Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 399 Sneak Attack on Azkaban


an hour ago.

"Senior Quirinas, how could it be you?"

Markto, the beater who came out for inspection and came over because he saw the figure in the thick fog, asked in surprise.

"There's something I need your help with, Markto. It's something very urgent."

Quirrell said seriously, "You must help me this time, Markto, this is very important to you and me."

"What...what's going on?" Marko asked nervously.

"I need to rescue the Death Eaters inside and take them with me to welcome the return of the Dark Lord."

Quirrell's words made Marcoto's eyes widen in surprise. He looked completely in disbelief.

"I will use magic to control you, so that no matter whether you are right or wrong in the future, you will have enough reasons to shirk responsibility, how about it?" Quirrell asked again.

Markto swallowed his breath. He wanted to refuse, but the person in front of him was Quirrell, which made him hesitate.

"Senior Quirinas, you are alone..."

"I'm not alone." Quirrell interrupted Markto and waved his hand behind.

From a rock gap not far away, more than ten people were seen filing out, and the leader was Old Nott.

"Uh... Okay, Senior Quirinas." Markto said with a wry smile, "Actually, you can just attack them directly. There are not many attackers left. The really difficult thing to deal with is the dementors."

Quirrell nodded with satisfaction, then glanced at the tall and thin figure wearing a light gray wizard robe behind the team and said: "You don't have to worry about this, Markto, I have a way to deal with it, so, now?"

Markto nodded. He didn't even take his wand and allowed Quirrell to cast spells on him.

A soul-stealing curse fell on Markto. He was stunned for a moment, and then began to lead the way under Quirrell's control.

Azkaban Castle does not have only one entrance. Markto is very familiar with this place. Everyone followed him and quickly sneaked into Azkaban through a detour.

This would of course not have been possible in the olden days, as there would have been a group of beaters at each entrance.

But Crouch took away the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic in order to protect Voldemort, and Fudge took away the strikers from Azkaban in order to protect the Ministry of Magic.

After such a circle, the one whose defenses are weakened becomes Azkaban.

The reason why they dare to do this is because the main defensive force here is Dementors, but the team led by Quirrell obviously has ways to deal with Dementors.

After the group entered the castle, they soon came to the door of a striker's lounge.

Everyone stood across the door and heard the arguing coming from inside.

"It's quite serious when discussing the game."

Quirrell whispered something, and then motioned for everyone to stand on both sides of the door, and then arranged for Marko to open the door and go in.

People went in, but the door was indeed open.

After Marko entered, those people ignored him and continued to discuss excitedly.

Seeing this situation, Quirrell and others prepared to attack, and then rushed into the room together in an instant.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Spells were flying, and the room was in a state of panic.

The batters who were having a heated discussion didn't even have a chance to take out their wands before they were all knocked to the ground.

"There is also a rest room, I will take you there."

Under the leadership of Marko, everyone went to the second lounge and solved them in the same way.

"Hodel, it's up to you."

After taking care of the wizard, Quirrell immediately looked at the Dementor Hodel who had been following the team and was wearing a light gray cloak and said.

His appearance now is very different from before, not much skin is exposed, and he looks very real.

This was a change that slowly occurred in him in Voldemort's memory world, and what was even more surprising was that he actually learned to speak.


It's hard to pronounce, but it's clear enough.

After the lanky Hodel finished his reply, he took the lead into the depths of the castle.

Quirrell and others did not go in together, because if the dementors attacked them in a group, it would be difficult for them to resist.

After waiting like this for a while, Hodel's voice came from deep in the castle.

"come in……"

Just by listening to the rhythm, they knew it was Hodel, and everyone walked towards the cell without hesitation.

"Are you robbing a prison?"

"Let me out, please, this is no place for people to stay."

"Who are you? Where are the dementors? Oh my God, please let me leave with you."

The criminals were crying and begging, but everyone walked straight into the depths without looking back.

Not long after, they arrived at the place where the Death Eaters were imprisoned. It was deep enough that they didn't encounter a single Dementor on the way.

Until here, I saw Hodel sitting cross-legged not far away.

"Where are the other Dementors?" Quirrell asked curiously.

"Deeper..." Hodel said, pointing towards the end of the corridor.

Quirrell nodded, and when he turned around, Old Nott had already begun to let people go.

Death Eaters were released one after another, and they were so excited that they couldn't help but roar.

Azkaban is so terrifying, they have had enough of this for a long time.

If it hadn't been for Voldemort's order last time, they would have left without hesitation.

Even with Voldemort's orders, many of these people regretted not choosing to escape that time.

People, after tasting sweetness, they will become even more disgusted with bitterness.

"It's great that you're here, old Nott. I really can't stand it anymore?"

Antonin Dolohov, the stern-faced Death Eater, gratefully held Old Nott's hand and gave him a big hug.

"It's the Dark Lord's order, Dolohov, we should leave. There may be another battle later," Old Nott said.

"Fighting?" Dolokhov asked in surprise, "Where?"

"Pitch, Dolohov, but before that, you need to re-arm." Old Nott said.

"So... Diagon Alley?" Dolohov asked.

Old Nott nodded and motioned for everyone to follow Quirrell and leave this ghost place.

Only he himself stayed at the end and caught little Avery.

"You can't go." Old Nott said to him seriously.

"Why?" Little Avery asked doubtfully.

"Because of your grandfather, he asked the Dark Lord to give you safety, and the Dark Lord agreed." Old Nott said.

Little Avery was stunned on the spot. He looked like he couldn't accept this result at all.

"Since my father, the Avery family has been the Dark Lord's most trusted partner. You know, you have witnessed that history."

The excited little Avery's voice was a little loud, which caused many people to look back in confusion.

Old Nott had to wave his hand to indicate that there was no problem, and then whispered to persuade little Avery.

After all, Voldemort had made a promise that no matter how much the boy he watched grow up objected, old Nott would never let him get involved in this matter.

The Dark Lord's honor must be defended, and Old Nott knew how.

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