Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 272 Discipleship

Not everyone is suitable to be a bad person, just like not everyone is suitable to be a good person.

Quirrell didn't say it before, but since he met him, he basically has no chance to be a good person again.

But the Death Eaters were a den of evil, and he was obviously not a good fit.

So Voldemort gave him the task of building a library.

This can not only play to his strengths, but also keep him away from the villain's den. In Voldemort's view, this is a perfect solution.


After watching Quirrell leave, Voldemort looked at him and asked, "How have you been studying with Senior Carlotta lately?"

"We haven't reached the stage of making a witch wand yet." Luna found a seat by herself and said dejectedly after sitting down. "I have to learn a lot of knowledge first. Teacher Carlotta said that I need to study for at least half a year before I can start."

"That proves that your talent is pretty good, Luna. Half a year of study is not enough for an average child, let alone how young you are."

Voldemort smiled and walked up to her and pinched her nose.

Luna was the one he got along with the most harmoniously among all the people he had come into contact with.

She is not afraid of herself and has no sense of distance from herself. She wonders if it is because of the Crown Horcrux.

But no matter what, Voldemort liked getting along with her.


This child was of little use to him, so Voldemort was not very interested in her.

"Neville, starting from this afternoon, you come to me for an hour every day, and I will help you melt the mental thorns." Voldemort turned to look at Neville and said.

"Okay, teacher." Neville replied naively.

"Teacher, do you want me to study together?" Luna asked quickly.

Voldemort thought for a while and said, "Then let's do it together, but you can only teach yourself."


Luna pouted, she was obviously dissatisfied with Voldemort's arrangement.

"You'll find out when you get inside."

Voldemort didn't say much, he just took the magic book transformed from the diary Horcrux.

With a "clatter" sound, the magic book held by Voldemort opened automatically.

"You two sit across from me and put your hands on it."

One of the two obedient children brought a chair, sat down in front of Voldemort, and put his hand on the book.

"Close your eyes and don't refuse me to pull your soul."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he closed his eyes first, and then pulled the two souls through the magic book.

Neither of them refused and everything went smoothly.

When they opened their eyes again, they had entered the world in the magic book.


Voldemort once again held up a magical book and handed it to Luna.

"It contains all the magic I know, and there are detailed records of the wands, spells, and magic circuits of these magics. You can even try them out."

Voldemort said as he watched Luna lower her head and read through it. The little girl seemed to like it very much.

"With these details of my understanding, coupled with experiential learning, I think your progress will be much faster than that of ordinary wizards."

"Thank you, teacher."

Luna showed a big smile, then immediately ran to the side with the magic book in her arms and started reading.

Voldemort looked away from Luna and said to Neville: "Follow me."

Neville followed Voldemort to the Black Fortress beside him in confusion. He had no idea what he was going to do.

"Your mental thorns are formed for two reasons."

As Voldemort walked, he said to him, "First, your mental power is strong enough. Second, you did not develop it effectively, causing them to stagnate together."

"Then what should we do, teacher?" Neville asked muffledly.

"In this castle, there is an illusion that uses a repair spell on the soul. It can effectively help you solve this problem."

Voldemort said, pushing open the door of the Black Fortress.

The moment the dark corridor appeared, Voldemort clearly saw the fear in Neville's eyes.

"It will hurt a little, but I will control the force so it won't really hurt you."

Voldemort said with a smile, and then kicked Neville on the butt, directly knocking the fat man in as he retreated.

"This room, sit inside." Voldemort opened the dungeon-like room and said to Neville.

"Teacher, is there no other way?"

Neville asked expectantly, but all he got was a kick from Voldemort.

"Sit tight. If it hurts too much, just say it hurts too much."

Voldemort tied up the shivering Neville and said softly, "If you can still bear it, just scream about pain. As long as you don't say it hurts too much, I won't stop."


Neville swallowed and wanted to nod, but his entire body, including his head, was bound, preventing him from doing so.

"are you ready?"

Voldemort asked Neville after taking control of the Black Fortress and preparing to cast his magic.

"No, teacher, I think..."


Repair ripples appeared, and Voldemort was too lazy to listen to Neville's nonsense.

"It hurts so much. It hurts so much."

Neville shouted immediately, and Voldemort quickly stopped his magic and looked at Neville's condition carefully.

"It hurts too much, teacher, I can't bear it at all." Neville said with clear eyes and clear logic.


Voldemort groaned in dissatisfaction, and then used the spell again.

"It hurts too much, teacher, it hurts too much..."

Neville started shouting again, but Voldemort paid no attention.

Fat people are afraid of pain, and Neville obviously falls into this category, so Voldemort took back Neville's choice.

He began to strictly follow his own standards, but even though he had lowered many of his requirements, Neville was still tortured enough.

In just half a minute, the little fat man fainted on the chair.

Voldemort hurried forward to check, and after making sure that there was no problem with his soul, he went to check the mental thorn.

It cannot be said that there is no change, but the effect is indeed limited.

It's not that the method is wrong, it's that Neville's endurance attribute is too low and he faints after a little pain.

Of course, Voldemort's so-called pain is probably the limit for ordinary people.

After all, a person who had his soul split apart as a teenager would have different criteria for judging pain than ordinary people.

Neville couldn't understand these reasons, so when he woke up, he couldn't explain the intensity of the pain he was facing.

Therefore, the teacher who couldn't understand could use his strength, and the apprentice who couldn't understand endured the pain.

In this way, the master and the apprentice continued to practice every day.

A few days later, Neville even tried to escape.

This made Voldemort very angry.

How many apprentices do I have in total?

The one who teaches the hardest is actually a softie?

This is definitely intolerable.

As a result, the original one-hour training directly increased to two hours.

Good guy, Neville descended from the ninth level of hell to the bottom.

From that day on, he didn't even have the strength to escape.

All my energy every day is used to resist the pain from my soul.

Luna could not understand his pain, and it seemed that Luna had no interest in understanding.

In addition to learning mist witchcraft with Carlotta, she also read magic books every day, and she enjoyed it.

Voldemort regarded the two hours of teaching every day as a time to relax.

The rest of the time, except for necessary rest, was spent studying magic or studying resurrection rituals.

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