Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 70 The Renovation Is In Full Swing

Although it was just a simple glance, Voldemort found that the spiritual attack he launched melted like thin snow under the scorching sun. What was even more frightening was that under that gaze, his soul residing in the diary felt like it was about to explode. The feeling of flying ashes scared him so much that he instantly turned into a quail and dared not move.

Seeing that Voldemort had calmed down, Ye Feng waved his hand to restore the bathroom to its original state. It was only then that he realized that he was still holding Ginny, so he quickly let go of Ginny and said, "What happened tonight?" It’s a secret between us, I hope you won’t tell it, okay?”

The reason why Ye Feng didn't let Ginny tell anyone was to leave the 'final exam' to Harry and the others. However, Ginny may not have thought this way, but what exactly did she think? No one but herself knew.

But since that day, Ginny's face would turn red whenever she was alone with Ye Feng for a while. This made Ye Feng confused, but thinking that Ginny was a girl, Ye Feng thought it was normal, so he kept Didn't think much about it.

As for the diary, Ye Feng threw it into his dormitory after sending Ginny back to the dormitory. However, he didn't know if the size and height were more appropriate. After seeing it, Xiao Huihui dragged it to use as a dining table. ', I like to use it to grind my mouth after eating.

Voldemort: (〝▼plate▼)

Ye Feng: →_→

Voldemort:●| ̄|_

Of course, it's not like Voldemort has never tried to seduce and control Xiao Huihui when Ye Feng was away, but you have to know that besides fresh chicken breasts, what Xiao Huihui eats most every day is various kinds of elixirs.

Don't forget that Ye Feng brought a whole set of alchemy furnaces when he came back from vacation. In order to understand the characteristics of each alchemy furnace and the temperature of each alchemy furnace, Ye Feng had to open the furnace.

Although the rate of making elixirs from this kind of experimental furnace is generally not too high, the quantity is there, and Ye Feng's alchemy is not the kind that only produces one elixir in one furnace. As long as it is successfully made, at least There will also be nine. If the alchemy furnace is larger and contains more medicinal materials, it will start with thirty-six. If there are more, it can reach eighty-one or even one hundred and eight.

So these days, Little Huihui has been eating elixirs like jelly beans, and Voldemort's incomplete mental power wants to bewitch and control an owl that eats elixirs like jelly beans, and has obviously undergone a mutation. There is no difference from seeking death.

Ye Feng knew this very well, but he was not worried at all because he had often fed the pills he used for hand training to the cats and dogs in the village.

Although at the beginning, these cats and dogs vomited and had diarrhea after eating, and some even had their souls come out, but as Ye Feng became more and more skilled, this situation became less common, but Ye Feng I like 'innovation', so although many of these elixirs have excellent improving effects on these cats and dogs, the process can be seen from the nickname 'dogs dislike' spread among the dog group. .

Of course, even though Ye Feng was called 'dog-like' by the dogs in his village, if anything happened to Ye Feng or Ye Feng's family, they would definitely rush to him as soon as possible, because someone once developed a arrogant leash. He brought a so-called fighting dog back to the village, and just to show off, he ordered his dog to bite a rhubarb in the same village. What happened.

That day, the nouveau riche who came back from outside invited several neighbors to eat dog meat that night, and the owner of the rhubarb became a guest. According to that person, the rich guy offered 50,000 yuan to buy the rhubarb, but the owner of the rhubarb He refused because he was also present in that battle.

If it were you, would you sell it when you saw with your own eyes that your own rhubarb smashed a bullfight to the ground with one claw and couldn't get up, and then ran over to have fun with you? Even this 50,000 yuan is definitely a huge sum of money in this era.

And when they later saw that such a mighty Rhubarb could only be regarded as a mid-range among the dogs in the village, and no matter what kind of dog it was, cats would turn around and run away with their tails between their legs when they saw Ye Feng. Ye Feng was in their minds His status in the army has been greatly improved.

Only a few of Ye Feng's pills can have such an effect on animals, but Xiao Huihui eats these pills like jelly beans, so let alone Voldemort who is just a wisp of separated souls, can the full-strength Voldemort fight? It is not certain that he can survive Xiao Huihui, so Ye Feng is not worried about Xiao Huihui's safety at all.

Without Voldemort's troubles, the broomstick competition was quickly approaching, and as the competition approached, the atmosphere in Hogwarts became obviously tense. Even Harry and Ronald, who had always liked night walks, were out at night. With no more people in sight, they began to devote all their energy to transforming the broomsticks.

The modification of a flying broomstick is not just about replacing parts. When you modify it, you also need to consider whether the additional magic will conflict, whether the modified magic materials are suitable for this kind of magic circle, and whether the added materials will conflict with the magic circle. The original magic conflict of the accessories explodes or fails, etc., so the library is often full during this period.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that no one in Hogwarts objected, and even Snape participated.

The main opponent in this competition, apart from Dumbledore, is Snape, because he is a professor of potions and a well-known potions expert in the wizarding world, and the use of 'props' is not prohibited in the broomstick competition.

Just imagine, when Dumbledore used magic to force everyone back and prepare to win the first place, Snape waved his big hand and potions flew all over the sky. That scene probably made Dumbledore, who is known as the number one person in the wizarding world, feel numb.

As for Ye Feng, his transformation was relatively simple. He just added "100 million points" weapons, and he also helped Zhang Qiu, Hermione, Luna and Ginny transform their broomsticks, but The transformation of their broomsticks is mainly focused on defense and safety, with an emphasis on participation.

For example, Zhang Qiu's flying broomstick Ye Feng, in addition to being enchanted with magical spells such as immortality, rebound, and force release, also has a high-grade spiritual stone stuffed in it to act as an energy source to power the "headlights" of the same model. , so that she can 'light the way forward'.

The same style as Tony, you deserve it (≖ ◡ ≖)✧

Hermione's basic configuration is the same, except that the 'front lights' are replaced by two gain 'transmitters' that can increase the power of magic twenty times.

Luna and Ginny may have just arrived, but they still feel a little bit unfriendly, so they both requested that they be as inconspicuous as possible, so Ye Feng gave them a way to reduce their presence. Array, the effect is roughly like this:


A: Was it the Gryffindor that just rushed over?

B: Someone passed by just now?

A: Don’t try to divert my attention with this topic. The winner of this competition must be mine!

B: Dreaming! The championship is mine!

As for Harry and the others, Ye Feng said, I will charge you a 15% discount on the modification materials, and I will charge you only the cost price to help sculpt the magic spell circle. This is enough for you, but you actually want me to help with the modification? What about dreaming? I'm being polite by not changing it to blowing up for you. After all, this competition is not a team competition but an individual competition!

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