Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 295 London in late August

After returning from the Black family, Voldemort's life completely settled down.

He first spent a few days studying the [Black Family's Magic Book].

It records many unique magics and provides unique analysis of many common spells.

But these contents did not surprise Voldemort until a chapter called "The Black Family's Magic Jar" appeared.

Essentially, it's not even magic, just a method of applying magic.

But what surprised Voldemort was that it actually had a hint of science in it.

Of course, the Black ancestor who invented this curse did not read any Muggle books.

Although every two generations of this family, there will be a rebel like Sirius Black.

But in fact, most of them are very Muggle-phobic.

And this ancestor of the Black family was indeed a member of the Muggle-haters, but he found "science" on his own.

Through observation, he found that when burning the same amount of charcoal, using a stove was far more efficient than lighting a fire directly on the ground.

So, he tried to apply this magical discovery to magic.

Invent a magic trick?


When that Black ancestor lived, magic circuits had not yet become high-level magic.

Therefore, he directly worked on the magic circuit, which was much simpler than using magic on himself.

Moreover, you don’t have to worry about the duration of the magic effect.

The [Black Family Magic Jar] was born, and Voldemort couldn't wait to try it.

And because his body is made up of magic power, the effect is surprisingly good.

Especially after he molded it into a bottle with all that perpetual magic.

Not only does the use of magic save mana, but the power of magic has also been slightly improved.

"New course content, [The Black Family's Magic Jar]."

After seeing the effect, Voldemort couldn't wait to teach it to the children.

As for the Black family secret, let that thing go to hell.

Narcissa and Bella wouldn't say anything, and as for Sirius Black.

If he had the courage, I wouldn't mind giving him an unforgettable lesson.

After studying this magic book, Voldemort began to put all his attention on the book "The Flesh and Blood of Soul Mates".

According to the records in this book, the resurrection ceremony requires at least a set of bones, blood, and flesh.

It is best for them to come from the previous generation, the same generation and the next generation respectively.

In other words, the bones of parents, the blood of brothers and sisters, and the flesh of children are the best.

The body created using these three types of flesh and blood is the closest to the original body.

If not, it can be replaced by the flesh and blood of friends, enemies, or believers.

But the effect is definitely not as good as using flesh and blood from blood relatives, which is closer to the original body.

But this does not mean that the effect is not good.

Friends, enemies, or the flesh and blood of believers can sometimes bring unexpected benefits.

Of course, there may also be disadvantages.

There is a very complex potion theory involved.

Voldemort must first choose his flesh and blood, and then determine whether there are other special additions before he can make a targeted arrangement.

Flesh and bones, he had already made up his mind.

Therefore, just follow the diagram and check repeatedly.

Special addition, he currently has two ideas.

One is the left eye of the Basilisk, and the other is the Soul Eater.

Whether it was the Basilisk's left eye or the Soul Eater, he had already chosen it.

The trouble is that it is very difficult for the two to integrate into the body, and specific potions or magic items must be selected to assist.

There is no fixed answer to this in the book. He must understand the principle of this magic potion and then research and add it himself.

And this research process is definitely not accomplished overnight. He needs to spend a lot of time here.

Fortunately, there is no urgency at the moment.

Because among the three most important ingredients of bone, blood and flesh, one of them needs to wait for the opportunity.

While waiting, he had plenty of time to research.

In this way, in his peaceful life, Voldemort studied every day.

Time began to fly by, and in the blink of an eye it was mid-August.

A lot of things happened during this period, but the most eye-catching thing is Crouch's political speech.

For a month, he continued to appear in various media, explaining his understanding of the news of Voldemort's return.

"The Dark Lord has returned, and the wizarding world must prepare."

"Waiting is death, the threat is imminent."

"To do nothing is to admit defeat, and the Ministry must act."

Every now and then, headlines like this will appear in the Daily Prophet.

It is said that Fudge lost his temper several times over this, and even publicly criticized the Daily Prophet as Minister of Magic.

But the Daily Prophet completely ignored Fudge's accusations and firmly sided with Crouch.

This made Fudge even more uneasy.

Because he knew that the Daily Prophet represented the position of pure-blood wizards.

Fudge even approached Dumbledore for help at one point, but unfortunately his influence on the Daily Prophet was limited.

As a last resort, Fudge also began to speak publicly in the Daily Prophet to resist Crouch's "nonsense."

The person who supported him the most was the disobedient Daily Prophet.

Barnabas Guffey, the editor-in-chief of this newspaper, even invited the two of them to open a column directly in the Daily Prophet.

His willingness to watch the excitement without taking things too seriously is evident.

But both of them refused because they were busy at work and they did not want to become a money-making tool for the Daily Prophet.

But even so, the wizards were fed up with the articles about the two arguing every three days and fighting every seven days.

In addition to the Daily Prophet's limelight, the naysayers also did not show weakness:

It began to openly talk about the conflicts between purebloods and Muggles, and even invited the previous patriarch of the Malfoy family and some very famous Muggle wizards to come out to debate.

The public opinion war between the two books and periodicals almost instantly swallowed up the living space of other magic newspapers and periodicals.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on them.

In addition to paying attention to the excitement outside, Voldemort would occasionally check on Bella's condition.

To his expectation, Bella's psychological counseling was surprisingly effective.

According to psychologists, Bella's mental condition will return to normal in another month at most.

"Are you sure he didn't use magic on the psychologist?"

Voldemort couldn't help calling Narcissa, who always accompanied Bella to see a psychiatrist, asked.

"She didn't do that, Dark Lord, and I could tell she actually seemed to move on from the chaos."

Narcissa answered Voldemort like this, but Voldemort still felt that her words were not credible.

For this reason, he specifically talked to Bella several times, and it turned out that Bella's mental state was really improving.

"I just want to recover quickly so that I can help you study that magic book. Master, I hope I can be more useful to you."

Bella pointed at the tome in front of Voldemort and said in a firm tone.

"I look forward to this day, Bella." Voldemort could only answer her.

The days continued to move forward like this, and after a few days, Voldemort had to put down his magic book and go to London again.

"Perhaps it would be good for Bella to participate in this research. I remember she was very good at potions."

Seeing that [the soul mate's flesh and blood] was about to be left to eat ashes in the study again, Voldemort murmured this before leaving.

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