Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 62 Prologue To The Broomstick Contest

Just like the graduation exam of the apprentice taught by a guy who is in conflict with Heaven is the Heavenly Palace, the final exams of each school year for Harry and the others in the world of Harry Potter are also very similar, except that instead of the Heavenly Palace, they are the shark Voldemort.

It's a pity that the 'two final exams' of last school year were cut off by Ye Feng, so Harry and Ronald were unable to complete the exams. But this time, Ye Feng felt that he would give them a chance, so his eyes lit up. Walked in front of Ronald, his family and... Harry.

"Mrs. Weasley, Miss Ginny, good morning."

"Oh~ and Harry."

The three Weasley brothers: "What about us?" ×3

"Oh, and you three."

The three Weasley brothers:…

"Hello." While Ye Feng and the Weasley family were greeting Harry, Zhang Qiu also came over and said hello.

Seeing Zhang Qiu, the Weasley family including Harry were obviously a little embarrassed, because Zhang Qiu, who spent most of the summer at Ye Feng's house, was not only well taken care of and 'fed' by Ye's parents, but also ate a lot of Ye Feng's food. The elixir was confirmed to be beneficial to the body through experiments, so not only was her complexion rosy, but her skin was extremely white and tender, and she looked extremely bright and attractive even without makeup.

Perhaps seeing the embarrassment of Harry and the others, Zhang Qiu smiled and said after getting to know each other, "Then you guys chat, I'll leave first."

After Zhang Qiu had left for a few seconds, the group of people came back to their senses. Ronald, one of them, exclaimed as soon as he came to his senses: "This is Zhang Qiu? Why do you feel like a completely different person?" Ronald glanced at him while speaking. Ye Feng, the inquiring meaning in his eyes was not hidden at all.

Except for Harry and Ginny, everyone understood what Ronald meant almost immediately, so they all looked at Ye Feng with narrowed eyes.

Ye Feng rolled his eyes when he saw this and said, "What are you thinking? The reason why Zhang Qiu has changed so much is mainly because I taught him to 'cultivate immortality'."

"Cultivation? What is that? Is it a kind of magic?"

"No, it's a mysterious power from the East. It's very troublesome to explain."

After hearing this, Ronald and the others immediately took it as Ye Feng's recommendation, but Ye Feng knew from their expressions that they didn't believe it. This made Ye Feng couldn't help but lament that he was telling the truth but no one I believe it, but the reason why Zhang Qiu is so 'attractive' is also related to the fact that she doesn't know how to restrain her mental power.

The main reason why Zhang Qiu is so eye-catching is that she practiced Ye Feng's modified mental guidance method, and her mental power surged greatly in a short period of time. The surge in mental power also led to a substantial increase in magic power, which made her temporarily unable to This situation occurs because you have a good grasp of the convergence of these two forces.

However, this situation will not last long. According to Zhang Qiu's talent, he only needs to wait for about a week to recover. As for Ye Feng, he has already reached the state of returning to his original nature, and his immortal power and spiritual thoughts are completely restrained. to the extent.

Ye Feng and the others didn't chat much because Ginny was a new student this semester, and the train was about to leave, so they had to go in and find seats, so after chatting for a few words, the Weasley twins left in a hurry, but just as they pushed When the trolley was about to reach the entrance of platform nine and three-quarters, I suddenly thought of something and made a sudden stop.

"It was so dangerous. I almost forgot that this entrance was enchanted. I almost ran into it like last year." As he spoke, George carefully pushed the trolley into the entrance to see, and Fred behind him Seeing this, he was relieved.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, the Weasleys looked at each other with a look of relief on their faces.

"Our children finally understand something..." Of course, this was just what they felt and they didn't say it out loud, otherwise Ye Feng next to him would definitely roll his eyes.

If you want these two famous troublemakers in Hogwarts to stabilize, it is no more difficult than getting Voldemort to give up invading Hogwarts. Of course, Ye Feng instinctively ignored that the outrageous things he did alone were worse than those of the Weasley twins. It would be more for two people combined.

"Let's go and find a better place for Ginny." Seeing the twins entering, Mrs. Weasley nodded to Ye Feng and walked forward with her things. From this point of view, Ginny was Their family's status is still very high, after all, Ronald didn't have this kind of treatment at the beginning.

Ye Feng remembered clearly that when they sent Ronald to school, they didn't even help Ronald find a place to pick up his luggage. Mrs. Weasley, who was taking Ginny with her, didn't even enter the platform.

Seeing that Ginny and the others had already entered, Ye Feng, who had put all his luggage in the space ring with his empty hands like Zhang Qiu, also turned around and prepared to enter the platform, but just when he was about to turn around, he felt something and raised his eyebrows slightly. He moved back slightly to get out of the way, letting Ronald and Harry go first.

Although they didn't know why Ye Feng took a step to the side, there was really not much time, and if they wanted to talk, they could do so on the train, so they pushed the stroller forward without thinking too much, and then...


The sound of the metal cart hitting the wall was heard, but because of the magic circle that Ye Feng had created before, the two of them walked very fast but did not start running, so the impact was not too strong, but they were suddenly hit by the cart. Their stomachs still hunched up like cooked shrimps.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so miserable. As expected of Harry's 'house elf', the master of the trap was very neat and tidy."

Yes, this was not done by Ye Feng but by someone else. The reason why he did not stop him was naturally because the house elf had no ill intentions (just kidding), so he watched the two of them collide. on the wall.

Of course, although Ye Feng was watching the joke between the two, it did not mean that he liked this ugly house elf. On the contrary, he did not like this house elf because he never liked to put his own will into his own hands. For the same reason, he doesn't like others to impose their will on him, even if it is with good intentions.

"However, this is a good opportunity, a chance to fly the broomstick in a legitimate way."

As a prospective second-year student at the Academy of Magic, it makes sense that he couldn't break a house elf's magic, right?

What? You said I'm not an ordinary second-year student? Well, we are outside platform nine and three-quarters now, and we are in the Muggle world, not the wizarding world, right? Since they are in the Muggle world, it is reasonable for them, as 'three good students', to abide by the Ministry of Magic's regulations and not use magic in the Muggle world, right?

So, when the entrance was 'sealed' by the house elf Dobby, Ye Feng and the others legitimately missed the train to Hogwarts. And just when Harry and the others were anxious and overwhelmed, Ronald thought of his father's That magical modified car.

However, when there is obviously a better means of transportation, why do they choose an old, slow and uncomfortable car instead of using a 'flying broomstick'? So when they left the station and found Ronald's father's flying car, Ye Feng spoke.

"Although your proposal is very good, Ronald, you just drove away your father's 'darling'. Aren't you afraid that he would find out and beat you to death? Moreover, I have a better proposal..." Ye Feng raised his hand as he spoke. He took out his 'flying broomstick'.

"By the way, I made a few more during the holidays. Do you want them? Or do you plan to open them..."

"Yes!" Harry and Ronald's voices sounded almost at the same time. After all, a handsome 'flying broomstick' full of technology and a dilapidated classic car. Anyone who is not stupid knows how to choose between these two. So, in a few seconds After a few minutes, three handsome broomsticks rushed up to the sky with long white trails, and the future broomstick competition also kicked off.

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