Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 476 Take the initiative

"I asked you to expand the range of that magic, but you didn't do it."

Looking at the rows of armored vehicles below the castle and the enemies disembarking from the armored vehicles, Voldemort couldn't help but complain to Dumbledore beside him.

"I think so too, but that would be too much of a burden on the castle. Voldemort, if you are not a family member, you don't know how expensive food, rice, oil and salt are."

Dumbledore used a Chinese proverb, but there was no smile on his face.

Indeed, anyone who sees such a large formation standing at the door has no intention of joking.

"What do you think of me directly raiding Buckingham Palace?" Voldemort suddenly had an impulse and shook his head and couldn't help but ask Dumbledore.

"I don't think it was the right choice, Voldemort, but I'm surprised they didn't take you away."

Dumbledore frowned, as if thinking about why his enemy did this.

"There must be something to rely on, but I don't know where it is."

Voldemort's eyes scanned the camp the enemy was setting up. It seemed that these people wanted to fight a protracted war.

"How many large castles with magic sources like Hogwarts are there in England?" Voldemort suddenly asked curiously.

"Except for the Ministry of Magic building, which is at the same level as him, the rest are much different." Dumbledore replied.

"Not even Malfoy Manor?" Voldemort asked.

"The magic castle where wealth is accumulated, Voldemort, have you ever heard of anyone in their family who has made outstanding contributions to magic?" Dumbledore asked.

Voldemort thought for a moment and shook his head.

"So, they can't build such a castle. What's more, there are four giants in Hogwarts, and there are successive principals. Which one is not a genius in magic?" Dumbledore said proudly.

Voldemort nodded in approval.

He didn't ask why the Ministry of Magic building was so powerful. After all, the previous Ministers of Magic were not easy to deal with.

"Do you think they will go to war directly?" Voldemort asked again.

"I don't think so. They always do this for a purpose, don't they?" Dumbledore said, pushing up the glasses on his nose and looking at the professors who were strengthening the magic barriers.

"It's nothing more than wanting to gain real power in the wizarding world. North America scares them." Voldemort said with a smile.

Dumbledore gave him an annoyed look.

That look seemed to say, if it weren't for you, there wouldn't be so many Luo Lan.

"If it weren't for me, they wouldn't have been able to subvert quietly." Voldemort said dissatisfied.

"But that's not necessarily a bad thing."

Dumbledore's tone was somewhat unconfident, and Voldemort even scorned his words.

"Will you let vampires participate in this battle?" A somewhat embarrassed Dumbledore asked, changing the subject.

"No, this is not a life-and-death battle. We can abandon Hogwarts and leave. There is no need to risk everything." Voldemort said.

"Isn't it because those guys may not fight for you?" Dumbledore looked at Voldemort, staring into his eyes and asked.

Voldemort curled his lips and did not answer his question.

"I put the latest theory on the Transformation Curse in the Room of Requirement. If I die in this battle, you can go there and find it."

Dumbledore's words made Voldemort look at him in surprise.

"I have a premonition - it may not be accurate, you know I'm not good at divination - but the premonition is very strong, so I will probably die here."

"Don't make trouble, just let them do it?"

"There may be other reasons."

"I can't tell, and your joke isn't funny at all."

"This is no joke."

Dumbledore's expression was serious as he spoke, and the azure eyes behind his crescent moon glasses also revealed his sincerity.

"I didn't foresee anything." Voldemort frowned.

He was denying Dumbledore's premonition in disguise. After all, as a being of the same level, there was no reason that Dumbledore could see further.

"That's exactly the question, Voldemort, how long has it been since you did divination, or do you have any dreams about the future?"

Dumbledore's words made Voldemort stunned. He had indeed not felt this way for a long time.

As a wizard, it is normal to have premonitions of the future through dreams or whims.

For example, when he hid in Quirrell's body to meet Dumbledore, he felt that it would be a successful disguise, and it turned out to be successful in the end.

"Can you find the starting point of the loss of this ability to predict?" Dumbledore asked.

"When did you find out that I lost this ability?" Voldemort asked.

"Ever since I learned that you were ambushed, I've been curious about why you didn't reflect on it."

Dumbledore's words made Voldemort frown.

"It's not the right time to fall into self-doubt before a war, Voldemort, but you have indeed become a little arrogant recently." Dumbledore added.

Voldemort glared at Dumbledore angrily and said, "Arrogance does not affect my ability to predict the future. I think I lost this ability after my resurrection."

"No, it should be after you have the prophet's eye."

Dumbledore's words made Voldemort silent for a moment, and then he nodded: "It seems that this is a side effect of the prophet's eye."

"There is no such thing as getting without giving. Just like North America was stirred up by you, now you also have to bear the backlash from Buckingham Palace."

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly and said, "They are so determined to attack because of you, Voldemort. North America makes them afraid, and wizards also make them afraid."

"So they destroyed the Ministry of Magic and attacked Hogwarts to scare us?" Voldemort asked.

"Otherwise?" Dumbledore asked.

"I don't think I would be frightened by such a method, and I'm not a three-year-old child." Voldemort frowned dissatisfied.

"Look there, Voldemort, do you still think you can't?"

Dumbledore reached out and pointed not far away, behind a protective barrier, where Lucius was standing behind Draco and talking in detail.

"Lucius is the meanest and cold-blooded person I have ever seen, but even he values ​​family and children, so... they are using this operation to declare their strength to the wizarding world."

"Hmph, that was probably their biggest mistake for not getting me away."

Voldemort said, taking out the Elder Wand from his waist and preparing to launch the first attack - he had been impatient for a long time.

"Wait a minute, Voldemort, let's see what they are going to do first." Dumbledore stopped him and said.

Voldemort followed his gaze and looked into the distance in confusion, and saw the back compartment of a trailer slowly opening.

There was a big thing that looked like a pot lid, and five or six people who looked like engineers were busy on it.

"Secret weapon?" Voldemort asked.

"It seems so." Dumbledore nodded and asked uncertainly, "They are starting that machine, right?"

"Looks like it, I'll go destroy it."

As Voldemort spoke, he turned around and disappeared. Dumbledore, who had stopped him before, said nothing this time.

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