Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 403 The Life-Destroying Wave Picture

It is not difficult for an adult wizard to conjure a stone giant.

Even if there are six, if it is just an illusion, a wizard with more powerful magic can do it.

But Dumbledore's six stone giants are obviously very different from those transformed by ordinary wizards.

They swung their javelins, and although they all seemed to be heading towards Voldemort, in fact only two javelins were facing his body.

The remaining four javelins are actually to block his movement space.

Such meticulous operations are definitely not something that a simple stone giant can do.


Voldemort did not wave his wand to resist, but directly mobilized two already formed magics to hit the two javelins that were coming straight.

As for the other four, since they were blocking space, Voldemort simply ignored them.

It is an instinct of a powerful wizard to use magic in the most mana-saving way.

Never let your magic run out, unless you face death at the next moment. This is the theory he taught his children when he was a professor.

And he himself also practices this fighting principle.

"Bang bang."

With two muffled sounds, the two javelins reversed their direction and deviated from their original trajectory.

And just when Voldemort was about to mobilize more spells to attack Dumbledore, the four javelins that were supposed to pass through him suddenly twisted in the air.

The fluctuations in magic power caused Voldemort to notice them instantly, and he instinctively waved his wand to deploy an iron armor spell.


With a crisp sound, the javelin twisted and turned into a strange, angular piece of iron like a plate.

Because of the change in form, the angle of their rotation also changed, and they strangely turned around and slashed towards Voldemort.

"Bang bang bang."

There were three muffled sounds in a row, and the Iron Armor Curse blocked the three iron pieces.

But the one with the weirdest trajectory actually circled around and struck behind Voldemort.


A crisp voice sounded behind him, and a chill appeared along a line on his back.

When it was cut open, hot blood surged out and penetrated the clothes, making the black robe stick to the body.

Then the pain hit, and the body began to shake slightly, as adrenaline surged.

Voldemort's eyes were filled with fighting intent.

The originally peaceful expression slowly turned ferocious.


Without any words, Voldemort waved his wand.

Along with the death curse flying out from the Elder Wand, dozens of starlights flew out around Voldemort.

This time, the spell's flight path was not straight.

They circled in strange arcs and attacked Dumbledore from almost all directions.

At the same time, six magic spells with the same light rushed towards a stone giant.

"Boom boom boom..."

The first ones to be touched by the curse were these stone giants.

Those explosive spells lit up and exploded with huge power, overturning six giants.

One of them was exploded between his legs by an explosion curse and lost both legs.

Some of the others had broken arms or heads, but most of them were still able to stand up.

Maybe Dumbledore can restore them by using the deformation ripples again, but he obviously doesn't have such time now.

The explosion sounded around him at the same time, and was more violent than the six.

The stone giant that covered him to shield him from the spell was blown to pieces.

With the stone chips flying, people couldn't see clearly what was going on inside. They could only see countless magic spells swarming away.

"Oh my God!"



The wizards in England stood up and shouted excitedly. They could not accept the outcome of Dumbledore's defeat or even death.

Whether mentally or physically, they were not prepared for this.

However, tragedy did not happen.

A high-pitched phoenix sounded at the last moment, and with the flicker of fire, Dumbledore disappeared into the invisible dust.

Voldemort turned his head and looked north the moment Dumbledore disappeared. Sure enough, Dumbledore was floating in the air holding the claws of Phoenix Fawkes - it looked like he had cast some kind of magic on himself.


Dumbledore said nothing. He used a spell while Voldemort looked over.

Voldemort raised his wand to resist, and at the same time directed the magic spell beside him to rush over.

But before those spells could get close to Dumbledore, Dumbledore disappeared together with Fawkes in a ball of flames.

When they appeared again, they were not far behind Voldemort.


Another curse struck, and Voldemort barely avoided it.


With Voldemort's roar, Phoenix, burning with fierce fire, appeared.


Under Voldemort's order, when Dumbledore appeared again, Phoenix immediately chased and attacked in a flash.

Fawkes was unfit to fight with Dumbledore hanging from his paw, so he could only blink again.

Dumbledore also took advantage of this moment to launch an attack on Voldemort.

Voldemort was a little angry after escaping the curse again. He wanted to imitate him, but Phoenix and he had never cooperated like this before, so the effect would definitely not be good.

But as soon as he thought about it, he found a way.

He waved the wand vigorously, and the magic spell hovering around him immediately spread slowly as if stirred by a whirlwind.

Before long, spells were scattered throughout the stadium.

And when Dumbledore flashed again, the spells around him attacked directly.

This caught Dumbledore off guard and separated him from Forbes.

Taking advantage of this gap, Phoenix went directly to Fox and got entangled with him.

Two phoenixes, one red and one black, kept flashing and fighting in the air.

The fallen feathers fell on the grass in strange trajectories.


The deformed Porto appears again, with Dumbledore trying to repair the Stone Giant.

He didn't have much magic power anymore, so it was obviously more labor-saving to restore a few giants again than to repair them.

And Voldemort was not idle either. He suddenly gathered all the spells and made them rush towards Dumbledore crazily.


Dumbledore stretched his wand forward, and a huge iron armor spell appeared.

"Bang bang bang~~~"

Countless curses followed one after another, and Dumbledore's body kept retreating after the impact.

His hair and beard were sprouting and his face was distorted. These curses brought him too much pressure.

But the iron armor curse was still held firmly by him, and it was not knocked away.

Voldemort squinted his eyes and looked closely at the front of Dumbledore's wand, and could see a ray of deformation wave flickering in the iron armor spell.

This is not an ordinary armor spell, it is a brand-new magic that has been changed.

Voldemort glanced at the lower left corner again. Lin Zuo was extinguished and the devil was awakening.


Voldemort, with a stern face, shook his wand fiercely, and when he finally pointed the wand at Dumbledore, a green ripple suddenly appeared.

Dumbledore, who was always paying attention to Voldemort's state, instantly widened his eyes in surprise.

"The Death Curse... no, the Death Curse Potu?"

His voice pierced the night sky, filled with surprise and disbelief.

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