Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 343 Hodel Lin

In the darkness, stars twinkled.

Voldemort's consciousness floated in the void, and he stretched out his hand.


A spot of light, carrying the sound of hunting wind, was summoned to his side.

When the point of light got closer, its full extent was finally revealed.

This is a world wrapped in a light film, in which young Lin Zuo is walking on his way to school.

"One day in the childhood of Lin Zuo, if the veil of faith..."

Voldemort murmured and shook his head, rejecting the idea.

But he did not push "Lin Zuo's Day" away. On the contrary, he stretched out his hands to absorb more light spots.

Memories came one after another, and soon they gathered together, but they were still wrapped in light films and never merged.

If either Lin Zuo or Riddle had a complete memory, then in some form this memory would be the same person.

And Voldemort, who cannot always pay attention to the world of memory, is not at ease allowing such complete memories to grow in this world.

For this reason, he separated these memories and forcibly controlled them with fate, allowing these memory fragments to be replayed infinitely.

The advantage of this is that it is easy to manage, but the disadvantage is that it stagnates the development of the memory world.

But that didn't matter to Voldemort.

He created the memory world originally to resolve the conflict between two memories, not to cultivate them.

When all the memory fragments came together, Voldemort reached into the void again.

Suddenly, a wisp of white fluorescent thread appeared.

As Voldemort pulled, a large piece of fluorescent light was pulled out of the void.

This is the form of the veil of faith in the world of memory.

It is as thin as Zen, white, and fluorescent, spreading endlessly in this nihilistic world.

In the depths of nothingness, there was a slightly invisible fluorescence, but Voldemort was not surprised by this.

He stretched out his hand to touch the unreal fluorescence and said, "Where did these beliefs originate?"

I raised my feet in the void and looked, but the source of the glimmer of light could not be found.


With a sigh, Voldemort gave up his search and instead tried to mobilize these beliefs.

However, except for the glimmers of light that would tremble and drift when he waved the yarn of faith, he could no longer affect the power at all.

"Sure enough, even here, it's not available."

Voldemort murmured, completely giving up the idea of ​​controlling the power of faith.

He began to shake the veil of faith, stretching it to the extreme.

Finally, his hands shook violently, and the yarn of faith wrapped in a circle, connected end to end, wrapping all the memory fragments.

"From today on, the world has an edge, and it's called Zhenyi."

Looking at the big ball shimmering in the void, Voldemort nodded with satisfaction and said.

Then, he stepped across the border and entered a new world of memory.

When they are cut off from the void, the forces of time and fate become even more real.

Voldemort casually took a ball of light and held it in his hand.

This is a childhood memory belonging to Riddle. With the blessing of the power of time, the short-term memory begins to grow infinitely.

Not long after, the time in the ball of light had reached two months before Dumbledore appeared.

Voldemort's right hand shook slightly, and with the blessing of fate, Dumbledore missed Riddle.

Not only Dumbledore, but also Hogwarts has no contact with Voldemort.

This unique child began to grow wildly in the orphanage.

Teenager, young man, middle-aged...

Soon, Riddle in the world of memory fragments entered his twilight years.

Throughout his life, he was still showing off and dazzling.

But because he had never been exposed to the wizarding world, his abilities were not fully developed.

Before his death, Riddle was quite dissatisfied with his life of manipulating England.

He died depressed and filled with resentment.

And with his death, the memory fragments shattered with a "pop" sound, as if they had never appeared before.

When Voldemort recalled Riddle's memory fragment, he could still perceive it, but it could no longer be realized.

"Integrated into the world with the clothes, no longer need to be bound by fate and time..."

Voldemort murmured and glanced at the other spots of light, thinking about it but not disposing of them all.

After a brief silence, he turned around and disappeared from this world.

"Master, how is the situation?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, Bella, who was standing not far in front of him, asked.

"Everything went well."

Voldemort responded with a smile, then stretched out his hand to Hodel and said, "Hodel, come here."

Hodel turned around and looked around. After confirming that Voldemort was talking to him, he quickly floated over.

It could be seen that he was trying to control the leakage of his power, but it was difficult to restrain his instinct, so Bella and Voldemort still felt the cold breath.

But the two of them said nothing, just waited quietly.

After a while, Hodel came to Voldemort's side, and Voldemort reached out and grabbed Hodel's hood.


From Bella's perspective, Hodel got into Voldemort's eyebrows.

But in Voldemort's perception, Hodel was just pulled into the world of memory.

The dark and profound world frightened Hodel.

"This way."

Voldemort said something to him and took him across the world.

After entering here, Hodel finally felt a little more comfortable, but he was still full of doubts about this world full of light spots.

"You need more detailed education, Lin Zuo, or Riddle, let me think about it."

Voldemort murmured words that Hodel could not understand, and began to think in silence.

After a while, Voldemort, who was awake, reached out and pulled out several light spots and rolled them into a ball.

Not long after, a middle-aged Lin Zuo's memory mixed with Voldemort's memory appeared.

But in this world, Lin Zuo and Wang Ruyuan had no children, so they adopted a child.

And this child was Hodel whose form was changed by Voldemort into a white child after entering the memory world.

"Hodel Lin, from now on, this is your name."

Voldemort stood at the door of the orphanage, touched Hodel's head, which was less than one meter away, and said, "Learn here, grow up, and understand human beings.

"Also, be ready to go out and fight for me at any time."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he slowly withdrew his hand and pushed Hodel to Lin Zuo and his wife not far away.

"We'll take good care of him, Dean."

Lin Zuo of this memory world said to Voldemort.

His wife also nodded and knelt down to pick up Hodel.

Voldemort nodded to Lin Zuo while paying attention to Wang Ruyuan.

He noticed the other man shuddered, but then was no longer affected by Hodel.

False memories, it seems the dementors have limited influence on them.

"Hodel, study hard with your parents and grow up quickly."

Voldemort encouraged the reluctant Hodel, and then watched the family of three walk away.

After that, he exited this memory fragment and began to use time and fate to influence it and make it deviate from its original track.

He didn't speed up time any faster, he just kept his speed steady at three times the speed.

After taking a condescending look at the world, Voldemort nodded with satisfaction.

"I also need to go out and see if Hodel has any influence on me in the memory world."

He murmured, turned around and left this world that had just put on the armor.

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