Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 328 Mystery

After dealing with the monocle, the study became quiet again.

Voldemort began to focus on the study of divine texts - more specifically, the study of pyramids.

It is still difficult for Voldemort to read the entire "Unknown Tomb" quickly.

Learning divine literature was far more difficult than any language he had ever been exposed to, including Chinese, which Lin Zuo had already mastered.

This kind of writing has extremely strict requirements on every subtle shape, and the strictness even requires accuracy to the angle, length and width of a stroke.

“Is God writing on a typewriter?”

Voldemort couldn't help but complain, but this did not change the difficult process of learning.

For this reason, he had to give up the idea of ​​learning divine literature first and then reading "The Ominous Grave".

His time was limited, and the problem of the dementors' integration had to be resolved as soon as possible.

Therefore, he only reads what he needs to know.

But without understanding the divine language, this process is quite difficult.

But fortunately, he has a breakthrough, and that is the introduction of [Variety of Faith].

In the past few days, apart from arranging matters after his departure and dealing with Rowling's sudden changes, Voldemort spent the rest of his time studying the "Vail of Faith".

And not long after he finished dealing with the monocle, he finally fully understood this short paragraph of divine text.

According to the introduction in the book, [The Veil of Faith] is not as simple as a shroud.

It has many features, such as:

Protects the physical body from decay and has a weak restorative effect;

Protects the soul from collapse and also has a weak repairing effect;

To ensure that the sleeping soul does not get lost in eternal sleep and that the physical body functions do not decline.

In addition to these properties, it also has an ability that makes Voldemort very curious-time constancy.

This constancy is not just the constancy of the wrapped body and soul, but the constancy of time in this space.

Voldemort was very confused by this and did not understand it well.

He felt that this was caused by the inaccuracy of the translation of the divine texts into English and runes.

"Perhaps this characteristic is the most important."

Voldemort's guess is difficult to verify, especially since it is difficult to accurately define the divine text in English and runes.

But fortunately this is not the most important thing.

After all, using an item does not require the ability to make it, or a complete understanding of it.

"In addition to these characteristics, its most essential thing is the absorption and transformation of faith. But do people still believe in these mummies now?"

Voldemort expressed doubts about this, after all, there are no more believers in the pyramid in this world.

If there are no believers, then where does the power of [Variety of Faith] come from?

Voldemort suddenly thought of the Silent Man.

These aliens among the wizards may be the followers of the mummies in the pyramids.

"But in any case, according to the above introduction, placing the Veil of Faith in the memory can completely suppress the dementors."

Voldemort murmured softly, arranging his thoughts, "Especially when I have a large number of Death Eater followers."

"Then, we need to be ready to enter the pyramid."

After confirming the usability of the [Variety of Faith], Voldemort began to study how to penetrate deep into the pyramid.

Sir Gamp provided him with several in-depth experiences of the Silent Man, but there was no experience of going into Khufu's tomb.

But what he wanted to do was not just enter the tomb.

Voldemort needs to open the coffin and pull out a piece of [Vail of Faith] from inside, which is many times more difficult than their exploration.

"Perhaps I should be ready to give up on integrating into the Dementors."

He couldn't help but sigh like this. After all, judging from the silent man's experience, it was too difficult.

Integrating a dementor into the body is not a necessary condition.

He just wants to make himself stronger, and taking too many risks for this is obviously not worth it.

Reaching out and touching the fog rope on his wrist, Voldemort had already made a decision in his heart.

"After one chance of nearing death, I will not try it a second time."

He said this to himself, and then began to focus on researching the data.

Three days later, the Silent Man explored the pyramid information, and he was already familiar with it.

It's a pity that Crouch's door key has not yet been obtained, and Voldemort can only continue to wait.

But he did not waste time and began to study the book "Unknown Grave".

Through the divine dictionary, Voldemort struggled to translate everything about this book.

According to the book, the pyramid is not a simple tomb. Its most important function is to resurrect the owner in the tomb.

This made Voldemort very puzzled.

Is it stupid to spend thousands of years resurrecting a person?

At least he won't do it himself, because in his opinion, there is really no one worthy of him doing this-if it is himself, that is another matter.

In addition, he also vaguely glimpsed another function of the pyramid:

It seems to exist as a foundation, and something unknown is built on it.

There is no detailed explanation of this in the book, not even a brief mention of the divine text.

Voldemort only came up with the idea based on its structure and its formation-like arrangement.

"The biggest problem is my lack of understanding of divine texts."

Looking back, Voldemort still felt that the [Dictionary of Divine Words] was not professional enough.

"It looks like this dictionary is more like a semi-finished product that was barely made. Perhaps the divine text cannot be deciphered in English and runes at all."

"Wait a minute, maybe this divine text is also incomplete."

The sudden rise of speculation greatly increased Voldemort's interest.

He began to give up researching the [Unknown Tomb] and instead focused on the research of the [Divine Dictionary], or the research of the Divine Text itself.

And he soon discovered that his guess was probably correct.

Divine writing should be a more complex type of writing that is almost impossible to write.

Or, words that can be written but cannot be understood by wizards.

Therefore, the man who called himself "The God of Death" broke it up, simplified it, and finally formed this brand-new text that cannot explain everything.

"But what's the point of him doing this?"

Voldemort's brows furrowed for an unknown number of times.

He couldn't understand the meaning of the "God of Death" operation.

At least he couldn't see what benefits these things would bring to that unknown existence.

"The Department of Mysteries, Death, the Silent Man, Snape...and that organization whose clues were broken, how could I not have noticed them before?"

Voldemort was curious about how Riddle managed to stay away from these unknown existences.

But he soon found out why.

Because in his memory world, Lin Zuo and Riddle were also going back and forth in the staggered drama.

"It's fate, but who is controlling all this? Why did that existence let me see all this?"

Everything seemed to be trapped in an endless loop, but Voldemort couldn't find the thread of the mystery at all.

Fortunately, old Nott arrived soon and brought him the door key.

This freed him from his doubts.

"Anyway, the trip to Egypt is about to begin. Let's think about these things when we get back."

He comforted himself and used the portkey to embark on a journey to Egypt.

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