Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 100 The Devil in Magic

At dusk, the National Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.

Voldemort followed the principal, walked through the light spots shining through the flying buttress of the building, and entered a Gothic building with a dome.

Voldemort, who has just invited Dumbledore to watch the game, will be taught by the principal here.

“The David sculpture, the work of Michelangelo, is a perfect work of art.”

Dumbledore said, dancing like a band leader, and then David, who was more than four meters tall, jumped down from the pedestal and danced around the two of them.

"I still can't transform his complete body. Believe me, if you can reproduce such a sculpture - even if it's not perfect - you will undoubtedly become a master of transformation."

As he spoke, the wand moved, and the David sculpture began to rotate the sling in its hand, as if it could hit a stone with strong impact at any time.

"His legs are deliberately exaggerated. His thighs are too long, so they don't fit perfectly into the proportions of the human body. Is there any problem with that?" Voldemort asked, looking at the introduction on the side.

"That's another question, Quirrell." Dumbledore waved his wand, and David returned to his original position and stood still. Dumbledore stretched out his hand and said, "Hold me tight."

Voldemort took Dumbledore's hand, and then the two of them apparated and came to a long corridor, where people were coming and going, and there were many sculptures for the first time.

"Transfiguration must follow the skills of sculpture after all. Quirrell, do you understand the purpose of showing you these?" Dumbledore asked him without rushing to any sculpture.

"You mean, if I can become a master sculptor, even a pseudo-master, my transformation skills will be greatly improved, right?" Voldemort asked.

Dumbledore nodded and said: "You have no idea how shocked I was when I walked into Florence for the first time. There is no doubt that this is a paradise for transfiguration wizards."

Voldemort glanced around and saw no fewer than dozens of sculptures visible to the naked eye.

"I advocate traveling, not the kind in the Black Forest. Although it is useful, going to see beautiful things and increase experience can help you gain insights and greatly improve the wizard's talent." Dumbledore said, finally stepping forward.

Voldemort nodded and followed him.

"Looking at that statue of Pusius, what do you feel?" Dumbledore asked, pointing to a statue in the distance of the corridor.

"Calm, heroic... and a little compassionate?" Voldemort replied.

"Compassion, very good. You saw the deep meaning in his expression. Let's get closer."

Dumbledore said, moving forward among the crowd, leading Voldemort to the statue, "What did you see from this angle?"

Looking up at the sculpture, Voldemort first glanced at the head of Medusa held in Pusius's hand. The tightly closed eyes reminded Voldemort of the basilisk.

When he turned his gaze to Pusius's face, he found that it was completely different from what he saw from a distance.

Looking up from the bottom, it seems as if he is being stared at by Pusius's lowered eyes, and there is a bit of a winner's smile on his face.

"Pride, confidence...excitement after killing?" Voldemort asked uncertainly, turning to look at Dumbledore, only to find that he was staring at the sculpture with a serious face.

"Emotions are the devil in magic."

He sighed and lowered his head, his tall body looming over Voldemort, "You must remember, child, to control your emotions in magic, otherwise you will step into boundless darkness. Those two people are a lesson to you."

Voldemort forced an awkward smile and said, "Headmaster, I think... you think too highly of me."

Dumbledore smiled and shook his head, but did not express any further opinions on this matter.

"Let's get back to magic, Quirrell," Dumbledore said. "David's exaggerated long legs and the changes in expression in this sculpture are all meant to convey emotions."

Voldemort immediately listened carefully - Dumbledore was originally talking about skills. Through stone carving skills, transfiguration can be promoted to the master level.

Now when he talks about emotions, it should be a deeper concept.

"If a wizard can add emotions, or a spirit, to his transformation technique."

Dumbledore frowned for some reason, but he continued, "Then this wizard's transfiguration will go from master level to the top level."

"How top-notch?" Voldemort asked.

"One of the very few in this world." Dumbledore said seriously, "But you must choose your emotions carefully."

Voldemort nodded immediately and said obediently that he would not go astray.

Later, Dumbledore took him to visit all the sculptures in this place - Piazza della Signoria - and explained in detail the techniques used in the creation of sculptures, as well as the emotions given to these sculptures by those artists.

"So, if these sculptors are wizards, aren't they all masters of transfiguration?" Voldemort asked Dumbledore.

"There is no doubt that that is certain." Dumbledore replied affirmatively, "But if you look at Muggle history, how many masters are there who can be called sculptors?"

Voldemort thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

After all, the elite are in the minority, and the lives of many masters are also full of hardships and twists and turns.

They climbed out of suffering to create immortal chapters. Even if these people change fields, who dares to say that their perseverance will fail in another field?

"Skills and emotions, principal, are you teaching me these?"

The sun had set and there were fewer people in the square. When Voldemort and Dumbledore were sitting on the bench to rest, he asked Dumbledore.

"No, I've told you before, I'm just teaching you to draw parallels, kid."

Dumbledore's eyes swept across the ubiquitous sculptures in the square, and it can be seen that he loves these sculptures. "You have your own choice. Magical talent, temperament, hobbies, there are too many things that determine your magic." road."

Voldemort nodded, saying that he had benefited a lot - even with the memory in the remnant soul, Voldemort still felt that his horizons had been broadened.

"Then finally, let me take you to see some sculptures, as the end of this lesson and as a warning." After Dumbledore finished speaking, he took Voldemort away from here.

Later, he saw the sculpture of Pluto raping Persephone. The details of this sculpture are full of things that can arouse people's desires.

Dumbledore used this to introduce Voldemort to the dangers of inappropriate emotions—this emotion still has such a great impact on others, and how much temptation is it full of for himself?

Voldemort, who had massacred the village, knew very well how much the backlash caused by the killing had an impact on people, so he nodded with deep understanding and warned himself in his heart...

Never go the way of the basilisk.

"I'm going back to Hogwarts, where are you?" Dumbledore asked him as it was late at night and the classes were over.


As soon as Voldemort started talking, an unusually tired-looking owl flew from a distance - it seemed like it had run a long way, and its eyes were full of resentment.

"It must have been chasing you..." Dumbledore took the owl, handed the letter to Voldemort, and took out food to feed it, "I have moved you too many times, and it is exhausted."

Voldemort smiled bitterly and nodded, thinking that it was really hard for this owl, and then opened the letter.

"What's the matter?" Dumbledore asked curiously when he saw Voldemort was hesitant.

"It's Hermione, inviting me to visit her house tomorrow afternoon. His father wants a wizard friend. I said something before that I could..." Voldemort said helplessly.

This little girl is really chasing after her fiercely.

"Then go and have a look. Just treat it as a home visit." Dumbledore encouraged with a smile.

Voldemort showed a fake smile and said nothing.

[Voldemort, who just invited Dumbledore to watch the game, will receive instruction from the principal here. 】This sentence represents the deleted chapter. That chapter was originally about the Demon King playing the role of the principal, but people don’t seem to like it, so I’ll delete it... It will be on the shelves at this time tomorrow. I’m so nervous. I don’t know how many chapters there are. No matter what, the number of subscriptions must exceed 250. If it is less than 20:1, it would be too embarrassing...

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