Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 233 Let purebloods be purebloods and Muggles be Muggles

"Your failure has turned many people into losers. We must regain the joy in life."

Carlotta shook the paper in her hand and said, "The writing is very good."

"Is it just a good word?" Voldemort asked, raising his feet.

"The mood is also very good, Dark Lord, we all thought you had lost your ambition."

Carlotta smiled again, but this time it was much more genuine and happy than before.

"I don't like to bow to fate, and it doesn't seem like it can make me bow."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he pointed his right hand at Lovegood, "I would like to introduce to you, Lovegood, the editor-in-chief of [The Quibbler]."

"Oh my God, I didn't recognize you." Carlotta's voice changed in surprise, "Do I need to settle the royalties I gave you for writing articles before?"

After hearing the first sentence, Lovegood was excited.

After hearing the second sentence, Lovegood's face darkened.

"We have already said that we will not pay royalties, Ms. Pinkstone." Lovegood said with a dark face.

"But you charge money for the magazines you sell."

Carlotta said, waving her wand.

The bookshelf on the right rotated, revealing a row of Quibbler magazines.

It's obvious that she is a loyal fan of this magazine.

"This is the first time I've ever seen someone else's home, and there are so many [quibblers]."

Luna jumped up and ran to the bookshelf, successfully easing Lovegood's embarrassment.

Voldemort didn't want his senior sister to dwell on this matter. He had more important things to do.

"I hope you, senior sister, will write a column in this magazine." Voldemort took a magazine from the air, opened it and said.

"What column?" Carlotta asked, "Welcoming the return of the Dark Lord?"

"No, my return will be announced later."

Voldemort shook his head and said, "I need you to analyze some of the structures of the wizarding world."

"Constitution?" Carlotta looked a little confused, "It's not complicated. Pure blood, mixed blood, it's over."

"No, it's not bloodline theory, senior sister, that's very old-fashioned." Voldemort refused, "From a more complex perspective, similar to Muggles, political form, geographical relations, historical inheritance, witchcraft development..."

"Etc., etc."

Carlotta frowned and shouted, "I don't understand what you're trying to do, Dark Lord, give me a theme."

"Tell more people the nature of this world." Voldemort said with a shrug.

"What is the essence? Be more specific."

"For example, the impact of bloodline theory on politics, economy, and the development of witchcraft."

"Another example is the contribution of traditional families to the inheritance of witchcraft, and how to further expand this contribution."

"In addition, the Ministry of Magic has always been weak in terms of power, which has led to the inability to develop the wizarding world, etc."

Both Carlotta and Lovegood's eyes widened in surprise.

No, when chatting now, do the questions have to be so profound?

Lovegood was two heads tall, but Carlotta was able to understand some of the deeper meaning.

This is why Voldemort came to her.

Carlotta's opposition to the [International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy] was certainly influenced by Grindelwald, but she was not a mindless type.

If so, she would no longer be a famous activist in the magical world, but would become another lunatic in the magical world.

She always argued with reason rather than making empty generalities.

This stems from her deep understanding of the Muggle world. Voldemort knew early on that she had studied Muggle politics and sociology in depth.

This is a rare talent in the wizarding world.

It's a pity, just like wizards in the Muggle world.

When you are too different, it always looks wrong.

"It is true that we can delve deeper into the discussion of bloodline theory from the aspects of politics, economics, and witchcraft, but this will affect the interests of pure blood. Basically, pure blood theory will hinder their development. If..."

"It just gets in the way."

Voldemort interrupted Carlotta and said firmly.

Lovegood's mouth widened in surprise. According to his knowledge, the Dark Lord supports pure blood.

Carlotta, on the other hand, frowned and fell into thought.

Voldemort did not disturb her, but picked up the drink on the table and took a sip.

"Hermione said that you had suggested that she go to college, a Muggle school, right?" Luna walked over and asked Voldemort curiously.

"Yes, but I didn't expect she would say this to you." Voldemort nodded without denying it.

"It was Guan Guan who approached her intentionally. You think he needs to understand your thoughts." Luna said truthfully.

Voldemort nodded, not surprised by this.

The Crowned Horcrux is obviously smart, which is easy to see from his behavior.

"You mean, as a public servant, to completely analyze the pros and cons of bloodline theory and confuse the public?"

Finally, Carlotta woke up from her reverie and asked Voldemort.

"You could say that, but it's not entirely true."

Voldemort shook his head and frowned, "The truth becomes clearer with each passing day. The most fundamental meaning of pure blood theory is to preserve the inheritance of wizard blood, not for other reasons. This is fundamentally different from Muggle blood theory."

Carlotta was suddenly enlightened and said with some excitement: "As long as this point is established, no matter how bad the blood theory is, it is necessary to exist."

"Of course, that's what I mean too."

Voldemort smiled and nodded. He had indeed found the right person, but he still couldn't help but express more of his views.

"Although blood theory is important, in essence, it does have a bad impact on politics, economy, and the development of witchcraft, so I think it should be restricted."

"What's the method?" Carlotta asked.

"Let purebloods be purebloods, and Muggles be Muggles." Voldemort said without hesitation.

He thought about this for a long time.

How to reconcile the relationship between pure-blood wizards and Muggle wizards is a problem he must face.

But the conflict between the two is visible to the naked eye.

The former wants to protect their vested interests, while the latter wants to increase their own value. They are full of contradictions.

After much deliberation, Voldemort finally felt that he could only distinguish the antagonistic blood relationship between pure-blood wizards and Muggle wizards from the antagonistic interest relationship between the two.

In this way, interests are interests and have nothing to do with identity.

"This is almost impossible." Carlotta said jumping. "They are naturally opposite. No one will agree with this statement."

"No recognition is needed." Voldemort said directly, "Have you ever understood how Muggles solve racial problems?"

"Law?" Carlotta said with eyes shining.

"Yes, as long as at the legal level, everyone must support 'let purebloods be purebloods, and let Muggles be Muggles,' then half of the problem will be solved." Voldemort said loudly.

The pride and prejudice of white people does not exist for a day or two.

It is impossible to change through cultivation, culture, and cognition.

But in the face of increasingly serious racial problems, how do they solve it?

Take legal action.

I have no control over your own psychological matters, but you have to keep your mouth shut.

As long as the contradiction is not superficial, the problem can be easily solved.

If you dig deeper, you will find harmony with the mud and the golden mean.

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