Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 401 Voldemort VS Dumbledore

"Before we talk about things, Director Crouch, let's fight."

When all the combatants from both sides were in place, Voldemort smiled and said, "After all, only after the battle will we know where the 'bottom line' of both sides is."

Voldemort's words made Crouch very nervous. He immediately reached for the wand on his waist, but Voldemort stretched out his hand to signal him not to do so.

"I mean no harm, Crouch, but you are no match for me, let him do it."

Voldemort said, pointing behind Crouch.

And there, Dumbledore, wearing a purple wizard robe, was already standing at the front.

"The Death Eaters, as well as the Aurors, stand behind me, Dumbledore, to strengthen the defensive magic for the audience. I don't want them to be accidentally injured by the magic."

Voldemort said loudly as his body began to slowly descend.

Obviously, he did not want to fight Dumbledore in the air because he knew that the other party did not have the means to fly.

A broomstick?

Just kidding, that thing requires both hands to ride. If Dumbledore dared to choose to ride this thing to fight with him, Voldemort would dare to give him one hand.

Seeing that Voldemort ignored his descent, Crouch hesitated for a moment and began to fly back.

"Voldemort, do you want to defeat me to prove that you have the strength to regain everything you once had?"

Dumbledore's voice resounded throughout the stadium, and his appearance encouraged people, but his words made people look curiously at Voldemort, who had just fallen on the grass.

"No, Albus, I want to defeat you, not to prove anything, but to tell the entire wizarding world that I, Voldemort, am back."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he raised his wand above his head and rotated it downwards, bowing slightly forward.

Dumbledore also turned around very cooperatively, disappeared from the VIP seat, and appeared in front of him.

They bowed in the same way, and then the two looked up at each other.

The battle did not start immediately, the two stared at each other and waited quietly.

Until their backs were reinforced with defensive magic, the battle started in an instant.


Dumbledore used the Disarming Curse, and the red curse went straight to Voldemort's chest.


Voldemort used the Cut Throat Curse, a green curse he developed himself that aimed at Dumbledore's throat.


The two of them waved their wands and knocked away the other's spell.

Without a moment's hesitation, both of them waved their wands again.

"Swish swish~~"

Magic poured out like bullets, getting faster and faster, causing the spells to connect back and forth, and the light to connect each other like lines.

While attacking, the two were also defending.

Almost all of them held their wands straight in front of them and swung them left and right, left for offense and right for defense.

At the same time, they took steady steps and drew a circle in the center of the court, centered on the center of the interaction of spells.

The miraculous sight of a curse like a beam of light made countless reporters press the shutter of their cameras without hesitation of film.

This wonderful scene will surely make the headlines in all newspapers tomorrow.


Finally, the two magic spells collided, causing grass clippings to fly between them.

At the same time, both of them stopped.

Using magic in such a hurry is quite difficult even if the two of them are the top beings in the wizarding world.

"How are you going to defeat me, Voldemort? You must have a plan, right?"

Dumbledore panted slightly and asked, while gently twisting his left arm.

He was getting a bit old after all, and the rapid flicking of the wand made his wrist feel a little sore.

"Isn't this place suitable for transformation spells, Albus?" Voldemort also shook his slightly sore right wrist and said, "You can't hurt me with the spell."

Dumbledore smiled and glanced at the three pitching rings not far away, which were fifty feet high.

When Voldemort saw the other person looking at the ring, he also turned to look at the iron ring behind him.

These six were equipment used in Quidditch matches, but they were obviously targeted by the two at this time.


Dumbledore suddenly waved his wand vigorously, and then produced a deformation wave.

Nabotu ran straight towards the fifty-foot-high ring not far behind him and fell into the ring instantly.

In the next moment, the ring began to fold and deform as if it was alive, and soon it transformed into an iron man with a ring-shaped head.

Iron Man's body is hollow, and it's obvious that Dumbledore didn't change much about the nature of the object.

On the other hand, the Iron Man shape created by Voldemort was much better-looking. Many Muggle wizards even shouted "Iron Man" in surprise.

Yes, the sample Voldemort was referencing was Iron Man.

Although such a drastic change in the nature of an object would consume a lot of magic power, Voldemort, who was holding the Elder Wand, was obviously not worried about magic power.


Amidst the sound of metal clashing, the two iron men came together and began to fight in the sight of Voldemort and Dumbledore.

At first, people thought that Voldemort's Iron Man would be completely victorious, but this was not the case.

Although the hollow iron man looks fragile, his coordination ability is beyond ordinary people's imagination. He perfectly avoided several fatal blows, and even Voldemort couldn't help but marvel at it.

This iron man looked too much like the David sculpture he had seen before.

"I told you to study the sculpture, but it seems you didn't do that."

Dumbledore said, waving his hand back again, transforming into a shorter but stronger Iron Man.

"No time, Dumbledore. You know I'm not particularly interested in Transfiguration."

Voldemort said while conjuring another "Iron Man".

In fact, he thought about conjuring a Gundam, but after all, the thing was not clear enough in Lin Zuo's memory, so he simply gave up.

As for the second Iron Man who stepped onto the battlefield, he was beaten so hard that he was unable to fight back almost as soon as he met the short Iron Man on the other side.

The short iron man is not very mobile, but his short body is extremely powerful.

It knocked down Voldemort's second Iron Man with two "clang" punches, and then jumped up and sat on his head, waving its fists desperately.

"Pay attention to the structure and features, Voldemort. Although your Iron Man looks good, its abilities are too mediocre." Dumbledore said, shaking his head.

As he said, the Iron Man created by Voldemort was only superficial.

If he is the real Iron Man, he can fly in the sky, escape from the ground, and have missiles, so he will not be afraid of fighting.

But the two human-sized iron men in front of them had average speed and strength, just like the human body was useless in the animal world.

And Dumbledore's Iron Man.

The former is tall and thin, fast and flexible. Although he cannot defeat Iron Man immediately, he can still fight with him vigorously.

The second Iron Man was very targeted and directly crushed Iron Man with explosive power and won a substantial victory.

Voldemort turned his head and glanced at the last iron rod behind him, knowing that he only had one last chance left in the Transfiguration Competition.

Looking at Dumbledore opposite, he was looking at him playfully.

Obviously, Lao Deng is not afraid at all when it comes to competing in transformation techniques.

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