Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 481 Cheating

After the city gate exploded, the enemy finally freed his hands.

They no longer allowed themselves to be killed by Voldemort and Neville, but drew out their swords and began to resist.

"Flash kill."

Voldemort roared, turned around and disappeared.

Neville was a step slower than him, but not as hard as the enemy.

Compared to their enemies, their advantage is that Dumbledore gave them the ability to Apparate at Hogwarts.

This gives them a huge advantage, especially in close combat situations.

Appearing suddenly behind the enemy, the long sword penetrated straight. Even though the enemy had experienced many battles and was on guard, he was still inevitably injured.

The two men, who had succeeded repeatedly, quickly attracted the enemy's attention as they killed enemies in a blink of an eye on the battlefield.

"The batsman plays defense and everyone else attacks as usual."

The enemy's headquarters issued an order, and the next moment, two out of every seven-person team gave up their wands and took out their bows and arrows.

Then, after the two Voldemorts suddenly appeared next to the enemy, they were immediately attacked by arrows.

"Neville, be careful to dodge, don't be too lazy to fight."

Voldemort warned, then held the Elder Wand in his left hand, blocking the arrow while stabbing the enemy in front of him in the throat with the long sword in his right hand.


The enemy only changed his body shape slightly, and the gap at his neck disappeared. The tip of the sword touched the enemy's armor, unable to penetrate it at all.


The long sword swung round and struck at Voldemort. Voldemort quickly flew away and flew higher to avoid the second arrow.

After that, he could only apparate and leave the team to avoid being surrounded.

Returning to Dumbledore's side, Voldemort looked at Neville who was fighting with the enemy next to Hagrid's hut.

Compared to Voldemort, Neville is more suitable for such a battle.

He was flying in the air, with more than a dozen boomerangs flying around him. At the same time, he would swoop down from time to time, killing the enemy with the two swords in his hands.

And even if the enemy has armor, Neville can still break the armor with his unique sword-cutting move.

In close combat with a sword, Neville was expert.

"Magic Swordsman, I really didn't expect that learning this thing would actually be useful." Dumbledore looked at Neville with a wry smile and said.

Voldemort curled his lips and did not tell Dumbledore that even if the other party could use magic, Neville would not be deterred.

This kid has really figured out a strategy that suits him.

Those constantly flying boomerangs can not only kill enemies, but also resist magic spells.

And its accuracy can even block three bullets in a row.

Such accuracy, not to mention the Death Eaters, even Voldemort himself was surprised.

"But compared to Neville..." Dumbledore said, pointing to a battlefield, "this student of yours is nothing like that."

Voldemort turned around and instantly saw a team surrounded by seven people.

The group was headed by Lucius Malfoy, and his two "bodyguards" were also there, and behind them, there were several groups of Hogwarts wizard apprentices.

Among them, naturally there is Draco, who often promotes his identity as a disciple of Voldemort.

And Dumbledore was talking about Draco.

The child was fighting with a frightened look on his face at this time, but although he was waving the wand and his posture looked decent, it was just that the spell... was so weak that it didn't need to be weakened anymore.

"He's scared."

Voldemort said something dissatisfied, and then looked down at the sword in his hand.

Sword and magic, he must choose one.

After all, he took a different path from Neville. If he had a wand and a sword, he would only care about one thing and not the other.


Putting away his sword, Voldemort turned around and disappeared, then reappeared, already on top of the enemy in front of Lucius.


The life-killing wave shot out vertically and enveloped the three people in an instant.


The sound of arrows being shot sounded, and Voldemort quickly turned around to avoid it, but the arrow still cut a long gash in his left ribs.

"Draco, be brave."

Voldemort roared angrily, then turned around in the air, returned to Dumbledore, and immediately said, "I feel that the arrow is poisonous."

As he spoke, he lifted up his tattered wizard robe, revealing the wound on his left rib.

Dumbledore reached out and wiped a little blood, then put it directly into his mouth to try.

"The stunner is a very heavy dose."

After he finished speaking, he immediately reminded everyone loudly.

Voldemort, who was standing next to him, was already swaying slightly.


The dazed Voldemort took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket and poured it into his mouth.

After a while, the confusion disappeared and Voldemort became energetic again.

"Using energy potion to resist the stun potion...does it have any side effects?" Dumbledore asked with a frown.

But in terms of potion level, Dumbledore was a step behind Voldemort.

"A slight mental abnormality will have little impact on the battle, and may even be a good thing."

Voldemort responded calmly, then apparated away again.

And not long after he left, Dumbledore finally began to join the battlefield.

Unlike Voldemort who went around killing people, Dumbledore mostly used transformation spells to support the team in trouble.

With his transforming puppets, teams that are at a disadvantage will always slowly regain their advantage.

And Dumbledore doesn't have to stay in a certain team for a long time. He can return to the high ground and continue to see where support is needed.

In this way, the battlefield slowly entered a balance. At least until no more enemies arrived, the Hogwarts faction had the advantage with its numbers and transformation skills.

Voldemort therefore had time to focus on the entire battlefield.

The Death Eaters spread out, each leading a different team to fight the enemy.

They are the real backbone, and even if the effect of the spell is severely weakened, their jinx is enough to make the enemy wary.

The professors' results were mixed. Teams led by professors such as McGonagall and Flitwick had a clear advantage.

However, the results of the team led by Professors such as Sprout and Quirrell were somewhat unsightly.

Among these professors, the most eye-catching one is Hagrid.

His towering stature is one reason, but more important is the way he fights.

Arrows for distance and sticks for close combat.

When the enemy's magic comes, he catches it with his face. Even if it is a weakened death curse, he will not make another sound.

The complete opposite is Snape.

He was leading Harry's team in the battle, but neither he nor Harry, nor those who fought with them, showed a passive attitude of accepting the challenge.

This made Voldemort couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and even observed them carefully for a while during the break.

"There's a lie there, isn't it?" Voldemort asked Dumbledore, who was also observing the situation.

Dumbledore immediately turned to look at Snape's team, and then nodded without hesitation.

"We have to get used to people like him, Voldemort. He always has his own ideas when we are hostile."

He didn't seem to care about Snape's behavior, and Voldemort didn't say anything more about it.

But the way he looked at Harry was a little strange.

Could it be that this child with thick eyebrows and big eyes also rebelled?

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