Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 479 City in the Sky

When the light of the life-seeking wave diagram flashed frequently on the battlefield.

The admiration, worship, hatred, and disgust all disappeared, leaving only trembling hearts.

Although the wizards among the enemies can avoid the spreading life-killing waves, the operators cannot.

Therefore, after the rays of light pass, pieces of corpses will appear.

Endless "evil" began to attack Voldemort's soul, making him sink deeper and deeper into the emotions of [The Demon King's Hour].

Regarding all this, Dumbledore, who often saw Voldemort flashing back to him to rest, saw it most clearly.

"Stop, Voldemort, or you will fall into darkness and be unable to extricate yourself."

Dumbledore's persuasion had no effect on Voldemort.

The latter didn't even bother to respond, only to disappear again after fixing it.

"Did those Muggles suffer over a hundred casualties?"

"It's over a long time ago. Oh my god, the Dark Lord's magic is so cruel."

"The question is, how will he deal with the backlash caused by the curse? Will the murderous Dark Lord not distinguish between friends and foes?"

No one can answer this last question. Even Percy, who has used the life-killing wave diagram, doesn't know what will happen in the end.

He only knew that if it were him, he would definitely be lost in endless "evil".

"Stop, Dark Lord, please stop."

Among the enemies, some finally began to speak out.


Voldemort's figure returned to the castle and looked at Dumbledore with a fierce look: "You answer."

Dumbledore nodded. He knew that Voldemort couldn't communicate with others in this state, because that would only make the outcome worse.

What's more, although it was Voldemort who made the other party speak, he is the principal of Hogwarts.

"The Dark Lord has stopped. Enemies in front of Hogwarts, tell us your purpose."

Dumbledore's voice spread throughout the battlefield, and everyone waited quietly.

"We have no intention of capturing Hogwarts. This is the treasure of the wizarding world, the hope of wizards, and precious..."

"Stop talking nonsense and tell the story."

Voldemort's roar spread throughout the battlefield, causing the other party's words to stop abruptly.

"Surrender, hand over the wizard list, dissolve the Ministry of Magic, and wizards take over the royal family..."


Before Dumbledore could reply, Voldemort had already given his answer.

The other party was silent for a long time, and the battlefield became quiet. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the final result.

"If you are going to resist pointlessly, we don't mind reducing Hogwarts to rubble."

Finally, the other side gave the final answer, and everyone's eyes turned to the top of the castle.

Dumbledore and Voldemort stood there, giving their final reply.

"I have never heard of a war targeting a school."

Dumbledore's voice echoed across the battlefield. He did not give a positive or negative answer, but raised a question.

"Are you ready to fight to the death with the wizarding world of England?"

Faced with such doubts, the other party was silent for a long time.

They may be thinking, or they may be asking for advice, but no matter what they are doing, Dumbledore's question still stings.

Although attacking the Ministry of Magic would make the wizarding world dissatisfied and even angry, it was still different from attacking Hogwarts.

Their behavior today has indeed exceeded the bottom line.

"Don't resist fearlessly, put down your wand and surrender, that's the best thing you can do..."

The choice was self-evident, and before they could finish their words, Voldemort's figure had already appeared above them.

A green wave appeared, the first place where the sound started.

“Swish swish~~~”

Countless figures disappeared, but there were always those who were slow to react and were affected by the curse and turned into corpses.

"Are you brave or impulsive?"

Dumbledore asked as Voldemort returned to his side.


Voldemort snorted angrily and did not answer. He just looked at the place where the Terminators gathered.

Obviously, he is preparing for a new round of fighting, and the termination machine is still his first choice.

However, before he set out, the wizards' surprised noises stopped him.

Dumbledore and Voldemort followed the gazes of the surprised wizards and saw a huge pot lid-like thing appearing in the sky.


A strange sound appeared, and the barrier began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It must be destroyed," Dumbledore shouted in horror.

The moment he spoke, Voldemort had already apparated onto this huge machine.


The wand was waved, and explosive ripples full of magic shot towards the flying machine.

But the top of the machine was also covered by large and small terminators. During the flight, the curse was rapidly reduced by invisible waves until it disappeared.

"The city in the sky can cover the entire Hogwarts. Surrender. This is your last choice."

The group of people who had spoken out before returned to the battlefield and began to loudly persuade them to surrender.

At the same time, the enemy's armed forces began to dispatch and rushed towards Hogwarts.

The battle begins after the Sky City appears.

"The professor is in front and the students are behind, ready to face the enemy."

Dumbledore's voice also echoed across the battlefield, and he was the first to wave his wand.

The flying pig sculptures on the left and right pillars of the castle gate were the first to jump out and rush towards the enemy. Then there was a rumble in the castle, and soon rows of statues rushed out.

This is the castle's guardian magic and does not require Dumbledore's magic. The castle will provide magic for these statues.

At the same time, the house elves in the cafeteria also rushed out, and they will fight together with the teachers and students of Hogwarts.

Voldemort in the sky has circled the City in the Sky several times, and even tried to rush inside several times.

Unfortunately, this huge machine is surrounded by termination machines, with no blind spots at 360 degrees, and magic cannot destroy it.

As for rushing in, the machine guns and snipers above are obviously to prevent this.


Voldemort apparated and landed directly on a terminator.

But before he could use magic, the sense of crisis in his heart made him choose to fly out without hesitation.


There was an explosion, it was the terminator that exploded, and the fragments scratched Voldemort's body.

Although it is not fatal, it may not be possible to continue flying in the air and find a breakthrough.


Apparating back to the castle, Dumbledore's eyes widened in surprise.

"What's wrong?" he asked impatiently.

"It was full of thorns, and they stung me."

Voldemort said while waving his wand to stop the bleeding and looking at the Castle in the Sky fiercely.

"Cannot be destroyed?" Dumbledore asked while using his wand to help Voldemort recover from his injuries.

After briefly stopping to think, Voldemort shook his head.

He couldn't destroy the Sky City, at least he couldn't think of a way yet.

"Then get ready to fight. The wave of the terminator is far enough away from here, and the magic is not completely useless."

Dumbledore waved his wand and tried a few small spells before saying.

"That's all." Voldemort nodded and replied.

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