Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 483: Trapped

Voldemort and Dumbledore certainly did not come to the bridge to be stone lions.

Although they didn't say it explicitly, they both knew that this was where they fought.

Always find a place to bring out their two powerful advantages.

In the chaos of war, it is difficult for them to have such an opportunity because they have to support all parties. And this bridgehead with a single path is the best place.

"The third brigade is gathering here, setting up the artillery, setting up the artillery."

"The fourth brigade is ready to fly broomsticks, cross the bridge in the air, cross the bridge in the air."

"The first brigade is following me, preparing to break through the fog, control the wooden bridge, and pave the way for the rear army."

The sound in front of the fog became noisy, and the enemy had obviously made sufficient preparations.

"Explosion spell, prepare, three, two, one..."


A thick magic spell, following the enemy's loudest military order, slammed into the thick fog.

The thick beam of light did not diminish under the influence of the Sky City. The huge fluctuations in magic power allowed both Dumbledore and Voldemort to easily evade this magic.

As for Luna, her chuckle came from the mist, and it was obvious that the thick charm could not harm her.

The magic spell passed through the fog, moved away along the space above the wooden bridge, and slowly dissipated in the air.

"The spell cannot break the spell."

"It's mist witchcraft, and there are spirits belonging to other worlds in it."

"The first brigade is preparing to attack, and the other teams will stop advancing. The time of the storm is decided by the captain of the first brigade."

Clear military orders came from outside the fog, and Dumbledore and Voldemort were silent and prepared to fight.

Not long after, three teams of twenty-one enemies slowly penetrated into the fog in the shape of arrows.

"I am in charge of the first team of seven, and His Majesty and the principal are in charge of the two teams that coordinate on the left and right sides."

Luna's voice was thin but clear, as if ringing in the ears of Dumbledore and Voldemort.



The two of them answered quietly, then hid their figures and waited quietly.

Soon, the first team went deeper into the fog, and Dumbledore and Voldemort were ready to take action.

But just before they took action, a shout suddenly sounded from deep in the mist.

"Let me go, please."

"Don't come here, don't come here."

"I was wrong, I will never eat secretly again."

There were seven voices full of fear-filled shouts.

In other words, the moment the first team entered the depths of the fog, the entire army was destroyed.

Not to mention the enemies, even Dumbledore and Voldemort turned their heads and looked behind them curiously.

"Don't be surprised, it's the Dream Spirit. They are not dead yet, but they will be soon."

As Luna's voice rang in their ears, the smell of blood began to rise deep in the mist.

But then there were waves of magic spells and the enemy's voice calling for her companions. It was obvious that Luna failed to annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop.

Dumbledore and Voldemort also began to take action respectively. The former used the transformation spell, and the latter still used the life-killing wave.

The battlefield of the Transformation Spell never lacks heavy equipment for head-to-head confrontation. The thick fog on the left side of all the bridges soon started to roll, and the sounds of fighting could be heard from inside.

On the right side, there was an exclamation first, and then a melee broke out.

The exclamation began with a life-threatening wave at close range, killing four people in an instant.

If it weren't for the Sky City above and this life-threatening wave map, there would be no chance of a single person in this team being left alive.

After the life-threatening Potu took the lives of four people, the remaining three began to fight back.

Even if there were only three people, they maintained a formation of one in front and two in back. While keeping a distance to prevent being destroyed by the group, they drew their swords.

Voldemort no longer has the opportunity to use the life-killing wave at close range, so he can only use a powerful curse to attack from a distance.

The two battlefields, one on the left and one on the right, were fiercely fought, and Luna in the depths of the thick fog frequently mobilized her "spirit" to attack the invading enemies.

The battle lasted only a moment, and the remaining four groups of the enemy's first group joined the battlefield.

This greatly increased the pressure on the three of them, and Dumbledore's shouts were heard frequently. He seemed to be ordering the deformed puppets.

As for Voldemort, he apparated from time to time to change his location, or used the Disillusionment Curse to hide his figure.

However, the enemies were experienced and numerous, and the effect of the spell was reduced, making him tired of dealing with them.

Luna, on the other hand, has always been hidden deep in the mist, never making a sound, and no one knows what the situation is there.

After half an hour, the voices in the mist became smaller and smaller, and several of the enemies withdrew to report the battle situation.

Finally, after a while, the fog stopped rolling and everything became calm.

"Albus, how is the situation?" A tired Voldemort sat on the ground and asked loudly to the left.

"You can't die." A breathy reply came from the other side of the mist.

At this time, Dumbledore was half lying in the arms of his puppet, using his wand to heal the scar on his chest.

"Luna, what about you?" Voldemort asked back.


Luna answered loudly, but there was a hint of crying in her words.

At this time, she was kneeling on the ground, holding several mist figures, which were dead "spirits".

"All the batters of the third team support the second team, the second team attacks hard, and the third team prepares."

The enemy's command sounded again, and soon enemies entered the fog.

"The number of archers has increased, everyone, be careful."

Voldemort, who had already vaguely glimpsed the enemy's lineup, reminded the two of them loudly.

It was his reminder that caused more enemies to rush towards his direction.

Voldemort is naturally not afraid of fighting, but when he is alone, he must constantly change his body to fight.


There was a sudden vibration in the sky. It was the City in the Sky, which was increasing the frequency of the termination machine.


Voldemort turned around and tried to change his position through Apparition, but he suddenly discovered that he was still stagnant in place after spinning.

"Damn it, they increased the power. Apparition is no longer possible. Pay attention to your safety."

After warning the two loudly, Voldemort pointed the Elder Wand to the ground.


The ground beneath their feet was exploded, and rubble flew away, slowing down the enemy's advance.

"Boom boom boom~~"

Suddenly there were several shaking sounds on the left side, interspersed with Dumbledore's wails.

"What's wrong?"

Voldemort yelled at Dumbledore and asked as he transformed a puppet to stand in front of him.

"The enemy used a combination of explosive spells to bombard the principal, and he was seriously injured." Luna's voice sounded from deep in the fog.

"Damn it."

Voldemort roared, flew close to the ground and rushed to the left.

And not long after he left here, a thick explosive spell fell on him.

Fortunately he left, otherwise he would have been seriously injured.

"Albus, retreat first."

Arriving at Dumbledore's location, he saw that his body was covered in blood. Voldemort didn't have time to check his injuries and asked him to leave.

"you alone……"

"And Luna."

"Can't apparate..."

"I can fly."

After blocking Dumbledore's mouth with two words, Voldemort, who supported the Iron Armor Curse, began to cover Dumbledore's retreat.

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