Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 365 Blessing of Destiny

"It might be a little long this time, so... it's best to sit in a chair."

After Mrs. Longbottom agreed, Voldemort said while pulling two chairs with his wand.

Neville had already stepped forward to help his mumbling father sit on the chair, and Voldemort also sat opposite him.

"If he has twitching or other physical reactions after a while, don't worry too much, but please don't let his forehead get too far away from my forehead."

After Voldemort gave his final instructions, he put his forehead against Frank's again.


Frank's memory once again enters Voldemort's memory world.

It is still as chaotic as before, and the few places that are both born and destroyed still exist.


Voldemort's consciousness slowly stretched out his right hand, pulling it to remember the fate of the world.

It was an invisible force, so insubstantial that when Voldemort manipulated it, there was no sense of mentioning things.

But when Voldemort attached will to this destiny, letting it follow Frank's original memory and letting everything grow again, it finally gained weight.

I couldn't tell how heavy or light it was, it was still an invisible shape.

But its real effect is on Frank's memory, and Voldemort can still sense it.

The chaotic memories are tumbling under the blessing of fate.

The rolling was not fast at first, but gradually it became like a hurricane.

Voldemort felt his consciousness being pulled, and he had to withdraw from here.

"There won't be...a problem, right?"

Looking at the completely torn memories, Voldemort felt a little unsure.

In this memory world, there are two things that he cannot control well.

One is fate and the other is time.

Sometimes he even felt that this memory world was not created by himself.

It's fate itself that creates it.


The strong wind suddenly stopped, and the memories were as fine as dust and condensed together, forming an invisible mist that exuded silver light.

Voldemort walked back into it and was instantly surrounded by mist.

There was silence all around, and there seemed to be nothing in these memories.

"Is this...destruction?" Voldemort asked in surprise.

If this guess is true, then Frank is completely finished.

Having lost all memory, he could not even maintain his murmuring state.

A newborn baby may be in his best condition.

But it is more likely that he will become a vegetative state.


Voldemort murmured.

In a trance, he heard a baby crying deep in the mist.

Following this voice, Voldemort soon entered a strange and bizarre world.

Like the world behind a kaleidoscope, the mirrors are displayed in front of you in an orderly manner.

At a glance, the mirror surface seems to be endless.

But if you look closely at the mirror at the edge, it's blurry.

Only the dozens in the center can be considered clearly visible.

Voldemort frowned, he didn't understand what this meant.

But instead of rudely interfering with all this, he began to pay attention to the images in these mirrors.

The subject of each mirror is a newborn baby.

But if you look closely, you can see that the images in each mirror are slightly different.

The most obvious is that there is a part of the scene where a therapist wearing more old-fashioned clothes is holding a child.

There is also a pregnant woman who looks familiar, and there is also a man.

Voldemort guessed that the pregnant woman should be Mrs. Longbottom, and the man should be his husband.

And that healer means that when Frank was born, a healer should have been hired from St. Mungo's.

Although most wizards do not need to invite therapists to assist in childbirth, for the Longbottom family, which comes from a well-off family, they naturally do not care about such small money.

"Look at it this way..." Voldemort kept looking at several pictures and said, "Are these the possibilities when Frank was born?"

He didn't use a positive tone, but with a bit of suspicion.

And finally his eyes fell on the largest mirror in the center.

Up there, young Lady Longbottom was holding Frank.

"My child, from today on, your name will be Frank. This is the name your father gave you."

When Voldemort focused his eyes on this picture, the voice in the picture immediately rang in his ears.

"Does it being in the main position mean that it is Frank's original destiny?"

Voldemort murmured softly, but no one could answer his question.

After observing for a while, I found that there was nothing strange in the picture. Everything was just a picture after normal production.

Voldemort began to take the initiative to speed up the world, and little Frank began to grow up slowly.

He seems to have completely different personalities than Neville.

Outgoing, cheerful, and mischievous, this was the impression he left on Voldemort.

And Mrs. Longbottom's character was completely different from now.

She looks very gentle and has a serious phobia of choice. She consults her husband's opinion on almost everything.

Mr. Longbottom is a very thoughtful and gentle man with many beautiful qualities.

During Frank's childhood, he also taught these beautiful qualities to his children through precepts and deeds.

This was a happy family. It wasn't until Mr. Longbottom became a vegetative state due to a magical accident that the family began to change.

Mrs. Longbottom began to take control of the family, but it was obvious that she was struggling to support herself at the beginning.

The difficulty did not come from finances, but that she was unable to get over her grief for a long time and did not know how to find a balance between taking care of her husband and taking care of her children.

This caused little Frank, who was left undisciplined, to become even more naughty.

And when Mrs. Longbottom reluctantly came out of her grief and was finally able to balance the two, she tried to discipline her little son.

She suddenly realized that this was already a lawless bastard.

He would set his neighbor's house on fire with magic just because Mrs. Longbottom wouldn't allow him to set off fireworks in his bedroom.

He would also drive his neighbor's car onto the street, filling the street with a "ping-ping-ping-ping-ping" sound.

What Mrs. Longbottom couldn't accept the most was that little Frank secretly studied black magic.

Unfortunately, little Frank is not yet eleven years old.

Mrs. Longbottom knew that she could not allow things to continue like this, otherwise little Frank would grow up and become an unreasonable and shameless bastard.


This once young, beautiful, gentle and lovely lady found a solemn and solemn expression in front of the mirror one morning.

She almost fixed this expression on her face and began to live with this mask.

"Little Frank, that's not allowed."

"Little Frank, stand still and don't move."

"Little Frank, put down your toy wand or you know the consequences."

Under her strict guidance, little Frank's naughty character began to change.

He was no longer as naughty as before, began to know the appropriateness of things, and began to pursue the right magic.

In this way, little Frank slowly became a brave, strong, and responsible boy.

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