Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 367 Timid Frank

Frank's memory had never confused Voldemort.

But the memory fragment that he briefly entered made Voldemort unable to control himself.

Even though his mood has calmed down, he still has hallucinations from time to time:

I had chosen Neville Longbottom instead of Harry Potter.

"Simple memory will never cause this situation. What is the problem?"

Voldemort murmured, and his consciousness slowly exited the world of memory.


The memory poured back, and Frank's memory returned to its original form.

"How about it?"

Mrs. Longbottom's urgent inquiry sounded immediately after the memory pouring ended.

"There is no problem with the overall memory, but..."

Voldemort paused, which made the eyes of those watching him tighten.

"It's just a small problem, which may cause some personality changes."

He said, standing up and making way for Mrs. Longbottom to reach his son.

"Can you be more specific?" Dumbledore asked, frowning.

"It's hard to say, Albus, you know, it's out of my control."

Voldemort looked directly into Dumbledore's eyes and said frankly, "I'm sweating all over. I have to go to the bathroom. Frank will wake up in a while."

He said as he walked towards the bathroom.

Dumbledore made way for him and asked no further questions.

As soon as Voldemort entered the bathroom, he couldn't wait to turn on the faucet and wash his face.

That short memory scene lingered in his mind, making him quite anxious.


Taking a deep breath, Voldemort raised his head.

Suddenly, he saw himself in the mirror, with a hideous scar on his face from his right forehead to his left cheek.


Voldemort was caught off guard and was startled by himself, and the next moment he had the wand in his hand.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, he controlled the magic power and did not let the curse take shape.

"What's wrong?"

Dumbledore quickly came to the bathroom door and saw Voldemort pointing his wand at himself in the mirror.

"What went wrong?"

He asked again and cautiously took out his new wand.

"It's not a big problem, Albus. It should be my memory that has also been affected."

Voldemort gasped softly and shook his head hard while putting down his wand.

This damn memory was simply imprinted on his mind.

Dumbledore slowly put away his wand and looked at Voldemort with a deep look.

"No problem, Albus, don't worry."

Voldemort noticed Dumbledore's gaze and forced a smile pretending to be relaxed.

"It's better to be cautious, Voldemort. I think something strange must have happened. Otherwise, a dark wizard as powerful as you would not be troubled."

Dumbledore's voice was low and his expression was quite cautious.

Voldemort nodded, wiped his face with his wizard robe, and looked at himself in the mirror again.

Black hair, black eyes, in his twenties, wearing a monocle.

This is my own image, not the one I saw before.

"Is it...self?"

Voldemort was thinking in his mind, but couldn't come to a conclusion.

Dumbledore, who was on the side, carefully watched the changes in Voldemort's expression. After a long time, he said worriedly: "I can help you at any time if necessary."

Voldemort turned to look at him, his eyes a little strange.

It seems that the relationship between the two of us is not that good, right?

"I'm afraid you'll go back to what you were before. Believe me, I'm old and can't bear your troubles anymore." Dumbledore said with a wry smile.

Voldemort's brows knitted together; these words did not sit well with him.

"mom, Mom, Mom……"

A weak, stumbling voice came from the room.

Voldemort and Dumbledore's eyes lit up at the same time, and they knew that Frank was awake.

"Frank, oh, my Frank."

Mrs. Longbottom's soprano-like cry instantly filled the entire room.

Dumbledore walked to the hospital bed first, and Voldemort followed him out of the bathroom.

What came into view was a scene of mother and son hugging each other in pain, with Neville looking a little at a loss.

In his memory, he almost never saw his parents awake, so he didn't know how to communicate with his father at this time.

Especially after grandma, who has always been strict, suddenly showed such a broken side.

"Augusta, if you don't want to strangle Frank, I suggest you not hug him too tightly." Dumbledore stepped forward and said softly.

"Oh yes, yes, I'm so excited."

Mrs. Longbottom said, letting go of her son and pushing back.

"Thank you... thank you, Mr. Dumbledore, it must be you..."

"not me."

Before Frank could finish thanking him, Dumbledore had already shaken his head and stepped sideways to let Voldemort out from behind.

"He saved you, Frank, even though that sounds a little..."

"Please, Dark Lord, please, don't kill my family, don't kill my family..."

The moment Frank saw Voldemort, his whole mood seemed to collapse.

He yelled and kept backing up until he was against the wall.

"Frank, Frank."

Dumbledore was closest to him, so he reacted quickly and quickly stepped forward to help him.

"He didn't kill your family. He was still your son's teacher. Wake up, Frank."

Under Dumbledore's call, Frank slowly calmed down, but his eyes when he glanced at Voldemort were still full of terror.

"Do you have that memory?" Voldemort asked in a low voice.

Others didn't quite understand Voldemort's words, but Frank obviously understood.

He nodded vigorously and gave an affirmative answer.

"Where?" Voldemort asked, "Will you die?"


Frank yelled, shuddering at the sound of his own voice, "In the end, until he kills Neville."

"Him?" Voldemort accurately grasped the key point, "Aren't you from the first point of view?"

"No, no, Lord Dark Lord, I, I have the same perspective as you."

Frank lowered his head and said, as if he didn't dare to look at Voldemort.

"What are you talking about?" Mrs. Longbottom asked doubtfully.

Dumbledore looked at Voldemort curiously with a thoughtful look on his face.

"A memory, but I can't tell you." Voldemort said, "Frank, you will also keep a secret for me, right?"

"Definitely, Lord Dark Lord, I will definitely do it." Frank whispered humbly.

Voldemort nodded with satisfaction, but was still curious as to how Frank could have the same perspective as himself.

He even had the urge to pull the other person's memory into a memory space and look at it again.

But this is obviously unrealistic, and Dumbledore will not allow him to do that.

"He seems to be afraid of you. Maybe it would be better if we go out." Dumbledore stood up and left Frank's side, and said to Voldemort.

"Well, letting Mrs. Longbottom communicate with him is indeed the best choice."

Lord Voldemort said yes and turned around and left the room first.

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