Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 244 I never waver, Principal!

Malfoy Manor, basement.

"it serves him right?"

Voldemort came to the bound Muggle and asked Lucius.

"Yes, Dark Lord."

Lucius said with certainty, "He did something he shouldn't have done to a thirteen-year-old girl. Muggles all wanted him dead, but Muggle laws protected him."

Voldemort nodded and turned to look at Neville and Luna who were following behind.

"Are you sure you want to watch the whole thing?" he asked the two children. "It's going to look a little cruel."

"I'm sure, teacher, he deserves it." Luna said firmly.

Neville also nodded, but he looked a little nervous and his right eye was a little blurry.

His vision in his right eye was getting worse and worse, and he looked like he was about to go completely blind.

Voldemort tried to cure him, but he couldn't find a way.

"Okay, then you stay here, just in time to learn the knowledge of curses."

Voldemort was silent for a brief moment and said to the two children, "Senior Abu was cursed by his enemy, but it was the person he cursed first, and then the other person cursed him in reverse at the cost of his life. Do you understand this situation?"

The two children nodded vigorously.

"Usually, returning the sacrifice to the curse solves the problem."

At this point, he suddenly smiled and said, "Just like Hogwarts signed a Dark Magic Defense employment contract with me, the curse I left on the Dark Magic Defense will be lifted."

"Teacher, didn't you become a Dark Magic Defense Professor last year?" Neville asked doubtfully.

"That was in Quirrell's name, not mine." Voldemort said with a smile, "Back to the curse."

The two students nodded immediately.

"The method I just mentioned is only for ordinary wizards. For a curse master like me, there is no such need."

Voldemort said without humility, "What I want to do is curse the damage back and tilt the balance towards the enemy again."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Lucius, "Go and wait for Senior Abu...wait."

Voldemort suddenly stopped and fell silent, as if sensing something.

Soon a smile appeared on his face.

Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office.

Dumbledore sat weakly on the throne-like chair behind the table, his mind not looking very clear.

"Snape...Harry...Snape..." He murmured weakly and said to Harry.

"I'll be there right away, Headmaster," Harry shouted back, immediately turning around and running down the spiral staircase.

Harry was a good boy, even though he still doubted Dumbledore, even though he was full of doubts, he didn't waste half a second.

Soon after, both Snape and McGonagall hurried into the headmaster's office, followed by Harry.

Snape walked up the stairs and looked at Dumbledore's face for the first time, and then saw Dumbledore's hands hanging out of the throne.

The right hand seemed to be burnt, black and withered.


Mag, who came up a step after him, was frightened by this scene.

She quickly ran forward and poked Dumbledore's nose.

Still breathing, she let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, Snape had already knelt down and looked at the injured hand.

"What is that?" Mag also looked down and asked.

"A kind of dark magic mixed with curses." Snape said in a low voice, "There are traces of strong fire."

"Hiss." Mag took a breath of air.

Li Huo?

Didn't that cost Dumbledore his life?

"How did this happen, Harry?"

Snape asked, turning sharply and scanning Harry, as if to make sure he wasn't hurt in the same way.

"A ring."

Harry pointed to Dumbledore's desk, where there was a half-open box.

Through the gap, you can see the ring inside.

Snape cautiously moved the box with his wand, then stared at the ring.


For a moment, his eyes became erratic and full of desire, and he unconsciously shouted a word.

But then, his eyes became empty and he waved his wand quickly.


The box slammed shut, and Snape never dared to look at it again.

"I'll call Madam Pomfrey."

McGonagall didn't notice Snape's change. She got up and walked out with red eyes, and spoke.

"Wait a minute, McGonagall." Snape called to her, "She can't solve this kind of curse, so use my potion."

He said, passing Mag and walking downstairs first.

He doesn't look like he wants to be here for a second longer.

McGonagall opened her mouth, but finally said nothing, just returned to Dumbledore's side to accompany him again.

"Don't use medical spells rashly, Mag. It may not have good results."

Snape said as his figure disappeared at the stairs.


McGonagall responded and helped Dumbledore tidy up his hair and beard with tears in his eyes.

It was covered with dirt and weeds, and she had never seen Dumbledore look so embarrassed.

"What have you done?" McGonagall asked Harry.

"This will require the Headmaster to wake up, Professor, but I'm sure it won't be a pleasant ride."

Harry came to the opposite side of the desk and sat down on it tiredly.

He was exhausted tonight too.

Mag nodded and did not express dissatisfaction.

Dumbledore has always been mysterious, and it really should be up to him to decide whether or not to tell about that experience.


Snape came back quickly, holding a golden potion bottle in his hand, and McGonagall noticed it at a glance.

Harry, on the other hand, did not look at the bottle, but found that Snape's eyes were a little red, which surprised him.

Does the professor care so much about the principal?

Snape ignored the two of them. He came to Dumbledore's side, chanted a spell in his mouth, and pointed his wand at Dumbledore's right wrist.

"Help him drink the potion."

Snape said to McGonagall and took two steps back.

If you pay attention to the direction in which he is retreating, you will find that he is moving away from the box that he dare not look at.


McGonagall took the potion and carefully poured the thick golden liquid into Dumbledore's mouth.

"How long does it take for it to take effect?"

McGonagall waited for a moment and asked Snape.

"It has taken effect, McGonagall." Dumbledore, who woke up, looked at Snape feebly, "Thank you, Severus, I didn't expect you to help me."

Snape curled his lips and said nothing.

Professor McGonagall keenly felt the contradiction between the two, but she said nothing.

Harry was a little surprised.

According to the principal, the relationship between the two is not good enough, so why is the professor's eyes red?


Dumbledore said as he tried to sit up straight, but it looked like he couldn't.

Mag had to step forward to help him, and finally lit a cushion behind him to make him feel more comfortable.

"I'm asking you to help me, Severus, for Harry's sake, okay?"

Dumbledore looked at Snape with earnest eyes.

Both McGonagall and Harry looked at Snape, but it was difficult for them to read anything on Snape's face.

"It wasn't for Harry, Headmaster, you know that."

Snape spoke, his voice still the same, "And I never waver, Headmaster."

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