Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 474 War preparation state

Compromise, compromise, compromise.

Not only Buckingham Palace cannot understand the behavior of the Ministry of Magic, but even the wizards cannot understand it.

Countless letters full of opposition, abuse, and humiliation were sent to the Ministry of Magic one by one by owls, but everyone, including Voldemort, turned a deaf ear to them.

"Can anyone see their purpose or any specific way to deal with it?"

The queen leaned on the throne and looked down at the nobles below and asked.

"Your Majesty the Queen."

Duke Baelish stood up and saluted and said, "If Voldemort was not involved in this matter, I think it would be a trustworthy treaty, and we might as well give up some plans for it, but now... I think this is just them Delaying for time.”

The Queen frowned slightly, but did not comment on Duke Baelish's words. She just looked at the other nobles.

"Resolve internal conflicts in a peaceful way, Your Majesty, I think we can bring up the old matter again, if they agree to honor you as king."

Marquis Tully stood up and sang against Duke Baelish as usual.

After the two, many nobles expressed their opinions, but they were nothing more than two positions:

Support the signing of the treaty, or oppose it.

In the end, the decision fell to the Queen.

"Since everyone's opinions cannot be unified, we might as well prepare for both sides. If we can take over the Ministry of Magic peacefully, the plan will not be implemented. If not..."

The queen's gaze shifted to look at a figure in the shadow behind the curtain in the hall, "Director, I think you will be happy to implement your plan, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The insidious voice sounded from there, causing many nobles to shiver unconsciously.

"This is just a false peace, gentlemen. War is bound to come. The only difference is who starts it."

In the auditorium of Castle Gunter, Voldemort sat high on the Black Serpent Throne, scanning the Death Eaters below.

From the faces of these Death Eaters, it is not difficult to see their surprise and surprise.

"Your Majesty, do you not support the Buckingham Palace Treaty signed today?" Crouch Jr. asked the crowd.

At least judging from Voldemort's public statements during this period, he supported and was optimistic about the signing of this treaty.

And internally, he never showed any other intentions to anyone.

"Minister Crouch supported it, and Dumbledore thought we could sign it. I wanted to celebrate with a life-threatening wave when the treaty was signed in Buckingham Palace, but Dumbledore refused."

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Voldemort's calm tone.

All the Death Eaters were speechless.

Deathstroke Potu, is that for celebration?

"Does Dumbledore still want to continue to wait and see?" Lucius, who saw the situation more clearly, asked.

Voldemort nodded slightly, then frowned and said: "But I am not optimistic about this ending. Everyone, the battle will definitely happen, and it will definitely be at Hogwarts."


Many Death Eaters screamed in surprise.

Although they represent ferocity, cruelty and pure blood, who hasn't had their youth?

And their teenagers are all in Hogwarts.

If Voldemort asked them to attack Hogwarts, that would be no problem.

After all, it was just a trip to his childhood school to cause a scene.

But if someone else comes to invade this campus that has special meaning in their hearts, the problem becomes different.

"Dumbledore is waiting and watching, but I'm sure those people will definitely take action. Therefore, I need some people to enter Hogwarts to strengthen the defensive magic there and be on standby to prepare for war."

As Voldemort spoke, his eyes scanned everyone, as if he was selecting personnel.

"Your Majesty, please let me go. After all, I went there not long ago."

Crouch Jr. was the first to ask for help, followed by Lucius.

Lucius gave the same reasons, and he did stay there for a while.

"Crouch will lead the team this time. Lucius, you have a more important mission."

Voldemort identified the leader and then ordered more than half of the Death Eaters to participate in the operation.

After the things here were settled, Voldemort took Lucius to his study.


On the way, the taciturn Neville suddenly said, "I also want to protect the school."

Voldemort glanced at him in surprise and said, "This surprises me, Neville. I thought you had no feelings for that."

"Although I was unhappy there..."

Neville, who was almost as tall as Voldemort, rubbed his nose sheepishly, "But that is indeed a place where I remember living a very happy life."

Voldemort stopped, thought for a moment and said, "This time it will be very dangerous. Are you sure you want to participate?"

"yes, I'm sure."

"As a protector, not as a student being protected?"

"Yes, sensei, as a protector."

Neville said and touched the two swords on his waist.

"Okay, if you..."

"Teacher, I'm going too."

Luna interrupted and said excitedly.

"If you promise not to get out of the fog you arranged, I will agree."

Voldemort felt more at ease with Luna.

After all, compared to Neville's tough fighting style, Luna's fighting style is much safer.

"I will do that, teacher, and I will wait for you to call back my mother's ghost from the other side of the curtain." Luna said with a smile.

Since Percy felt the "God of Death" last time, these wizards have become more and more convinced of the existence of the "God of Death".

"Okay then, you go find Crouch, he will arrange for you to go."

Voldemort waved the two of them away, and then took Lucius to the study on the second floor.


After Lucius closed the door, he turned around and saw Voldemort staring at him.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, has something happened?" Lucius asked, avoiding Voldemort's gaze.

Unprepared, he was indeed frightened by Voldemort's ferocious expression that he had not shown for a long time.

"The Malfoy family has been court wizards for generations. So, Lucius, do you have any contact there?" Voldemort narrowed his eyes and asked softly.

Lucius became nervous instantly, and his eyes couldn't help but look at Voldemort's right hand.

Fortunately, the hand was hitting the table rhythmically and did not pick up the elder wand.

But this didn't make the tension in his heart disappear. He even felt that if he didn't answer it well, he would be killed on the spot.


Lucius said in a hoarse voice.

Voldemort's squinted eyes opened, and he nodded, indicating that he could accept the answer.

And there was no expression of anger or dissatisfaction on his face.

"I'm giving you a task. It's a very important task. Can you avoid their detection?" Voldemort pointed to his head when he spoke.

Obviously, the so-called exploration is the violent way of magic against memory.


After hesitating for a moment, Lucius nodded again and answered.

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