Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 308 August Lukewood

"I will sneak in by myself. If there is no movement, you can wait quietly and act together with the big team."

Voldemort glanced at the windows on the castle, thinking about the way to infiltrate in his mind, and said, "If there is a big noise, you can feign attack outside to create chaos."

"Remember, I don't have to fight tooth and nail, they can't do anything to me."

Everyone who followed Voldemort nodded, but Bella was hesitant to speak.

"I use Potu to sneak. You can't act with me until you learn Potu."

Voldemort took care of Bella's emotions, then turned around and jumped up.

After rising one meter, his body had broken away from the gravity of the ground and began to fly upward.

After flying up another meter, the whole person slowly disappeared and turned into a purple-gold light.

It's not over yet.

Under Voldemort's mediation, the light slowly turned into off-white, almost blending into the mist on the island.

Even if the people below were always paying attention, they lost sight of it after the white light penetrated into the mist.

"It seems that the master's understanding of Porto has gone beyond what was written in the principal's book." Malfoy said, looking at the light that flew towards the castle and disappeared into the mist.

The Porto-related books written by Dumbledore have become the most popular magic books in recent years.

Even if you don’t learn much, you will get a lot of readers.

Not to mention everyone has a copy, at least most wizards have one in their homes.

And in that book, there is also a brief record of the Potu Golden Body.

Dumbledore even had some thoughts on the future development of this magic.

But these ideas do not involve changing the color of magic.

The fact that Voldemort changed the color of Potoo's golden body seems to be just a change in color.

But in fact, it not only broke through Dumbledore's imagination, but also subverted the former golden body of Porto.

Because when the magic results change, there are too many things that need to be changed.

This is true even for a brand new and simple magic like Porto.

"I don't know what's so surprising about this, Lucius, that's the Dark Lord. There's no need to question his ability." Bella glanced at Lucius and said.

Lucius was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a wry smile.

He suddenly realized that his recent mentality had not changed with the arrival of more supporters of the Dark Lord.

In his subconscious mind, the Dark Lord was still the same person who had just returned, who was always accepting advice, and whose personality had changed several times under his own suggestions.

But in fact, with the several confrontations between the Dark Lord and the principal, the Dark Lord's character became tighter and more stable.

As more and more old people return, new people join.

The Dark Lord is no longer the weakling he once was.

Things are changing, but he is still looking at people with the same old eyes, and he needs to change.

Fortunately, he found out not too late.

"You're right, Bella, we should all obey the Dark Lord's will."

Lucius's serious statement made Bella stunned for a moment.

But she just nodded and said nothing.

On the other side, Voldemort was already hiding in the mist, sneaking into the castle along the ventilation openings of the castle.

Maintaining this state, he exuded less emotion than a wizard who turned into an animal.

So he entered the castle prison very smoothly without being discovered by the dementors.

Off-white light spots slowly floated through the small hole in the cell door, hovering in front of a skinny figure.

Although this Death Eater was as skinny as other Death Eaters, his state was completely different from other Death Eaters.

His face was not ferocious, and his demeanor was still steady.

He even drew a chessboard on the ground and used a few stones he pulled from the wall to play with a game.

When the off-white light spot transformed by Voldemort appeared in the cell, he immediately noticed the light spot as he was squatting and playing with stones.

He stood up, came to the off-white light spot, and looked at it curiously.


The Porto changed, and Voldemort's figure appeared out of thin air in the cell.

This startled the Death Eater across from him, but his surprise was quickly replaced by excitement.


Even in the alternation of surprise and surprise, his hoarse and thick voice was still deliberately lowered.

"August Rookwood."

Voldemort called the other person's name softly and slowly stretched out his hand from his robe.

August immediately stepped forward, took Voldemort's hand and kissed it.


August Rookwood's voice was still a little excited, and he was happy for Voldemort's appearance.

But in Voldemort's telepathy, he couldn't feel even a trace of the other party's emotions.

But he didn't say anything, but let the other person do it all until he straightened up.

"Are you still loyal to me, August?" Voldemort asked.

"Of course." August said excitedly, "I miss you day and night, Master. I am sure you will come back and lead us back to our former glory."

Voldemort narrowed his eyes slightly, telepathically still unable to detect the other person's emotions.

"Talk about the Department of Mysteries, August, I think you must have something to tell me, right?" Voldemort asked in a calm voice.

There was a flash of surprise in August's eyes, which did not escape Voldemort's eyes.

But the other party did not answer his question immediately.

Voldemort did not urge him, but rubbed his wand and waited quietly.

"You must have been there, right?" Augustine calmed down and asked with a little expectancy.

"Yes." Voldemort said.

"Did you send anyone there?" Augustine's hoarse voice just finished, and he quickly said, "I mean, you took the initiative to send someone to join the Silent People."


Voldemort still answered simply, and noticed a complicated look flashed in Augustine's eyes.

"Can you tell me who it is?" Augustine asked solemnly.

Voldemort was silent for a moment and said, "Snape."

Augustine's body trembled, as if he was disturbed by something.

This Death Eater, who had been in Azkaban for more than ten years and was still able to stabilize his mind, was surprised by the unease he showed at this moment.

Before he paid attention to the Department of Mysteries, he had never paid attention to the Death Eater in front of him.

After all, he wasn't ruthless enough and looked too honest.

Most of the time, he didn't act like a Death Eater.

If it weren't for the fact that he worked in the Ministry of Magic and could provide him with a lot of useful information, I would think that my impression of him would be even less.

But when he discovered the extraordinary power of the Department of Mysteries, the first person he thought of was the Death Eater in front of him.

August Rookwood.

He was not like Snape, who first joined the Death Eaters and then was forced to join the Department of Mysteries.

On the contrary, August joined the Department of Mysteries first and the Death Eaters later.

Among them, there are many issues worthy of study.

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