Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 298 I know, but I can’t say

After thinking for a while, Voldemort temporarily gave up this option.

He felt that this was too abrupt and lacked respect for the director.

Moreover, if it was really the director, there would be some danger for him to do so.

"It's better to ask the Hiddleston family first."

Voldemort thought, turned around and disappeared.

The Hiddleston family does not belong to the Holy Twenty-Eight purebloods. Although they keep saying that they are purebloods, this is not a convincing answer.

"Not all pure-blood families are in the [Pure-blood Directory], such as the Potter family. I think we were excluded by the author just like them."

"There are also errors in the directory. For example, the Ollivander family, the mother of the contemporary staff maker is a Muggle, but they were still included in that shabby book full of loopholes."

The wizards of the Hiddleston family often slander the [Pure Blood Register] in this way to express their dissatisfaction and to find excuses for not being included in the list.

But in fact, most families know that they are not purebloods.

That’s because a very famous history of the Hiddleston family exposed the secret of their bloodline:

Two hundred years ago, the Hiddleston family was in trouble for a long time due to financial problems.

In the end, they had to solve the problem by having the best successor in the family marry a very wealthy Muggle widow.

Today's Hiddleston family children are almost all descended from that widow's lineage.

With such an identity, how could he be a pureblood?

It just so happens that this family likes to deceive themselves and others, and they still promote their pure-blood status everywhere.

When Voldemort came to power ten years ago, this family also wanted to get closer.

Unfortunately, Voldemort didn't like them, so they were not even qualified to be Death Eaters.

However, this also allowed them to be lucky enough to escape later criticism.

In order to retaliate against these Death Eaters for not supporting them in joining this organization, Brand, the head of the Hiddleston family, took the lead in reporting the Malfoy family.

After that, he also made many public remarks criticizing the Dark Lord.

Even at that time, criticizing the Dark Lord seemed to be the most correct choice, but there were only a few people who relied on swear words and mindless curses to gain a position like him.

Therefore, when Voldemort suddenly knocked on his door more than ten years later, the Hiddleston family was horrified.

"About your sister, Brand, I just want to know something related to her." Voldemort asked, looking at Brand who was trembling in front of him.

"Can you be more specific? Lord Dark Lord, you know that she left the family very early, and we have not had any contact in these years."

Brand behaved very humbly. From his words, one could never imagine that those dirty insults were uttered by this man.

"I'm not specific enough, Brand. I want to know if she has joined any special organization?" Voldemort asked politely.

It's not that he didn't know those remarks, after all, the Malfoy family hated them to the core, and both Lucius and Abu were angry with him, hoping that he would clean up the family in the future.

But he really didn't care about those comments.

What does the matter between you and Riddle have to do with me, Voldemort?

This is roughly what Voldemort thinks. He thinks that he is brand new, not someone's continuation.

"I have never heard of it, Lord Dark Lord." The head of the Brand family shook his head and said, "We are not close, so even if she did this, she would not be able to tell me."

Seeing that Voldemort was very polite, he felt relieved and his expression became much more natural.

"Yeah, I heard a long time ago that she was expelled from your family."

Voldemort's words brought a smile to Brand's face.

He nodded vigorously, indicating that this was indeed the case, and then looked helpless.

This is due to a change in his mentality, and the cause is also attributed to Mr. Crouch.

In recent days, Crouch has been bragging about the news of Voldemort's return, and firmly stated that Voldemort's strength is not as good as before.

This is not an unfounded slander.

He listed many reasons, including but not limited to Voldemort's fear of revealing his identity.

In short, Brand felt that Crouch's guess was correct because of Voldemort's courtesy.

So, he put on this confident but powerless look.

Voldemort also smiled, and he still spoke politely, but the content of his words made Brand freeze on the spot.

"Mr. Brand, can I search your memory so that I can confirm that you are not lying?"

"This... is not good."

"Since you agreed, I think you'd better not resist."

Voldemort raised his wand directly and pointed it at Brand without hesitation.

For a moment, Brand wanted to resist, but the thought disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, and then his memory began to be read.

Soon after, Voldemort put down his wand with a disappointed look on his face.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Brand. I hope that the news of my appearance will not spread. It will be very detrimental to your family."

Voldemort said, stood up and said goodbye to the other party, and then left the Hiddleston family manor.

In this process, Brand must make up for his previous mistakes and today's arrogance, hoping to entertain the Dark Lord.

But Voldemort didn't want to waste time with him, so he refused directly and left.

After that, Voldemort couldn't help but be curious and went straight to the Department of Mysteries.

Wearing the mask and black robe from last time and using the pseudonym from last time, Voldemort successfully entered the Department of Mysteries and met Director Whitebeard.

"You are not a silent person, Mr. Sylvester. A very important article in our code states that you are not allowed to participate in affairs." Director Whitebeard denied on the spot.

"Can't participate?" Voldemort asked in confusion.

"Yeah, no matter what, we stay out of it."

Director Whitebeard said with a smile, but then added, "Of course, we still have to participate in the management of private affairs or family affairs, but not as silent people."

"Silent people... It seems that your behavior is consistent with your name." Voldemort sighed.

The white-bearded director smiled and nodded without saying anything else.

"Then do you know who they are?" Voldemort asked again.

"I know. In fact, we have been paying attention to them for a long time." Director Whitebeard's words surprised Voldemort.

"Who are they?" Voldemort asked.

"Sorry, Mr. Sylvester, I can't say this." Director Whitebeard spread his hands and said, "Silent people are not allowed to participate. This is the reason why I can't help you."

Voldemort frowned and looked at Whitebeard carefully. It didn't look like he was lying.

"What if I join the Silent Men?" Voldemort asked.

"You can only know this matter if you become the person in charge of the Silent People, that is, if you reach my position, so..."

Director Whitebeard shrugged and said, "You have to wait until I retire before you get this information."

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