you saying that it's not our parents who are here, but Xiaoye's? Okay, there are quite a lot of leftovers from yesterday. If he eats more, he should be able to finish it tonight. "

Ye Feng: (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

"Are uncle and aunt back?" At this moment, a small figure ran out from behind Ye Feng in a panic.

Ye Ma: (≖ ◡ ≖)✧

"Dad! You have to buy at least enough meat for four dishes tonight. If you can't buy it from the vegetable market, you'll have to borrow it from me if you ask someone to borrow it!"

Dad Ye was also very curious when he heard that Ye Ma had changed so much, and he was not many steps away from the door, so he did not turn back directly but continued to ride towards the door. When he returned to the door, he saw Ye Feng behind him. Zhang Qiushi was instantly excited.

"Our pigs...have started to understand cabbage, right?"

"Hello, uncle and aunt, my name is Zhang Qiu."

"Zhang Qiu?"

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Ye Ma's mind and she exclaimed: "Are you Zhang Qiu? I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that Ni'er, who was dark and thin when she was in school, could actually give birth to such a beautiful daughter."

Zhang Qiu:…

Speaking ill of my mother in front of me seemed... quite exciting. After all, she had never understood the 'mother' in other people's eyes.

Following Ye's mother's exclamation, Ye's father also came to his senses. He nodded very seriously and said, "Honey, don't worry, I'll buy the vegetables right away." Before he finished speaking, Ye's father had already turned the car around. , and just as he turned the bicycle around, something suddenly occurred to him.

"By the way, son, the old hen in the chicken coop has not laid eggs for several days. You will kill it and deal with it later. Don't forget the passion pill. Without that, the soup made by the old hen will always feel lacking. Have some flavor."

Ye Feng: The case has been solved. He is definitely his biological child, because only biological children will receive this kind of treatment. As for Zhang Qiu, the uneasy Zhang Qiu has been pulled by Ye Ma to sit down on the sofa in the living room, and saw Ye Feng still stood there dumbly and then immediately turned around with a tigerish face.

"Why are you still standing there? Didn't you see that Zhang Qiu's hand is empty? Why don't you go get her something to drink?"

Ye Feng: ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

"We have to work hard, let's work." Ye Feng sighed slightly, and went to pour Zhang Qiu a drink, and Zhang Qiu looked at Ye Feng's helpless expression and somehow felt relaxed, maybe It's probably because she has experienced this scene before.

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