


“There’s no countdown!!!”

"What just happened? Has the game started? Did I miss something? Also, who are those two black people who swooped out?"

Following Professor McGonagall's words, many wizards appeared in the room who were at a loss. However, although there were many people who were at a loss, some of them responded quickly and directly.

Of course, there are also prophet-like beings, such as a certain shameless Mr. Albus.

As soon as Professor McGonagall finished speaking, Dumbledore rushed out at once. By the time the other students reacted, Dumbledore had already rushed out ten or twenty meters, and Snape, who had been staring at him, followed closely behind. This intense force The contrast is difficult for most people to accept.

"A shady plot! It's definitely a shady plot! It started directly without a countdown. You guys are definitely colluding!"

Seeing this scene, the principals of other schools in the stands couldn't sit still, and the students of Hogwarts also found it a little difficult to accept it.

"Professor Dumbledore|*´Å`)ノ"

Just when the others were feeling sad, Ye Feng and Harry, who were slow to follow, set off closely behind. However, they all made a tacit understanding not to catch up but to keep a distance. After all, sometimes the game is not about fighting and killing. Killing is about human nature.

Of course, once you enter the real track, which is a track with various traps and props, you will have to show your true abilities.

So, as soon as the game started, Dumbledore and Snape took the lead, leaving the others behind. After them were Ye Feng and Harry, because their reaction speeds were not slow, and their broomsticks were very powerful. Pretty good, making up for the lack of responsiveness with better performance.

After Ye Feng and the others were the students whose reaction speed was quite good. However, although they reacted, the performance of the broomstick was not as fast as that of Ye Feng and the others, so they were a little slower.

Of course, not everyone who reacts can keep up, such as Malfoy.

That guy's reaction speed was indeed pretty good. He reacted and activated the broomstick almost at the same time as Harry, but you can tell just by looking at his last name.

As a pure-blood wizard family that advocates pure-blood nobility in the wizarding world, Malfoy is quite arrogant like his father, especially looking down on wizards of mixed blood origin. He also behaves quite arrogantly in daily life, so what about the flying broomstick he transformed? .

Judging from Ye Feng's eyes, the flying broomstick he modified cannot be said to be a lump of flying, because to say it is a lump of flying is an insult to the flying.

The only goal of the broomstick competition is to 'reach the finish line alive', so most people's modifications focus on the three aspects of speed, defense or attack. Even conservatives who pursue balance will have their priorities, such as Let's go faster and stuff, but what about Malfoy's broomstick?

His thing can no longer be said to be a flying broomstick, because although speed and defense were slightly considered during the modification of this thing, it was still more towards luxury and nobility, so the original shell of the heavy machine was directly It was dismantled and later transformed into something resembling a throne.

Of course, this is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is that Ye Feng did not see the control system he added to better control the broomstick. Instead, he saw a section of... the head of the broomstick.

Although the head of the broomstick was deliberately hidden, it can still be seen from a high position.

In Ye Feng's opinion, the current Malfoy is equivalent to a person who felt that the canopy of a jet fighter was too obstructive and not breathable, so he directly removed the canopy of the plane, so...

The moment Malfoy controlled the broomstick and rushed out, he realized what it meant to be as cold as a knife and what it meant to be hit out of thin air.

Although Malfoy was unconvinced and wanted to catch up with Ye Feng and the others against the biting wind, there were too many bells and whistles on his broomstick.

As for Ye Feng, although their equipment looked simple, almost all of their equipment was built for the competition, so after only two or three minutes, Malfoy could only watch helplessly as Ye Feng and the others turned into black dots and disappeared in front of his eyes. .

"Damn it! Why do Ye Feng and his broomsticks fly so fast? Did they deliberately put away those broomsticks that can fly faster and not sell them to us?"

Seeing that he couldn't even see the other person's back, Malfoy was so angry, but unfortunately all his anger could only be incompetent. However, the angry Malfoy did not notice that a rooster had been installed on a ship. The shell broomstick was whizzing straight towards him.



Following an unknown strange noise, two heavy machine brooms collided with each other.

The moment the two machines collided, Malfoy abandoned Ye Feng's design because of his prejudice and only focused on luxury. The noble heavy machine was immediately dismantled, and the two thousand light wheels that were used as the core inside were also destroyed by the collision. The result was revealed, and Malfoy, he had to be lucky that he was not stupid enough to throw away the defensive talisman issued before the start of the game.

The moment Malfoy was knocked unconscious, he saw a huge rooster running over him, and among the crushed debris, a 9.90% new light wheel spun and flew out.

"It turns out that the instructions did not lie to me. Those core components really cannot be dismantled..."

As one of the most promising seeded players, Malfoy was knocked out of the field at the beginning. This moment caused a sensation on the field, but this also made the audience even more excited, because it was so exciting from the beginning, etc. Wouldn't it be more exciting when the game reaches the midfield and backcourt?

"This is the romance of a man. When I wait for the next competition, I will participate even if it means selling everything!" Although many people just looked at it with excitement, this sentence expressed the feelings of most people in the stands, so much so that When they took out their old broomsticks, their eyes were filled with disgust.

There is no big screen in the magic world that allows you to watch the competition in real time, so if you want to watch the following competition, you need to follow the players. In order to facilitate the audience's viewing, Ye Feng designed the track when designing it. Less circling, so they don’t have to follow you to the back door.

But even so, these people are still a little slow, or Ye Feng and the others are too fast.

By the time they arrived at the first viewing point, Ye Feng and the others from the first and second echelons had already rushed into the props area with their heavy machines, and even the third echelon were speeding up to compete for the right to enter the props area, but after waiting After they entered, they regretted jumping in without preparation, because they were very lucky to encounter the water curtain.

Dumbledore and Ye Feng, who followed him, encountered thick smoke. Although there might be boulders or big trees hidden behind the thick smoke, they could still crash through it even without any protection due to the quality of the heavy machine itself. , but the water curtain is different.

Although it is only five or six meters wide, when the speed reaches a certain level, hitting the water directly is about the same as hitting the ground directly. Therefore, if magic is not used to clear the way, even the quality of the heavy machine broom is only good enough to resist The pilot inside couldn't stand it, so the third echelon was almost wiped out in just a few seconds.

"Tsk, it's so miserable, especially the tough old man with short hair. Although he resisted and rushed over, he looked like he had just been kicked out by a gangster. I would believe it."

Dumbledore, who was competing with Snape for the first place, heard a faint voice coming from behind him and couldn't help but look back. When he saw the tough old man in Ye Feng's mouth, he was almost so shocked that he fell off the broom of the heavy machine. .



Ye Feng: Poof!

The moment he heard the name, Ye Feng burst out in anger, and Snape, who was following Dumbledore, even slipped and stumbled, almost losing control of his heavy machine broom and hitting Dumbledore's heavy machine broom.

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