Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 375 Rowling’s bestseller

When leaving Nurmengard Tower, Voldemort was in a slight hurry.

Because his Death Eaters were calling him, he had to end the conversation in a hurry.

"Pure-blood family?"

Next to the fountain in Malfoy Manor, Voldemort frowned dissatisfied.

"Yes, they hope to meet tonight at the latest."

Lucius lowered his head and said apologetically.


Voldemort laughed in anger. He withdrew his gaze from the white peacock and looked at this subordinate who was both capable but lacking in domineering power.

"Then let's meet, Lucius. I want to see who is so anxious."

This cold voice frightened Lucius to the point of trembling.

"Okay, Master, I'll make arrangements right now."

After Lucius finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Are you sure the dinner will be held at Malfoy Manor?"

Voldemort was stunned for a moment and said, "Do they have other suggestions?"

"Yes, they want the address determined by them," Lucius replied.

"Then let them decide." Voldemort replied seemingly without emotion, and then asked, "Where is Bella? Why haven't I seen her in the past two days?"

"I'll go to Narcissa and ask..."

"Forget it, no need to ask, you go prepare the dinner."

Voldemort waved his hand and signaled Lucius to go to work, but the other party did not leave.

"Anything else?" Voldemort asked.

"It's Ms. Rowling. She sent a message through Pochs and wants to make an appointment with you this afternoon." Lucius said.

"Has she got some creative ideas?" Voldemort asked in surprise.

"I don't know, Dark Lord. The news that came here only said that I have an appointment with you." Lucius replied.

"I understand, go ahead and do your work, I'll go to Pochs' place by myself."

This time Lucius finally said nothing more, bowed and left after saying goodbye.

Voldemort thought for a moment, then turned around and left the manor, apparating to the headquarters of the Riddle Consortium.

"Dark Lord, Ms. Rowling is inside." Porchis stepped forward and said immediately when he saw Voldemort.

What he said was referring to Voldemort's office.

Voldemort nodded, opened the office door and walked in.

"Oh, Mr. Riddle."

Ms. Rowling, who was drinking tea, stood up quickly after seeing Voldemort and said.

"About that book, do you have any ideas to continue writing it?" Voldemort asked her.

"I have some ideas, but they are not comprehensive enough. Moreover, this book is currently very popular. The editor suggested that I wait a year before publishing the second volume." Rowling said with a smile.

Voldemort nodded, but did not express his support or opposition clearly.

He first turned on the computer on his desk, and then skillfully clicked on a web page - Harry Potter Fan Network.

Because of Voldemort's efforts, the Internet in this world has developed even better than the world where Lin Zuo lived.

Nowadays, many online platforms that Lin Zuo has seen have been built by him.

This caused the Internet industry to explode in advance, and the Harry Potter fan network was naturally built on Voldemort's suggestion.

"Look at this, Ms. Rowling. Many people are looking forward to the second book. We can't wait."

Voldemort pointed to the voting column on the screen and said with a smile, "Also, the simultaneous Harry Potter movie is already in preparation. I think releasing another volume before the movie is released can be considered as a promotion for the movie."

Rowling nodded, thought for a moment and said, "But I heard that the movie will be very rushed. Will this affect the quality of the movie?"

"You have to believe in the power of the Riddle Consortium, Ms. Rowling. Money can solve quality problems, so don't worry." Voldemort said jokingly.

Rowling smiled and nodded, but then she showed a troubled expression.

"But the overall plot of the second part has not been written yet. I just thought of some characters and wanted to show some things in Hogwarts Castle, but they were not specific enough."

Rowling's words made Voldemort raise his eyebrows.

Originally, the content of the second part was about the secret room. Unexpectedly, Rowling in this world still had such an idea.

"I do have an idea, maybe you can refer to it."

Voldemort's words made Rowling's eyes light up.

"Have you already had a complete idea?" she asked impatiently.

Voldemort smiled and told her to calm down, then poured a cup of tea for both the other party and himself, and then began to slowly tell the story of the second volume.

Like "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is not a complicated and lengthy story.

The Harry Potter books didn't start to get thick until Goblet of Fire.

Therefore, within a few hours, Voldemort elaborated on the entire story.

And because Riddle went through the process of searching for the secret room when he was a student, the secret room he told contained many more details than the original work.

"My God, what you said is so good, Mr. Riddle, I feel like you have experienced it yourself."

After finishing the final note, Rowling couldn't wait to speak to Voldemort.

"Maybe the fantasy time is a bit long, so there are enough details to fill in."

After Voldemort explained with a smile, he pointed at the pen in Rowling's hand, "I wish you could write it out faster."

"I must sign it for you this time, Mr. Riddle, no matter what..."

"Don't do that, Ms. Rowling, otherwise people will think Voldemort wrote this book." Voldemort said with a smile and pointed to the Riddle Consortium mark on the table.


Rowling gave a short cry and said, "Do you like Voldemort very much, Mr. Riddle?"

"Probably...that's right." Voldemort said with a bitter smile.

It was really difficult for him to explain this matter.

"Then I will make him more handsome, well, that's it." Rowling nodded.

This made Voldemort even more dumbfounded, but it didn't stop him.

Because in the original book, the young Voldemort was quite handsome, but it was only later due to Horcruxes and psychological reasons that he became that dignified.

In fact, even if he doesn't become like that, it won't make this series of books less enjoyable to read.

Even more, if Voldemort in the book can be handsome to the end, maybe there will be more fans.

"You decide, Ms. Rowling, this is your work," Voldemort said.

"But it comes from your imagination and the plot." Rowling stood up with a smile, "I can't wait to create it. See you next time."

"See you next time."

Voldemort waved goodbye, and then Rowling hurried out.

Not long after, Pochs walked in.

"The progress of the movie must be improved again, no matter what method is used." Voldemort ordered with a frown.

"With today's computer technology..."

"If that doesn't work, just shoot it on location, and I'll ask the wizard to cooperate with you." Voldemort interrupted.

Porchis's eyes widened in surprise.

Real shooting?

God, isn't that about to enter the wizarding world?

This did not scare Porchis, but rather excited him.

"Wizard World, here I come." He shouted excitedly in his heart.

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