Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 355 Enemy’s Blood

The crucible boiled for a while, and the green mist gradually thickened.

Voldemort took a deep breath and slowly walked into the thick fog.

Bella looked at his back, the admiration in her eyes overflowing.

As for the Death Eaters, their hands holding their wands were shaking with excitement.


With a soft sound, Voldemort's right foot stepped into the crucible.

"Hope... everything goes well."

Voldemort murmured softly, and then his whole body collapsed like quicksand, turning into silver magic, wrapping his soul into the emerald green potion.


A muffled sound came from the crucible, and a thick green fog instantly enveloped the crucible, blocking everyone's sight.

"Everything went well."

Bella shouted, and a group of Death Eaters followed excitedly.

For a time, the word "success" echoed in the cave with their best wishes.

Amidst this voice, Bella slowly came to the corner of the silver platform.

There was a quaint box here. She opened it carefully and lifted a package from inside.

"A mother's bones, accidentally donated, can give your son a new life."

She said excitedly with a trembling voice, holding up the package and walking slowly towards the green mist surrounding the crucible.

The thick fog swallowed her figure, and no one could see clearly what was going on inside.


Something seemed to have fallen into the water of the crucible, and the green fog expanded outward again.

Bella's figure slowly walked out, and everyone could see the excitement on her face.

"Is everything going well?"

Lucius's voice sounded from behind the mask, muffled and frightened.

Bella suddenly turned around and glared at him, saying, "If you speak again, I will tear your mouth apart."

Lucius's body shook, but he said nothing.

I don't know if he was frightened by Bella's ferocity, or if he realized that he was too anxious and affected Bella's rhythm.

"Mr. Malfoy."

Bella suddenly turned her head and looked to the other side, fixing her eyes on Harry across the lake, "I need Harry's left hand, reaching down to the wrist, and don't use the poisoned dagger."


Abu responded loudly, and then put away the dagger in his hand.

Dumbledore, who was watching all this, suddenly frowned fiercely.

"Do not move."

Old Crabbe's voice sounded, and a wisp of fierce fire even appeared on the tip of his wand, but fortunately the flame passed by in a flash and did not spurt out.

"I'm just a little concerned about Harry's condition. Crabbe, are you going to ruin your master's resurrection ceremony?" Dumbledore asked softly, murmuring.

"Shut up, don't say anything."

Old Goyle's voice sounded next to Old Crabbe, his wand trembling, looking equally nervous.

Dumbledore glanced at him and said nothing, just looking at the ground with sad eyes.

He was silent, but everyone knew that he was grieving for Harry.

Because this kid, who was only in third grade, was about to lose his left hand, and it was with Dumbledore's consent.

Across the lake, Abu had changed into a long, thin, shiny silver dagger.

"You...you want to..."

Harry's voice trembled with fear and he couldn't speak fully.

"Nott, let him faint," Abu said.


Old Nott said something, then waved his wand and pointed it at Harry.


After a muffled sound, Harry's body fell limply to the ground.

"Do you have any ritual words to say?"

When Abu squatted down and was about to take action, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Bella from a distance and asked.


Bella replied excitedly, and then stamped her feet in annoyance.

She was so nervous that she almost forgot the necessary ritual words, but fortunately Abu reminded her.

"Servant... No, it should be said: the student's flesh is forced to be sacrificed so that his professor can be reborn."

Bella was still a little nervous, and it was easy to see from her body movements that she once wanted to go to the other side, but gave up in the end.

“The student’s flesh was forced to be sacrificed to bring his professor back to life.”

Abu repeated the ritual words, raised his knife and cut off Harry's left hand.

"Take care of him, Nott, the Dark Lord doesn't want him dead."

He said this to Old Nott, then took Harry's arm and stepped onto the boat to the island in the middle of the lake.

"give it to me."

Bella took Harry's hand, which was still dripping with blood, and slowly walked into the thick green fog.


A soft sound came from the thick fog, and everyone knew that Harry's hand had fallen into the crucible.


The fog rose again, but the originally green thick fog was mixed with a trace of blood.

The Death Eaters breathed heavily, and everyone looked very nervous.

"Old Nott, you can take good care of Harry, right?"

Dumbledore's voice suddenly sounded, causing all the Death Eaters to look at him in shock.

"Yes, principal, you can trust my magic, there will be no problem with it."

Old Nott said from a distance, his voice thick and gentle.

Dumbledore nodded and looked at Old Nott with a hint of gratitude.

"Keep your voices down."

Bella stepped out of the changed fog, glared at Dumbledore and said.

Dumbledore nodded, lowered his voice and said, "My blood is next, right?"

Bella was slightly surprised, but then she nodded, indicating that it was indeed the case.

"Is this a trap, just to get my blood?" Dumbledore asked.

"The master will answer your questions."

Bella stepped forward and took out a short blade and a magnificent cup from her waist pocket.

Dumbledore nodded, took the dagger with his right hand without saying a word, and prepared to bleed on his left arm.

"Wait a moment." Bella suddenly called out, "Master said, use the blood from your right wrist."


Dumbledore raised his right hand and asked in surprise.

Bella nodded, indicating that it was indeed there.

Dumbledore frowned, thought for a moment, and shook his right hand.

A weak magic wave occurred, and all the Death Eaters were so frightened that they thrust their wands forward.

"Be patient and don't be impatient."

Dumbledore said, then showed his right hand with black spots to Bella and said, "There is a curse on it, is there any problem?"

"The master said that this will help you resolve the curse as a... price for using your blood."

There was a bit of confusion in Bella's words, and it was obvious that she was just following the situation.

Dumbledore glanced at the green fog in surprise, then no longer hesitated, picked up the dagger and slashed his right wrist.

The blood trickled out, and Bella immediately raised the gorgeous cup to catch the blood.

At the same time, she said: "The enemy's blood is forced..."

"No." Dumbledore interrupted her ritual. "It's initiative. That makes a big difference."

Bella gave him a confused look, but after thinking about it, she reorganized the ritual words.

“An enemy’s blood, given voluntarily, can resurrect his enemy.”

The ritual words are completed and the cup is filled with blood.

Bella nodded gratefully to Dumbledore, then walked into the thick fog holding the cup.

"Take the initiative... Principal, do you want him to be resurrected?" Abu approached Dumbledore and asked.

Dumbledore frowned and thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Abu shrugged and stopped talking.


The sound of water flowing sounded in the thick fog, and soon the green and blood-colored fog began to change.

First the red color expanded, but soon the mist turned into blinding white.

In the white mist, the boiling sound became louder, and diamond-like sparks began to shine out from the dazzling white mist, illuminating the cave with a color like black velvet.

"He's not going to drown, is he?"

When Bella walked out, Dumbledore suddenly asked with a smile.

This naturally aroused a kind of dissatisfaction among the Death Eaters. Even Bella, who had just thanked him, gave him a fierce look.

"It's a joke, Bella, you have to learn from your master, he will not be as serious as you."

Dumbledore didn't care about his situation at all and said to Bella with a smile.

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