Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 18 I Curse Myself

Before the appointment letter was written, the silver phoenix had already flown back.

"Although Professor McGonagall was angry, she adjusted the class."

Dumbledore said happily, "You can do what you want. After writing the letter of appointment, I will also write a letter to Hagrid and ask him to work part-time as your teaching assistant."

"Thank you, Principal Dumbledore." Quirrell said sincerely.

"I just hope you can escape that curse, otherwise a year later..."

Dumbledore lowered his head and wrote the letter of appointment, his words full of helplessness - it seemed that Voldemort's curse had made him too tired to deal with it.

Quirrell also let out a sigh of relief. He was very afraid of the curse even if he didn't have to perform it, because the curse came from his master.


Belonging exclusively to Hogwarts, seals with four images of lion, badger, eagle and snake were stamped on the appointment letter.

Quirrell keenly felt that at the moment the seal fell, there was a magic wave flickering on the letter of appointment.


Dumbledore picked up the appointment letter and looked at Quirrell, "Welcome home, Quirrell, this is your second job at Hogwarts."

"Thank you." Quirrell stood up excitedly and took the letter of appointment.

At this moment, the curse came, Quirrell shuddered, and Voldemort, who was hiding in the blood curse in his body, was also awakened by his own curse.

"Your reaction was stronger than the others." Dumbledore asked with concern, "Is there anything wrong with you?"


Quirrell immediately replied, "It should be the blood curse, which makes me sensitive to the curse."

Dumbledore nodded, looked at Quirrell worriedly, and after a moment of pondering, he said, "I will try to crack it again. If you find anything, you can tell me."

Quirrell nodded: "Okay, Principal, I'll go back first and build the actual battlefield in the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid after I sort out my ideas."

Dumbledore nodded, and quickly wrote a message and handed it to Quirrell, which was a voucher for Hagrid.

"If you need to use the fireplace, please contact Professor McGonagall at any time." Dumbledore said.

"Okay, principal." Quirrell said, bowed and left.

After leaving the door of the principal's office, Voldemort took direct control of his body, and Quirrell immediately began to tell what happened to Voldemort after he fell asleep.

"You did a good job, but we need to go back quickly now to deal with the curse, the curse from myself."

Voldemort said, his words were quite helpless.


Did I curse myself?

"Does not look like."

When Quirrell left, the portrait of Principal Black immediately said.

"Albus, what did you see from the blood curse?"

The portrait of Principal Armando Dippet asked, having never spoken before.

"The curse of a female vampire and nothing else."

Dumbledore said thoughtfully, "He doesn't look like he has seen Voldemort, but we all know how cunning Voldemort is."

The portraits of the principals fell silent, and no one made a sound for a long time.

"It's time to test those pure-blood families." Dumbledore stood up, straightened his clothes, and said, "Maybe he is hiding in one of their mansions."

"Go and see the Malfoy family, they are the most hypocritical." said the portrait of Principal Delise Devante.

"Look at the Parkinson family, their home is not as clean as it looks." The portrait of Principal Armando Dippet also expressed his opinion.

"I will go take a look. I must know where he is."

Dumbledore said, stretching out his right hand, and Fawkes, the phoenix behind the door, flew up and landed on his arm.

Then, with a "bang", he disappeared into the room.

36 Hall Street.

Voldemort, who rejected Ms. Rosmerta's dinner invitation, hurried back here.

He must analyze the content of the curse in more detail while the curse is not fully formed - thanks to the battle between the two souls, the remnant soul of Voldemort, which already has incomplete memory, has lost even the detailed content of the curse.

"It's definitely not a death-killing magic. Even the cruelest of me, I never thought of killing all wizards, even those mudbloods."

Voldemort murmured as he set up a gold crucible in the locked room on the second floor - this crucible can be a good mix of potion ingredients with conflicting properties, which is exactly what he needs now.

"The remaining memories show that this curse is adapted from a spiritual spell. Maybe I have contacted this magic recently."

While analyzing, add water to the cauldron and put in narcissus, which is an herb associated with death and can be well connected with the curse.

"The method of casting the curse is in my memory. Based on the Slytherin blood in the body at that time, the power of the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets was leveraged and implanted in the entire castle..."

"That is to say, as long as Hogwarts is not rebuilt, or I don't get the appointment letter for this position, the curse will always exist... It's a troublesome curse. No wonder Dumbledore can't break it."

"The flames are blazing."

The yew wand touched the bottom of the golden crucible, and a blazing flame instantly burst into flames.

Voldemort's hands continued to draw threads from the skin of the African tree snake, which was the key to connecting the two medicinal materials with hedging properties.

"Put in one third first, stir clockwise three times, then quickly stir counterclockwise..."

Reciting the method of making the potion in his memory will help him operate more accurately.

"Next is the dried crocodile heart, cut into thin slices, crushed and put down..."

"Put in another third of the African book snakeskin silk, counterclockwise three times..."

"Silent Bird Feathers, a rare material..."

"Simmer slowly and wait quietly..."

After adjusting the flame, Voldemort sat cross-legged next to him and began to wait quietly.

During this period, he tried to find out more about the curse in his broken memories, but unfortunately found nothing.

"Absorbing the souls and memories in Horcruxes is something that needs to be put on the agenda."

This was a decision he made a long time ago, but at that time, he didn't think he could defeat those Horcruxes.

But now it seems that whether he can win or not, it has to be put on the agenda - he has been cursed by himself, cursed himself, and it is dangerous to hold back his aggrievedness.

While thinking about it, the earthy yellow potion began to bubble, and the liquid began to shrink rapidly.

"Three drops of white liquid mixed with narcissus, put in dividedly."

Whispering in his mouth, Voldemort carefully dropped a drop of white liquid. The contraction of the liquid slowed down slightly, but it was still very fast. The earthy color began to darken, and a strange smell came out.

The second time it was dripped in, the earthy color turned into dark brown, the contraction speed of the liquid slowed down again, and the smell became stronger, giving Voldemort the urge to pinch his nose.

After the third dripping, the color of the potion turned completely black, the stench came over, and the liquid stopped shrinking, leaving only a puddle at the bottom of the gold crucible.

"The curse stops immediately."

Voldemort pointed under the crucible, the flame went out, and the potion was finished.

"Curse Appearance Potion... Did I really not consider the appearance and taste of the potion?"

Looking at the stinking black water, Voldemort's face was filled with embarrassment.

I think Quirrell's stupid behavior is related to this curse, which obviously lowers his intelligence. Moreover, looking at the subsequent Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, most of them will also have problems, but they are not necessarily fatal. Problems mainly occur at critical moments. Therefore, I speculate that this curse should be a spiritual spell, and it has the effect of reducing intelligence, and it is also sudden - for example, if the author is hit by this spell, he will ask for votes, pay attention, etc., hey, I don’t know How to remove it.

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