Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 225 To hell with the Ministry of Magic

"Do you know anything about him?"

Voldemort asked, "He is also an immortal, so you should have some friendship with him."

"Not much."

Master Flamel shook his head and said, "We have different personalities. I like to be quiet and refuse trouble. He likes to be lively and shows off, so our understanding is limited."

"But there has always been discussion about longevity, right?" Voldemort said without giving up.

Long-lived people like Master Flamel and Barry Winkle always hide themselves deeply.

Just like Barry Winkle's banquet, it is said that as the host of the banquet, when he spoke, the junior in the family drank the compound potion and pretended to be him.

He hid his identity and hid in that grand banquet to avoid those with evil intentions.

This was indeed a smart decision. If Voldemort had participated in the banquet, he must have been one of the many people with evil intentions.

"It has indeed been discussed."

Master Flamel became serious again. He thought for a moment before speaking again, "I must explain my own method of immortality."

Voldemort, who was frowning and thinking, instantly became energetic.

He even looked at Master Flamel in surprise, not expecting that he would take the initiative to reveal the secret he most wanted to know.

Dumbledore and others frowned upon hearing this.

It seemed that they didn't want Voldemort to know the secret.

"Wizards seek immortality."

Master Flamel noticed the reaction of Dumbledore and others, so he gave up telling him about his method of immortality immediately, and instead put in a good word for Voldemort.

"Although Voldemort was biased in his actions - but if you live long enough, this is not a big deal - but he walked on the path of immortality that all wizards pursue, and this is the most correct decision. "

Voldemort nodded with satisfaction and gave Dumbledore a special wink.

The latter rolled his eyes in annoyance. He felt that these two people should not be allowed to meet.

"Tell me the secret of my longevity, Voldemort..."

"Just call me Tom, Master Flamel. I think calling me Voldemort is disrespectful to you." Voldemort interrupted the other person.

His words stunned everyone present.

Dumbledore frowned even more, looking like he was thinking about something.

"Okay, Tom." Master Flamel said, "My secret to longevity is no different from yours. Of course, it is also somewhat similar to vampires... I have studied them secretly."

When speaking the last words, Master Flamel half covered his mouth, seemingly whispering, but everyone could hear the sound.

And everyone knows what he means by "research".

Nothing more than skinning and cramping, which wizards love to do.

"Soul and blood, these are the main materials of the Philosopher's Stone. Others are not uncommon, Tom."

Master Flamel said, taking out a red stone from his arms, "When I was studying it, I happened to encounter the Black Death. Believe me, without that disease, I wouldn't have been able to make it."

Voldemort looked at the Philosopher's Stone with gleaming eyes, and then at Master Flamel with a rather surprised expression.

No, are you just tempting me so nakedly?

"Get him and lose your magic power. You won't choose it." Master Flamel said with a smile, and at the same time handed the magic stone forward and said, "You can study it."

Voldemort swallowed, glanced at Dumbledore, and found that the corners of the latter's mouth were twitching.

Come to think of it, he didn't expect this to happen.

"Then let me study it, Master."

Voldemort took the Philosopher's Stone without saying a word. He didn't care whether it was used or not. He would study it first.

"Barry Winkle."

Master Flamel slapped his mouth and said, "He seems to rely on his physical talent, at least that's what he told me. Did you just ask me to open my heart?"

The turn was a bit too big, and Voldemort didn't react.

"What... Oh, yes, my talent is to judge whether others are telling the truth or lies." Voldemort did not tell the whole story.

"That's great, I will try to get you to meet that guy Barry, and then you can help me determine whether what he said is true or false."

Master Flamel curled his lips, showing a rare hint of anger, or...jealousy?

"Ahem." Dumbledore finally couldn't help but said, "Nico, I don't think that's necessary?"

His inquiry stunned Master Flamel, but then he shook his head vigorously and looked at Dumbledore seriously.

"He's not a vampire, Albus, that old guy Barry has a secret we need to find out."

He was serious, but he was not on the same page as Dumbledore at all.

"What I mean is." Dumbledore glanced at Voldemort and said, "There is no need to involve him. Maybe I can meet and talk with Barry."

Master Flamel immediately shook his head and said, "You are still young and don't understand his cunningness."

Voldemort covered his mouth and laughed twice. He thought this was really fun.

Master Flamel seemed to have no idea what Dumbledore meant, and the two people's speech was completely inconsistent.

The funniest thing is the phrase "you are still young".

Yes, let you teach me how to be a good person every day. Someone will teach you how to be a good person today.

"Nico, three students died at Hogwarts this year, and they were all related to Tom. I think..."

"I'm not a teacher at Hogwarts, Albus, and..."

Flamel glanced at Voldemort and said, "I never mind other people's business. This is the secret of my immortality."

Voldemort said nothing and gave him his thumb.

"Mr. Flamel, you may not understand what Principal Dumbledore means." Professor McGonagall stood up and said, "He means that... that person is evil. If you teach him too much..."

Before Mag could finish her words, Master Flamel had already stretched out his hand and interrupted her words.

"I guess there's a generation gap between us, McGonagall, right?"


Master Flamel smiled apologetically, indicating that he would remember her name, and then his expression became serious again.

"In the era when I was born, in the fourteenth century, the Black Death was prevalent in the world, and the Hundred Years War broke out between England and France. Too many people died. Whether they were wizards or Muggles, there were really few good people."

As he said this, he suddenly smiled again and said, "I remember when I was young, I particularly hated the Plantagenet Dynasty and wished they and their country would perish together."

After saying this, Professor McGonagall stood stunned on the spot, and Dumbledore also stroked his head helplessly.

Voldemort hid aside and snickered, and then nodded fiercely when Master Flamel looked over.

"I completely agree with your ideas, Master Flamel, including letting this country perish." Voldemort said with his chest raised.

"That's just what I used to think, kid."

Master Flamel did not agree with him, but his next words were still approved by Voldemort, "I don't think about Muggles now, I just hope that those damn Ministry of Magic-including any one-will go to hell. "

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