Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 291: Fiercely Loyal to Snape

"How can I trust you, Severus?"

Faced with Voldemort's questioning, Snape showed no panic on his face.

He stood up and came to Voldemort's side, bowed slightly and lowered his head, placing his head within Voldemort's reach.

"Please explore my memory, Dark Lord, it is entirely open to you."

Snape wanted to use actions to prove his loyalty.

Voldemort looked at the other party slightly surprised, but did not take action immediately.

In Lin Zuo's memory, there was content that Snape used this method to gain his trust.

Voldemort didn't think he could do a better job on this curse than the one in Lin Zuo's memory.

Snape waited for a while, but when Voldemort didn't make a move, he raised his head in confusion.

Then, he saw a pair of cold eyes, staring at him for a long time without any emotion.

Sweat instantly wetted the wizard's robe, and he quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at Voldemort again.

"Magic, magic, it's so magical."

Voldemort suddenly spoke, chanting words that Snape didn't understand.

"Wizards invented Legilimency in order to understand other people's thoughts."

"In order to resist Legilimency, wizards invented Occlumency."

"Severus, you have considerable attainments in both of these spells."

"Then please tell me, if you were me, would you believe those memories you searched for?"

Big beads of sweat slid down from Snape's forehead and dripped at Voldemort's feet.

"Dark Lord, I am willing to use my oath..."

"You are not afraid of death, so what's the point of threatening you with death?"

Faced with Voldemort's continuous questioning, Snape's inner world began to collapse.

He knelt tremblingly beside Voldemort, his whole body weak, and could only rely on the hands on the armrests of Voldemort's chair to support his body.

"Dark Lord, please search my mind and you will see my loyalty, I promise."

He buried his head deeply, his hands left the armrests and fell to the ground, his whole person looked humble and humble.

Voldemort looked down at him, his eyes filled with dissatisfaction.

Snape, he still cared.

This is a rare talent in the wizarding world, but after being humbled like this, most of this person is useless.

"Then let me find out."

Voldemort whispered, then stretched out his hand and touched Snape's head.

The Legilimency spell was activated, and countless memories emerged:

"We are already at the chess table, Dumbledore..."

"There are just too many dreams about that night..."

"No, principal, everything is over, I will not..."

The memories of reading are increasing, and the surprise in Voldemort's eyes is accumulating more and more.

The guy really seems to have nothing to hide, and he even displays memories of siding with Dumbledore.

And that's not the end.

In the end, a memory from ten years ago even appeared, which was the beginning of his earliest betrayal.

"Your honesty is beyond my expectation."

Voldemort took back his hand and said in a deep voice, thoughtfully.

"Please punish me, Dark Lord, for my betrayal."

Snape's body was shaking more seriously, whether due to the curse or fear.

But he still spoke and humbly asked Voldemort to punish him.

"Is it because of the doe?"

Voldemort didn't say Lily's name. He didn't want to provoke her anymore, "Do you want me to resurrect her?"

"No, Dark Lord, I don't think she can be resurrected like you, and if it is the undead way..."

Snape did not say any more, but changed the subject and said, "Dark Lord, I am here for that child. I hope to exchange my loyalty for Harry's safety and his lifelong safety."

Voldemort picked up his wand and pressed it twice on his temple.

Snape gave him a headache. He couldn't figure out whether this man really wanted to be loyal to him.

"Open your mind completely, Severus, I'm going to do it again."

Voldemort said, turning his wand upside down and tapping Snape's head at his feet.

"As you wish, Dark Lord," Snape said, opening his mind again.

This time, Voldemort searched more carefully.

He even carefully read every moment that he felt he needed to pay attention to, but everything was so natural and there was no problem at all.

The wand was slightly raised, and Voldemort's frown gradually relaxed.

He already somewhat trusts the other party, at least judging from his eyes, he really can't find any flaws.

But just when the magic was about to be disconnected, Voldemort suddenly stabilized his wand.

"Snape, answer my question." Voldemort said suddenly, "Are you loyal to me?"

"I am loyal to you, Dark Lord. I am your most loyal Death Eater."

As Snape answered, countless memories of him following the Dark Lord flickered.

Among them, what moved both of them the most was the memory of the Dark Lord teaching Snape the magic of flying.

However, Voldemort's heart was not moved.

In addition to observing the other party's memory, he also opened up telepathy.

In an instant, Snape's emotions came over him, a firm and sincere heart.

As far as this attitude is concerned, Snape can be said to be fiercely loyal.

But Voldemort's face suddenly showed a relaxed smile.

"Severus, even if you have a little bit of resentment in your heart, I will believe you."

"Being so loyal? Hahaha."

Voldemort did not say these words, he just thought in his heart.

And the relaxation on his face slowly disappeared after a moment of thinking, leaving only a smile.

"My loyal subject, my Potions Master, you are back."

Voldemort put away his wand, put his arm around Snape's shoulders, lifted him up and said, "Welcome back, Death Eater Severus Snape."

Snape's eyes were filled with tears, and he looked terribly moved.

Voldemort squeezed twice, but couldn't squeeze the water out of his eyes.

He simply gave the other person a hug to avoid the other person's hot and uncomfortable gaze.

"I have an important task for you, Severus. Only if you do it can I rest assured."

A cunning smile flashed across Voldemort's face behind Snape.

When he withdrew Snape from his arms, the smile had long since disappeared.

"Say it, Dark Lord, and I will do it no matter what."

Snape's eyes were firm and his words were sincere, and he seemed to be completely loyal to Voldemort.

"Department of Mysteries, Severus, I want you to infiltrate there, learn about it, and then bring me more information."

This was the idea that came to Voldemort's mind just now, and he arranged Snape directly according to this idea.

Neither Snape nor the weird Department of Mysteries was someone he wanted to touch deeply.

Bringing these two weird guys together is a good solution.

Snape, on the other hand, looked at Voldemort in confusion.

This result seems to be a little different from what he thought.

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