Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 323 Unknown Grave

Sir Gamp said, find a way, not come up with a way.

In other words, the method is here, all he has to do is find it.

Glancing at the bookshelf, Voldemort suddenly pointed at the diary open on his desk.

"The writing on it is very special. Sir Gamp, can you tell me what it is?" Voldemort asked.

"This?" Gamp took a look at the diary and said, "The words given by the God of Death, Mr. Sylvester, are very magical."

"Death really exists?" Voldemort asked doubtfully.

This is not the first time he has expressed doubts, and Gamp is obviously too lazy to explain.

He just shrugged and made no further move.

"Can I learn it?" Voldemort asked.

"Of course, it is actually a kind of text similar to runes."

As Sir Gamp spoke, he leaned down and took out a heavy book from behind the desk and handed it to Voldemort.

"We usually think that divine writings precede runes, but there is no way to prove this. Of course, you can also think that this is the conjecture of us pagans."

Voldemort forced a smile, reached out and took the book and took a look.

This is a trilingual dictionary that explains the meanings of divine words in two languages: English and runes.

It seems that the divine script is much more complicated than these two languages, because neither of these two languages ​​can independently explain the divine script.

"Even if the God of Death is just an ancient wizard, he is still powerful enough."

Voldemort thought to himself as he put the dictionary in his waist pocket.

"So, Sir Gamp, what can you do to help my friend?"

When he asked, he looked at the bookshelf aside, his eyes full of curiosity.

Sir Gamp was not surprised by this. He also glanced at the bookshelf, but did not get up to pick up any book.

"I need to know where in the body your friend wants to store the dementors." Gamp said, "This determines the method I want to find."


Voldemort repeated the other person's words, thought for a moment and then spoke.

"He has a special ability - telepathy - and I think he wants to materialize this ability and then put the Soul Eater in it."

"Psychic perception?" Gamp touched his nose and asked, "Can you be more specific?"

Voldemort narrowed his eyes and looked at the other person, with obvious rejection in his calm eyes.

He believed that the other party knew that he was "making friends out of nothing."

Sir Gamp, then, was prying into his privacy by prying into the details of his abilities, and this displeased him.

"Okay, let me ask in another way." Gamp spread his hands and asked, "Where is your friend going to put this ability?"

Voldemort then withdrew his gaze with satisfaction, then pointed to his temple and said: "In memory, Sir Gamp, he thinks he can do it."

Gamp nodded and said: "That's difficult, but he thinks he can do it, so let's just assume he can do it."

When he said this, he finally got up and went to the bookshelf and pulled out a book from it.

Voldemort noticed that on the cover of the book, there was a big tree floating in the starry sky.

"Constructing the World Tree in memory - this is of course rare - but I think it is enough to scare the dementors."

Gamp said, handing the book in his hand to Voldemort.

After taking it, Voldemort looked at the cover and found that on the huge world tree, there were countless creatures similar to those he had seen before, which were the elves in Lin Zuo's memory.

The difference between the two is that the skin color of the elves in the book Voldemort read before was darker, while the skin color in this book is much lighter.

"Constructing the World Tree in memory?"

Voldemort asked rhetorically, turning the pages of the book.

He still couldn't understand the words here, but the images were simple and easy to understand.

The book roughly records the process of the world tree growing from a seed to a world tree.

"Would you do this?" Voldemort asked again.

"A silent man in the seventeenth century tried it, and it was successful. The effect is extraordinary." After Gamp finished speaking, he shook his head regretfully and said, "I also tried it, but unfortunately it was not successful."

Voldemort nodded and asked, "How long will this process take?"

"I spent three years and failed completely. That person said it took him a lifetime, but he gained a lot." Gamp said.

Voldemort returned the book to the other party without hesitation.


Sorry, I don't have that time.

"Is there any other way?" Voldemort asked again.

"It's the best known way, and besides..."

Gamp searched on the bookshelf for a while, and finally took out the book Voldemort had read before.

"The dark elf's magic book contains a kind of soul gem. Maybe you can try it."

"I have never heard of dark elves." Voldemort said as he took the book.

"The books given by the God of Death, we guess, are from other worlds."

Gamp suddenly grinned and said, "If you are interested, you can join the Silent People. Then you can go to the planet room to study. We guess that the addresses of these worlds are marked there."

Gamp said it calmly, but Voldemort was shocked in his heart.

"Other worlds?" Voldemort said with wide eyes, "Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure, Mr. Sylvester, it's just speculation among us heathens."

After Gamp finished speaking, before Voldemort could ask any more questions, he dropped the topic and asked, "What do you think of this method?"

"Have you ever made the Mind Stone?" Voldemort asked, suppressing the surprise and doubt in his heart.

“I tried, but many materials were not available and substitutes could not be found.”

After Gamp finished speaking, he saw dissatisfaction on Voldemort's face. He hurriedly added, "But your friend must be extraordinary. I think he may be able to overcome these difficulties - we can provide past experimental data."

"How long have you been trying?" Voldemort asked.

"It's been hundreds of years." Gamp thought for a while and replied.

Voldemort thrust the book into his arms without hesitation and motioned for him to try another way.


Even if Voldemort thought he was gifted, he would not be so arrogant that he could solve a problem in a year that others could not solve in hundreds of years.

"If that's the case, maybe you can try to develop another kind of psychic power..."

Gamp once again took out a book that Voldemort had read, the one that was torn by war and full of carapace, rotten flesh and bones.

"Wait a minute."

Voldemort didn't wait for him to finish before interrupting him, "Has anyone here tried it?"


Gamp was sure, and then said weakly, "But the moment he sensed spiritual energy... he exploded."

The corner of Voldemort's mouth twitched.

If Gamp hadn't had a good relationship with him, he might not have been able to resist giving him a green light.

What are the things you recommend for those who step on horses?

"I need something that is really feasible and can be used." Voldemort said solemnly, "I am in a hurry."

Gamp nodded. After thinking for a moment, he took out a book from there again.

Voldemort was really afraid that he would come up with an unreliable method again, so he quickly looked at the cover of the book.

Fortunately, the object on the cover was familiar to him.

"Unknown tomb, maybe you can start from here."

Gamp handed the book in his hand to Voldemort and said.

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