Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 358 Shelved in the Cabinet

"Shut up."

Voldemort gave a low angry rebuke, instantly making the scene quiet.

"The Death Curse can be used when necessary, the Cruciatus Curse can be used when alert, and black magic can be used as long as it is in combat. Does this have any real impact on you?"

Faced with Voldemort's questioning, the Death Eaters trembled and did not dare to speak.

"Cruel, evil, and dark, this is the wizarding world's perception of Death Eaters, and this must change."

"We are innovators with ideals and ambitions, not thugs who go around wreaking havoc. Remember the difference between the two."

After Voldemort roared angrily, he looked around at everyone with a cold face.

When his eyes swept across Harry who was not far away, he was so scared that the little guy trembled on the spot.

If Voldemort hadn't immediately looked away, Harry thought he might have peed his pants.

"Okay, Lucius, tell them the rules, and then tell them what I did during this period, let them calm down, and don't be afraid that I will find their mistakes later, and let them know my current rules."

Voldemort left a few words coldly, then looked at the back of the team, "Wormtail, come with me."

The figure wearing black robes that clearly did not belong to him and a strange mask obtained from unknown sources came tremblingly behind Voldemort and followed him towards Dumbledore.

"It's changed a lot, Voldemort. I think this is a good sign."

As soon as they met, Dumbledore smiled and said to him.

Voldemort showed a somewhat cold smile - he had not yet recovered from his cold mood - and glanced at the sink in the middle of the platform.

The golden box there has disappeared.

"See the writing there?" Voldemort asked him.

"In the box?" Dumbledore asked.

Voldemort nodded.

"I saw it, but who is R.A.B?" Dumbledore asked with a frown.

"Augulus Black."

Voldemort said coldly, then raised his wand and waved it, and a dead body flew out of the lake.

"This is his body. Because he took away the real locket, he was dragged in by a dead body while he was drinking water and killed."

Wormtail and Harry, who were following Voldemort, looked at the pale corpse and shuddered in unison.

Dumbledore looked at the corpse and nodded, with a thoughtful look on his eyebrows.

"There is nothing to think about. His conscience found that he betrayed me."

Voldemort said, pointing his wand downward.

A fierce fire burst out and burned the body of Augulus Black completely.

After waving the wand again to make the fire disappear, Voldemort's cold face relaxed.

"You hate him?" Dumbledore asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Put away your tricks, Albus. Those who betray me will not have good consequences, you know." Voldemort said coldly again.

Dumbledore smiled sarcastically and brushed off the matter.

"What do you mean you want me to see the Watcher?" Dumbledore asked.

"We'll talk about this later. Let's talk about the outcome of your discussion with Barty Jr. first."

Voldemort looked at Barty Jr., obviously wanting to hear Barty's answer.

"The principal suggested that I finish this semester, and then let the real Lupin take the class next semester. The principal said that this way he can have less trouble in the position of Professor of Defense against Darkness." Little Barty said immediately.

Voldemort nodded, indicating that he had no objection to this.

"Let Wormtail go back with you tonight. I think he will cooperate with you in writing a letter of repentance, which will be enough for the Ministry of Magic to lift the wanted order for Sirius Black."

Voldemort glanced at the trembling Wormtail behind him and said to Dumbledore.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't return him to you?" Dumbledore asked.

"Then we no longer have even the most basic trust between us, Albus. When the time comes, I will first remove all members of the Order of the Phoenix."

Voldemort immediately retorted and began to pronounce names one after another without any expression.

"Mad-Eye Moody, Remus Lupin, the Weasleys, the Longbottoms..."

"Okay, okay, Voldemort, you win, I will return him to you."

Dumbledore held his head in pain and said, and Wormtail behind Voldemort finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Snape, come here."

Voldemort shouted again, and Snape broke away from the Death Eaters and walked towards where a few people were gathered.

"Talking about the Watcher, Severus, I assume you meant for me to hear that name, didn't you?"

Voldemort looked at Snape playfully and waved his wand to remove the mask from his face.

Harry's breathing suddenly became heavier, and it was obvious that he was concerned about Snape's condition.

At this time, Dumbledore's eyes were quite deep, and the expression on his face was much more serious.

"I can't say that there is similar mind magic there as there is in the Silent Man."

Snape said with a cold face, but his eyes did not look empty.

"Your Occlumency is completely useless?" Dumbledore suddenly asked, "Is it caused by the thinking magic?"

Snape nodded and remained silent.

"I once forcibly explored the memory of one of their members, which caused that person to remain asleep. If I did this to you..."

"If you can swear in front of the Death Eaters that you are willing to ensure Harry's safety, I will risk my head exploding to give you the answer you want - but I can't guarantee that I can tell it."

Snape shook his wizard robe and knelt on the ground, looking up at Voldemort, his eyes full of sincerity.

Harry was stunned for a moment, looking a little at a loss.

"You wouldn't do that, would you?" Dumbledore asked Voldemort.

"Of course not." Voldemort waved his hand at Snape in disgust, "Take Harry back, he doesn't need to be here anymore."

Snape immediately nodded and stood up, pulling him with him to apparate away without allowing Harry to refuse.

"He's completely mad, isn't he?" Voldemort asked Dumbledore.

"It's just love. Voldemort, I think you can understand love now, right?" Dumbledore asked with a smile.

Voldemort glared at him dissatisfiedly, but did not deny it.

Indeed, ever since he experienced the fantasy mirror, he has been stumbling over this thing.

"Tell me about you, Albus." Voldemort said, "Did you help me resurrect in order to better kill me?"

"Yes and no."

Dumbledore made a twist, causing Voldemort to almost cast a spell with the Elder Wand.

"It depends on how you act, Voldemort. I always feel that you have changed. You have absorbed enough experience from that death, right?"

"Hmph, you can think whatever you like, this matter is beyond my control." Voldemort said.

"Then what will you do to me, an old man?" Dumbledore asked him, "Will you kill me?"

Voldemort looked Dumbledore up and down, then shook his head.

"No, Albus, I wouldn't do that.

"I will just put you on the shelf and let you watch how I change the world."

He said in an unusually confident tone, full of hope.

There seems to be a big dream in these short words.

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