Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 248 The new trio

The three people sat side by side facing the sun and the lake.


Percy threw a pebble, causing ripples to appear on the calm lake.

"Maybe we should go find him." Ginny, who was sitting in the middle, said, "He has my wand after all."

Hermione pursed her lips while Percy threw another stone.

"Why did he take Luna and Neville but not me?"

Ginny spoke again, turning her head left and right and glancing at the two of them.

"He will only choose people who are willing to follow him, Ginny." Percy said. "Those followers who don't come from the heart don't mean much in the early days of the organization, or so he said."

"The key point is that we are useless. Percy, Neville and Luna are not loyal followers."

Hermione curled her lips in dissatisfaction again. She had always done this recently, which made her image a bit mean.

"What's the use of Neville and Luna?" Ginny asked dissatisfied.

"He admired Neville last year."

Hermione stood up, waved her hand like Voldemort and said, "Have the courage to take action, children, you are the lions of Gryffindor."


Ginny was amused by her, and a smile appeared on Percy's face, but it was hidden by his beard.

"He's really charming, even though I know he's not the best."

Hermione sat down next to Ginny again, imitated Percy's example, picked up stones and threw them to the lake.

"Percy, do you still think that was unacceptable?" Ginny looked at her brother and asked.

Percy's previously relaxed face tightened up again. After struggling for a long time, he sighed: "Molly will be sad if she knows that I am following him."

Ginny nodded, she didn't want her mother to be sad either.

But while her brother still had some impressions of his two uncles, she had no memory of them at all.

So she didn't feel the same pressure as Percy, but she felt that she was too young and not yet able to choose her own life.

"What would you do if you were me?" Percy suddenly asked.

Ginny was stunned for a moment and said, "Am I you?"

"No, Ginny, I'm asking Hermione." Percy said, rubbing his sister's head.


Hermione looked at Percy and said thoughtfully, "I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I mean, he didn't ask us to join the Death Eaters, nor did he ask us to do anything, so why worry about it."

"But you don't seem to be in a good mood," Percy said, looking at Hermione.

"I'm confused."

"What's got you so confused?" Percy asked.

"My studies, my future, and the future of the magical world, in short, I have a lot to think about."

Hermione rubbed her messy hair, "He made me feel that the wave was coming, and that I could do something in this matter, but when I wanted to do it, I found that I couldn't do anything. "

"You're too young." Percy smiled, "Concentrating on studying is what you have to do now."

"Of course I know, and I haven't fallen behind in my studies, it's just..."

Hermione looked troubled, unable to express what she was thinking.

"Maybe you should ask him again."

Ginny's words made both Hermione and Percy's eyes light up.

"Write a letter to Professor Quirrell?" Hermione said. "He will definitely be able to contact that person, right?"

"Of course, why not do it now..." Percy said as he stood up.

"Maybe there's a faster way."

Ginny interrupted Percy and made Percy stand there and look at her.

Hermione looked at Ginny too.

"The Dark Emperor." Ginny shrugged, "He must have a way to contact Jay...I mean that person."

"Who is the Black Emperor?"

Percy asked confused, the name felt weird to him.

"Draco." Ginny smiled, "that's what the Slytherin students are calling him these days."

"Hell." Percy frowned and said, "Can the Dark Lord accept Draco being called that?"

"Never mind that, Percy, we should go find Draco first and see if we can contact that person."

Hermione stood up, brushed the grass clippings from her clothes, and strode towards the castle.

Percy took two quick steps and walked side by side with him, and Ginny quickly followed.

"You're young, Ginny, don't get involved in these things," Percy said to his sister.

"Although that person chose you, he also chose me, so I have to go too."

Ginny held her head high and said proudly.

"Let her follow, Percy, the man won't mind."

Hermione's words made Ginny hug her arm happily.

Percy shrugged and decided to leave his sister alone.

Not long after, the three of them walked into the castle and arrived at the entrance of Slytherin House in the basement.

"Meet the Black Emperor?" A Slytherin looked at the three of them strangely and asked, "Are you sure you want to enter the Slytherin lounge?"

"Yes, we're sure." Percy nodded.

The man hesitated for a moment, left a word of "waiting", and hurried in.

Not long after, Draco walked out and welcomed the three of them into the Slytherin lounge.

He really looks like the emperor here, his every move is noticed and everyone makes way for him.

"The power comes from the Dark Lord."

Entering the dormitory where Draco lived alone, he first said modestly, and then asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Can you contact the Dark Lord?" Percy said bluntly, "We have some questions to ask him."

Draco gave Percy a strange look.

You can't blame him for not being a gentleman. Anyone who hears a Gryffindor say "Dark Lord" will be surprised.

"It seems you are ready." Draco asked with a smile, "Join the Death Eaters?"

"No." Percy refused decisively.

Draco looked at Hermione again, and Hermione curled her lips, which represented her attitude.

"What about you?" he finally asked Ginny.

"I haven't decided yet, Draco, but I'm not against it."

Ginny's words were surprising enough, but Draco liked hearing them, so he took out the snacks and gave them to Ginny.

"I'm not sure he'll see you."

Draco got up and went to his dressing cabinet - it was indeed a bit strange for such a thing to appear in the boys' dormitory - and wrote something on it with his hand:

Percy, Hermione, and Ginny, request to see the Dark Lord.

"If he wants to see you, there will be a time here later."

After finishing writing, Draco turned back and looked at the three of them, "Want to have dinner here?"

"No." Percy refused decisively.

At this moment, a layer of fog formed on the mirror, attracting everyone's attention.

"It should be the Dark Lord, everyone." Draco stood up straight, quickly straightened his clothes and said, "Please keep your appearance, two ladies and this gentleman."

Hermione curled her lips in dissatisfaction. She really liked this action recently.

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