Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 362 The chaotic world of memory

"So, start now?"

Voldemort looked at Mrs. Longbottom, asking for her opinion.

"No, Dark Lord, please wait a moment." Mrs. Longbottom refused. "Dumbledore will come later. I think it will be better if he is here."

Voldemort nodded slightly, not surprised.

The Longbottom family were all supporters of Dumbledore. If Neville hadn't been young and had special circumstances, he probably wouldn't have followed him.

And for such followers, Dumbledore should do something about it, both in terms of people's hearts and relationships.

"Thank you, Mileena, and the hair accessories you wore today are very beautiful."

Dumbledore's voice came from outside the door, and then the door was pushed open.

"Just come here, Mileena, you know, I'm familiar with this place."

"Okay, Principal."

Mileena said outside the door and took the initiative to close the door.

Dumbledore, who turned back to look at everyone, had a smile on his face - he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Augusta, thank you for your invitation. It is really a joy to be able to participate in the treatment of Frank and Alice - even just watching."

Dumbledore strode to Mrs. Longbottom and gave her a warm hug.

"We don't know the outcome yet, Albus, but I can rest assured only if you come."

Mrs. Longbottom was a little excited, and her voice was choked with sobs, but it was quickly suppressed by her strong will, and her whole body calmed down.

"Voldemort can be trusted, Augusta, of course, not all of them, but he always keeps his promises."

Dumbledore patted Mrs. Longbottom's back gently, and then looked at Voldemort.

This was the first time the two met after the resurrection ceremony.

Three months have passed since that resurrection, and the holidays at Hogwarts are not far away.

"I did it for Neville, we have an agreement." Voldemort said with a shrug.

He will not become a good person, it would be too restrictive for him and not free.

"Of course, Augusta explained to me, Voldemort, I just want to know what you are going to do." Dumbledore asked.

"Start with memory, but let me probe first."

Voldemort said, looking at Mrs. Longbottom.

Mrs. Longbottom turned her head and looked at Dumbledore, and the final decision-making power returned to Dumbledore.

"Let's see what you can do, Voldemort, but there's no danger, is there?" Dumbledore asked.

"There is no risk of death, but there may be a risk of worsening of the condition." Voldemort said cautiously.

Dumbledore also became serious. He nodded and looked at Mrs. Longbottom.

"Choose one or the other, Augusta. I know it's difficult, but we have to do something, even if it's a difficult choice."

Dumbledore's voice was not loud and a little deep.

But there was an inspiring power in the deep voice.

Voldemort couldn't help but frown.

If Dumbledore did not incorporate the Imperius Curse into his daily life, then he himself had a powerful ability to persuade.

"Let Frank come, he's a brave kid."

After a short silence, Mrs. Longbottom said with red eyes.

Her eyes were fixed on Frank's face, and everyone present, except Alice, could see her heartache.

But she still made the right choice.

"You have admirable qualities, Mrs. Longbottom." Voldemort said solemnly, "I will handle it carefully."

Mrs. Longbottom nodded but said nothing.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, raised his eyebrows inadvertently.

He seemed to see something different in Voldemort's words and actions.

"Then, I'll start."

Voldemort, who had his back turned to everyone, said in a deep voice, and after Mrs. Longbottom agreed, he slowly pressed his forehead against Frank's.

The moment their foreheads touched, Voldemort lifted off the World's Hidden Cloak.


A powerful suction force appeared, and it was unclear whether it was Frank's soul or memory, which began to enter the world of memory endlessly.

"That's...what's that?"

Looking at the gray mist-like existence emerging from the edge of her forehead, Mrs. Longbottom asked Dumbledore in panic.

"Hard to say, Augusta."

Dumbledore frowned and said, but when he saw the panic on Mrs. Longbottom's face, he hurriedly said: "But I want to say that Voldemort is the person who knows the soul best in the world, and he deserves our trust."

Mrs. Longbottom nodded, but still held Dumbledore's hand nervously.

Dumbledore patted the back of her hand to express comfort, but his eyes never left Voldemort and Frank.

At this time, a huge and mixed memory poured into Voldemort's memory world.

That memory was messier than the memories of Lin Zuo and Riddle who were separated by him.

At least in the memory world, although the memories of Lin Zuo and Riddle are fragmented, the growth trajectory is clearly visible.

They are all arranged closely in order from small to large.

But Frank's memory was different. It was tangled and disorganized.

In some places, there is a problem of instantaneous birth and destruction of memories.

Voldemort threw his consciousness into it, and countless mixed memories emerged in an instant.

Frank's life was displayed in front of him in an orderly manner, making his consciousness feel swollen.

Voldemort's consciousness slowed down, and then he began to try to mobilize these memories and smooth everything out.

But he soon discovered that this was nearly impossible.

Especially the memory that is both born and destroyed, which is completely uncontrollable.

When Voldemort's consciousness approached them, only disorderly murmurs could be heard from inside.


The memory poured back into Frank's mind, and Voldemort took a step back and shook his head vigorously.

This feeling is really uncomfortable. Maybe people with less consciousness will get lost in Frank's confused memory.

"How is the situation?" Mrs. Longbottom asked nervously.

"Wait a moment, Augusta, give Voldemort some time to recover." Dumbledore quickly grabbed her and said.

Voldemort nodded gratefully to Dumbledore, then closed his eyes and calmed down his somewhat turbulent memory world.

A full quarter of an hour later, Voldemort finally opened his eyes again.

"As I imagined, there is something wrong with my memory."

There was no politeness, Voldemort knew what Mrs. Longbottom wanted to know.

"But the problem is more serious than I thought. According to the original treatment plan, it will definitely not work."


Mrs. Longbottom exclaimed, her expression so complicated that it was unclear what she was thinking.

"Is there any hope of treatment?" Dumbledore asked on her behalf.

Mrs. Longbottom, who had recovered, and Neville both looked at him nervously.

"There is a method you can try. I think the chance of success is very high. Of course, it does not rule out that it will make the condition worse while not solving the problem."

Voldemort thought and gave his answer.

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