Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 352 This is the moment

"What's there?"

Looking at the liquid in the stone basin through the TV, Abu asked Voldemort.

"The source of pain."

Voldemort said with a smile on his lips.

On TV, Dumbledore spins his wand in the air and conjures a tall crystal cup.

"All I can conclude is that this liquid needs to be drank."

His voice came from the TV, and the smile on Voldemort's lips became even brighter.

"What will happen if you drink it?" Abu asked curiously.

In this room, he was not the only one who was curious, but others did not dare to say anything.

The Death Eaters, including the two Muggles, were curiously waiting for Voldemort's answer.

"Read on and you'll find out," Voldemort said.

"He really knows how to drink?" Abu asked doubtfully.

He was naturally talking about Dumbledore.

"Of course, his bravery is beyond our expectations." Voldemort smiled, "Snakes can never understand the bravery of lions... and recklessness."


There was a burst of ridicule from behind. The Death Eaters obviously liked the description of "reckless".

Voldemort turned to glare at them and said: "Although recklessness is mostly followed by bravery, at least bravery is a positive word, while pride and madness can make people unreasonable."

The laughter stopped instantly, and even the breathing stopped briefly.


Voldemort snorted dissatisfied, turned his head and continued to look at the TV.

"I'm curious as to why you have become so... restrained after your return this time." Abu asked.

"Because winning or losing is temporary, only by standing on the card table can you have the chance to become the dealer."

Voldemort said in a deep voice, and then turned his head and glanced behind him: "Be ready to fight, at any time."

"Yes, Dark Lord."

All the Death Eaters replied in unison, without any smile in their words.

Facing Dumbledore, they did not dare to be careless even if he had been hurt over and over again.

Voldemort nodded with satisfaction and looked at the TV again.

At this time, on the TV, Dumbledore had already raised the crystal cup filled with green liquid after forcing Harry to swear.

"I wish you good health, Harry."

Dumbledore shouted, raised his glass and drank from it.

"He can always find humor in the midst of misery, which is one of the reasons I like him."

Voldemort suddenly spoke, causing Abu and the dead masters and disciples to look at him.

But no one answered because they didn't like Dumbledore very much, even though the man was very humorous.

In the silence of everyone, Dumbledore drank three cups silently. When he was on the fourth cup, he stumbled and fell on the stone basin.

"Headmaster?" Harry on the TV shouted urgently, "Can you hear me?"

Dumbledore didn't answer.

His face was twitching, as if he was sleeping and having a terrible nightmare.

"Professor, can you hear me?"

Harry asked loudly again, his voice echoing in the cave and coming from the TV, with a slight electric sound.

"I don't want to...don't force me..."

Dumbledore said with a pale face and pain.

Harry looked at Dumbledore in confusion, as if he didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Should we go there?" Abu asked suddenly, "before they get that thing."


Voldemort decisively refused and gave his own thoughts, "When he gets the thing, he will be most relaxed at that time."

Abu nodded, and the Death Eaters behind him waited without saying a word.

"...don't like it...want to stop..."

Dumbledore on the TV was still mumbling, no, it would be more correct to say he was moaning and begging.

But by this time Harry had come to his senses. He persuaded Dumbledore who refused to drink the liquid, picked up the cup and forced it to his mouth.

Dumbledore wanted to refuse, but he opened his mouth and Harry drank the liquid down.

"No, I don't want to anymore, let me go...let me go..."

Dumbledore struggled to leave, and Harry comforted him while filling the crystal cup again.

"He is braver than I thought," Abu said.

Voldemort knew he was talking about Harry, so he nodded and said, "Yes, and I think he will become braver in the future."

"You are not afraid……"

"Afraid of a child?"

Voldemort interrupted him dissatisfied and asked, and gave a rather insulting example.

"Is Dumbledore afraid of you?"

Abu was speechless, but he knew the reason for Voldemort's dissatisfaction.

He talked a lot today.

In other words, he showed concern for the future of pure blood today, which also represented his inner distrust of Voldemort.

So when faced with Voldemort's somewhat insulting remarks, he said nothing.

In the picture, Dumbledore has fallen to the ground.

He begged Harry in vague words, with pain visible to the naked eye between his brows and eyes.

"He looked like a child," Abu said.

Voldemort nodded, and then he took out his wand.

"I'll go in first and separate Harry and Dumbledore. Then you can go over and control Harry."

When Voldemort said this, he turned to look at Abu, "You and Old Nott are responsible for the task of controlling Harry."

Abu immediately nodded seriously, and Old Nott also said "Yes" from the team behind.

"Bella, you have to wait until I send you a signal. If the video recorder is damaged due to the fight and you can't see the picture, then just wait where you are and I will have someone notify you."

Voldemort glanced at the silver suitcase Bella was carrying and said.

"Okay, Master." Bella responded in a deep voice.

Voldemort nodded and looked at the TV again.

At this time, Harry in the screen has handed the last glass of green liquid to Dumbledore, but Dumbledore refused to drink it.

He was rolling around like crazy, trying not to drink it.

While urging, Harry controlled the other person with his arms and forced down the last glass of liquid.

Voldemort could see that although Dumbledore was experiencing inhuman torture, he still had reason.

Because if he really didn't want to cooperate, Harry couldn't force him.

"Let me die!"

Dumbledore drank the last glass of liquid and screamed in pain.

Then he gasped and rolled face down on the ground.

"Principal, principal."

Harry shouted and rushed over, using a red spell, which was "rejuvenate".

But the effect seems to have no effect at all.

"Water, water..."

Dumbledore shouted hoarsely.

Harry said "ok" and immediately got up to get the cup in the stone basin and used the magic spell "clear water like a spring".

But as soon as the cup is filled with water, it disappears immediately.

After going back and forth several times, Harry finally lost his mind amidst Dumbledore's shouts. He roared and threw himself towards the lake.

Voldemort's eyes lit up in front of the TV, he said "This is the moment", turned around and used "Apparition".

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