Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 378 Who agrees and who opposes?

"This condition is a bit harsh, you know..."

The head of the Welfare family wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Voldemort's dissatisfied look.

"I think you all know what I am going to do."

Voldemort waved his hand and motioned for everyone standing to sit down, so that he could look down on everyone.

"It was a battle, it was a subversion of the regime. Someone will gain something from it, and someone will lose something."

Many of the family heads at the long table nodded slowly.

Among those who nodded, there were even family representatives other than Death Eaters.

They nodded, not because they chose to support Voldemort, but because they agreed with this point of view.

Having experienced the changes in the wizarding world, they all know how difficult it is for a family to go on for a long time.

And this difficulty mostly comes from such changes.

"The wizarding world needs to change for the better, purebloods need to make greater profits, and Death Eaters should be rewarded for their bravery."

Voldemort's eyes turned cold, and he glanced at the people on the long table and said, "As for those who want to sit back and enjoy the gains, I will tell them with practical actions that all they can get from me is loss."

This was already a naked intimidation, and Lucius cast a rather unexpected look at Voldemort.

In his opinion, Voldemort's character has improved a lot since his return this time.

Especially when dealing with affairs, he is mostly gentle and not as ruthless as before.

But today, he seemed to see the Dark Lord from the past.

No, it's even more ruthless than the previous one.

At least the former one would not intimidate purebloods like this. He regarded purebloods as his base.

But now, it seems that only Death Eaters are his base.

"If I choose a child from my family to join the Death Eaters, will our Aibo family be able to enjoy the kind of treatment you mentioned?" The head of the Aibo family raised his hand and asked.

"Of course, but your child must be loyal enough to me and be good enough." Voldemort nodded, "There are no wastes among Death Eaters."

The head of the Aibo family smiled, then shut up and said nothing.

"I'm not in a rush for your immediate reply. You still have a long time to think about it before all-out war begins."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he sat back on his chair, "Then, let me see who is not here today."

The atmosphere relaxed because of his last words, and everyone looked around.

"The Shacklebolt family, the Prewett family, sir, and the Black family." Lucius gave the answer he had prepared long ago while everyone was watching.

"Tell me about these three families, Lucius." Voldemort looked at Malfoy and said.

"The Prewett family currently has no adult members, so they did not participate in this meeting."

When Lucius said this, he glanced at Percy, who was attending on behalf of the Weasley family.

The Prewett family was on his mother's side, but two of his uncles were killed by Death Eaters.

Their children were taken away by the widows of the two deceased people, and they are currently not in England.

There was no change in Percy's face. This newly adult wizard had already shown admirable political qualities.

"Sirius of the Black family is currently under review by the Ministry of Magic and cannot leave the old Black family home, so he did not participate."

This was Malfoy's flattery. In fact, he had written to Sirius, but the other party refused to attend the meeting.

"Where is the Shacklebolt family?" Voldemort asked.

"Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt, who is also the patriarch of the Shacklebolt family, refused to participate in this meeting." Lucius said avoiding Voldemort's sight.

Voldemort nodded, not blaming him at all.

"Let's talk about the Prewett family first. In view of their current situation, do you think it is necessary for them to stay in the Holy Twenty-Eight Clan?" Voldemort asked.

His words immediately caused everyone to talk.

This proposal was indeed a bit abrupt, but it also touched some people's hearts.

Pure-blood families have entangled interests with each other.

If the number of people is appropriately reduced, the extra resources will naturally belong to the family.

Therefore, it would be good for most people if the Pwell family, who were destined to be lonely, could be excluded.

But the discussion soon ended as everyone turned their attention to Percy.

In their eyes, this is still a half-grown child.

But no one dares to underestimate him, not just because he is a disciple of Voldemort.

Also because although he has just entered politics, he has already shown impressive results.

At the same time, he is also the leader of the Qingzhu Society who just appeared.

What is most eye-catching about him is his last identity.

Compared to the slow development of the Wizards' Guild and the Falcon Burners, the Candle Holding Society is expanding at an extremely fast rate.

Its sudden rise comes from its strong inclusiveness and the addition of Harry Potter.

Today's Percy is already a politician who will inevitably become an important politician in England's magical world as long as he grows up naturally.

Therefore, it is necessary for these purebloods to refer to his opinions when making decisions.

"I recommend clearing."

Under the gaze of everyone, Percy said calmly and almost without emotion.

This made many people raise their eyebrows in surprise.

It is well known what the character of the Weasley family is. They attach great importance to family ties.

But just looking at Percy... he is a standard cold pure-blood wizard.

"What about the rest?"

Voldemort did not let others stare at his disciple for too long, and took the initiative to save him.




Everyone began to express their opinions, and it didn't take long before they reached a consensus.

"Next, in the name of the Gaunt family, I propose that the Shacklebolt family be excluded from the twenty-eight sacred clans."

Voldemort's proposal surprised everyone again.

Unlike the special situation of the Prewett family, the Shakur family is very complete.

Kingsley Shacklebolt, in particular, has a very high status in the Auror office.

But even so, Voldemort still solemnly proposed to exclude him. This hostile intention was too obvious.

And, it doesn't stop there.

Voldemort also mentioned that he was in the name of the Gaunt family.

This also means that he will inherit the name of the Gunter family.

In other words, he will participate in this benefit sharing in the name of the Gaunt family.

Compared to the crazy Gaunt family back then, Voldemort was undoubtedly much smarter and more rational.

In other words, Voldemort will take back and use the benefits that were once completely unavailable to the Gaunt family.

This made many people look at each other.

The co-author has just fired one family, and now another one comes in?

However, Voldemort would not give them too long to think.

Shacklebolt was his tool to scare the monkeys, and he even killed Kingsley Shacklebolt himself to make the chicken appear bigger.

Therefore, he will not give everyone too much time to think about this matter.

So he punched his cane, attracted everyone's attention, and asked slowly: "What do you think about this matter?

"Who agrees and who opposes?"

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